Headaches have continued im going to have to cut out my pre workout and see is that helps at all I felt so sick yesterday I couldn't even workout. Hope this passes I don't want to end the cycle.
yeah. I hope the headaches stop. I remember getting one from taking a vasodiolator. I don't remember which one. But I've never had nor have heard any getting headaches from DMZ. Which pre-wrokout were you taking?
I usually mix it with my AI cycle support so it taste like orange haha. Headaches have subsided a bit I cut the beta alinane which seemed to help a little too, the flushing it was giving me was getting to be a little much anyway.
I usually mix it with my AI cycle support so it taste like orange haha. Headaches have subsided a bit I cut the beta alinane which seemed to help a little too, the flushing it was giving me was getting to be a little much anyway.
So another week down weight was at 191.2 this morning. Everything's going pretty good headaches have subsided which is great because I want to do nothing but sleep when I have them. Other then that little issue I have felt great no lethargy, I don't really feel shut down at all my soldier still stands when he's told. I need to keep eating though i have been getting lazy and just eating a ton of carbs which I love when I'm on anything. I just finished my first bottle which is bitter sweet I hope the gains continue. Now I need the snow to stay away so I can keep hitting the weights too.
Body has been giving me a few issues this week lots of aches and pains (shoulders/ankles) not sure if it's this crazy weather New Jersey has been having or what but I have been taking it easy this week I did chest and shoulders Monday going to legs and maybe arms tomorrow then I'll be heading into NYC for the weekend to see a concert and wine and dine my wife for vday. This should be the rest I need to push through hard till the end of this glorious ride I have been on.
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