So here is my arm/calve workout from last night.
Straight bar cable curls
15x1, 12x1, 10x1, 5x1, 5x1
Db curl
Hammer curl
Concentration curl machine
Seated dips
15x1, 12x1, 10x1, 5x1, 5x1
Overhead db ext
Seated calve raises
I don't like to go heavy with arms I'd rather full them with blood getting a good squeeze. I had to skip a few calf exercises because the gym was packed and my time was limited.
I felt strong for sure even when the weights started getting heavy at the end of each set I had enough to push through and finish out my sets.
Over the next few days my workouts my consist of snow shoveling and snowball fits with my son seeing were getting hammered in the northeast, hopefully the roads will be clear and gym open by Sunday.