My S4/GW Cycle Log (Sponsored by Sarms Search)

Well, I couldn't let jozif have all the fun, so I got home today and decided to head to the gym for round 2 and hit arms!

Holy shit this is getting good. I seemed to get stronger with every set and found myself increasing weight with each set yet doing the same or more reps. I kept switching between biceps and triceps exercises. The pump was phenomenal!

I think I'll take the next day or two off, but I know that's gonna be hard to do because right now all I want to do is be in the gym!
i made the same mistake. I bulked for 6 years straight. Don't get me wrong, i got big, but chubby as hell. Now once I slim down to a low bf% i'm going to make all lean gains. No more heavy bulking and putting on tons of fat.
i made the same mistake. I bulked for 6 years straight. Don't get me wrong, i got big, but chubby as hell. Now once I slim down to a low bf% i'm going to make all lean gains. No more heavy bulking and putting on tons of fat.

I've been on a roller coaster for years. My biggest problem is family and schedule. When no one else in the house wants to eat how your eating it makes things tough. Weekends are really the only time my family gets to spend together due to the wife and I working opposite shift, so on the weekends we are usually out and about all day. No one wants to eat as many times as I do and of course they don't want to eat chicken and asparagus ya know? They want pizza and burgers.

Anyone with kids knows what I'm talking about. Thats life, im not trying to get down to 10% bf. I just want to be able to go to the beach and not be embarrassed to take my shirt off haha.

I'm going into my 3rd month on trt, so I think I should start seeing more lean body mass changes in the coming months.
Well I took the last couple of days off and hit the gym this morning. I did back and some bi's. I couldn't really tell you all the different weights I used for each exercise because I did this whole workout by feel for the most part keeping reps between 12-20. If I hit 20 I kept throwing weight on until I did 12-15. I did a lot of drop sets and sets to failure. I feel like I can stay in the gym all day, but I have to work haha.

I did hammer pulldowns, hammer rows, Lat pulldowns, seat rows with single arms cables, then did some seated DB curls and then some preacher curls. After that I did some close grip seated cable rows. On the last set I dropped weight and went to failure like 5 times. Had a great pump walking out of the gym.
Did legs today! I started with squats and I haven't been going heavier than 225lbs, but today I decided to do a little more. All exercises have just 1 min rest between sets.

Warm up 135x14

Then I did leg presses with just 4 plates on each side. 4x15, by then it was getting hard to walk, so I decided to give my quads a rest and do some calf raises on the leg press. 4 sets of 15.

After that I went and did leg ext. I could barely do 100lbs. I did 4x12.

Finally I did some more calf raises 4x15 and then jumped on an ellyptical for just 15min.

Then came the hardest part of the workout.......walking down the stairs lol

I looked and felt a lot leaner today than I have so far, maybe I'll wait another week and post another pic. I'm having fun on this run!
Alright people I'm one of the biggest skeptics you will ever meet and I'm here to tell you this shit is for real!

I came in the gym to do chest today. Last week I was hitting 12 reps with 225lbs on flat barbell bench. This week I started with 135 and did 25 reps to warm up. I went straight to 225lbs and blasted out 15reps. Next set crushed another 15 reps. 3rd set I started to fatigue a bit and hit 12. I threw some 10's on for the next set and hit 245 lbs for 8 reps. I felt huge as hell and have an awesome pump right now.

Keep in mind I've had 2 surgeries on my left shoulder and my right had an AC joint seteperation before and I have never felt this strong. I am being careful not to increase weight too much. Just trying to do more reps. I've learned not to go up in weight too fast.

Anyway, I followed that with DB incline bench and stayed with 75's for 4 sets of 10. Then did some pec Dec for 4 sets and finally some cable crossovers for 5 sets. Just trying to get as much blood in there as I could. Walked out of the gym like a brick shithouse!

Did I say I was feeling awesome? If you have never run SARMS before I'm here to tell you that you're missing out!
Did shoulders this morning. Started with seated DB shoulder presses. Warmed up with a set of 50's for 20reps. Then used 70's for 4 sets of 12. I did a drop set on the last one. 70's, 55's, 35's.

From there I did side lateral raises, scarecrows and front raises with cables. I did 12-15 reps and 4 sets for everything and doing drop sets on the last set.

Insane pumps are pretty much the norm at this point. I went to the grocery store after the gym today and got a lot of weird looks from people. Haha
Looking great over here!! Knew you'd enjoy your Sarms. When you do your part in the gym and in the kitchen like you are, the sky's the limit when it comes to results you'll see. Keep it up!
I woke up and did arms this morning. Again amazing pump! People are starting to look at me funny. The smaller guys move when I come through and the bigger guys mean mug me lol. Funny thing is my well being is through the roof ,so I couldn't care less.

I'll spare you the set and rep scheme for now, but I'm feeling pretty jacked right now. The wife told me I better not be talking to girls lol. Having fun now!
I woke up and did arms this morning. Again amazing pump! People are starting to look at me funny. The smaller guys move when I come through and the bigger guys mean mug me lol. Funny thing is my well being is through the roof ,so I couldn't care less.

I'll spare you the set and rep scheme for now, but I'm feeling pretty jacked right now. The wife told me I better not be talking to girls lol. Having fun now!

Lol this was a good post. Made my day.
I woke up and did arms this morning. Again amazing pump! People are starting to look at me funny. The smaller guys move when I come through and the bigger guys mean mug me lol. Funny thing is my well being is through the roof ,so I couldn't care less.

I'll spare you the set and rep scheme for now, but I'm feeling pretty jacked right now. The wife told me I better not be talking to girls lol. Having fun now!

This is great lol. Glad your Sarms are being good to you. Keep it up!