My experience with 3j diet


city of the sun
Brothers and sisters here @ sterodology...
Well.. I just wanted to share my experience with 3j..

My story started like few years ago , when I let myself go with alcohol and night life.. Once in a sudden I hit the 264 lb and I'm 5'8 .. I decided its time to change my life and be the person I wanted to be.. I ve done all kinds of diets , and found some success with Atkins.. I went from 264 to 180

Weight? I ve lost weight.. I looked good putting my dress on , but so funny naked..and got stuck with my diet and body form.. No changes.. No improvement at all.. Here at this point.. I decided to go with 3j.

I ve contacted the guy .. And submitted the form after answering all his questions... And few days later on .. My designed diet came to me..
Now.. I'm on my week 3 with him .. And let me make a summery:
1- if I need anything, if I have a question , this guy is answering me on spot,and believe me guys, I'm a pain in the ass when it comes to details,, was he angry? Never.. Late??never. He just answers me with a smile..

2- my goal, unlike many of u , isn't bulking.. It's getting shredded as much as possible not caring much about the mass.. Now I went from 180 to 169.. Not bad ?? Ha ? not with my goals..
Lets move to the funny part.. Did I lose mass?? Nooooooo. I'm surprised myself.

3- regarding my waist.. From 34.5 to 32 .. Is that possible? Yes...

4- let me speak about my diet .. He gave me more calories than what I usually consume (when I got stuck with results) but the truth is that I feel his diet is harder.

5- is he forgiving? Ummmm... Not with me.. I wish he can read my post and allow me for a cheat meal next Friday ,,, cuz from 3 weeks, he is been kicking my ass non stop lmao..
Mr 3j..if u r reading.. Can I get a pizza slice in this life???

6- he changed my working out routine,,, stamina is sky high... No pre work out supplements taken.

7- The guy helped me, for free.. Before I started business with him , and that's why I wanted to go for something more comprehensive and I'm glad I did. The results are awesome.

Well.. Some of you would think of my post as an advertisement... And I really don't mind .. Let it be like that..
The guy is the real deal.

It's a small thing to offer to u 3j .. I'm thankful for the results so far..
Thank you sir for taking my case..
Lets go for more, and I ll be posting pix before and after, when i ll be proud of the (after) person that I'm sure ill be few weeks from now.
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Funny I was at the gym the other day looking at my progress threw the mirrors, thinking to myself I always hit a plateau. I cycle,get to a certain size, pct then loose most of the size after, cycle again then get back up to that size and weight. My diet is not were it should be I'm definatley going to consider hooking up with 3j.
Funny I was at the gym the other day looking at my progress threw the mirrors, thinking to myself I always hit a plateau. I cycle,get to a certain size, pct then loose most of the size after, cycle again then get back up to that size and weight. My diet is not were it should be I'm definatley going to consider hooking up with 3j.

Let me tell you this.. You won't be sorry. Hold on to his diet by gram.. dont skip your meals.. and set your goals the way u want them . Good luck in advance
How is his diet as far as cost? I saw a diet a guy was on the about a month ago(not 3j) but jeez it looked like it cost $15-20 a day with everything he was eating to bulk up.
How is his diet as far as cost? I saw a diet a guy was on the about a month ago(not 3j) but jeez it looked like it cost $15-20 a day with everything he was eating to bulk up.

Oh please. For $16 I can eat 10lb of chicken every day. If you're too scared to go all in on something then own that. But there's no need to create a bloated view of cost.

Hell, maybe I should hook up and provide prepackaged meals with 3j... BC if people are willing to pay what they think things cost, I could make some cash! only caveat is I'm in the States. Dunno about food elsewhere.
Oh please. For $16 I can eat 10lb of chicken every day. If you're too scared to go all in on something then own that. But there's no need to create a bloated view of cost.

Cost is a major factor in a lot of peoples lives. Its information I would like to know. I'm sorry If cant afford $500 a month in food.
No need to get all dramatic. My point is that ur exaggerating food prices. Did the diet call for 10lb of meat a day? I seriously doubt it. And eating clean is way cheaper than packing down chips soda and mcds.

I know.. I feed a family of 7 people every day. And I feed us all on about twice the cost you estimate.

6oz chicken, a big ass salad, broccoli, and a sweet potato should cost about $2.

And as an aside, if you can't afford the food, how can people afford the gear????
Interesting, does he plan your diets? Or a 3DMJ approach and just give you macros and lets you fill them up?
Gave me lots of options on what to eat, frequencies and amounts - my goal was to cut bf% but maintain my muscle. So far so good - Just pre packaged a lot of meals in ziplocs and thought about the cost as I was cooking everything up - nothing compared to a couple trips to fast food.
How is his diet as far as cost? I saw a diet a guy was on the about a month ago(not 3j) but jeez it looked like it cost $15-20 a day with everything he was eating to bulk up.

I choosed the basic plan which cost me 125 $, and it includes 5 weeks of diet coaching.. He also changed my working out , and split.
I'm sure he has several packages, so try to contact him cuz I'm not sure about the other packages cost

And regarding food cost itself.. I guess I'm paying less than what I used before while on Atkins , and a lot lot less than when I was not dieting at all.
Sorry I really dunno food cost in the US

Most of the meals contain 6-7 ounces of meat,Fish,steak or chicken breast.. And u have the option of taking 2 protein scoops in some meals ... All meals contain a cup of veggies, 2 if needed.. . So depending on where u live, make the calculation it could be easier and more accurate this way.
My diet plan contains 6 meals/day. Dunno if its the same for everyone.
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Interesting, does he plan your diets? Or a 3DMJ approach and just give you macros and lets you fill them up?

Actually , in my case, he planed my diet in details.. He listed the 6 meals including macros , and gave me weight (gm) for each choice, and gave me many choices for each macro.. And then went very specific.
A protein example, if I choose the tuna option , I can go for a peanut butter spoon , but if I choose the chicken breast (on the same meal) I can't take the peanut butter spoon.
My diet was very specific and detailed.
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Gave me lots of options on what to eat, frequencies and amounts - my goal was to cut bf% but maintain my muscle. So far so good - Just pre packaged a lot of meals in ziplocs and thought about the cost as I was cooking everything up - nothing compared to a couple trips to fast food.

Same here, good luck buddy
rida, thanks for the kind words.. your hard work and dedication has as much to do with it as my system of dieting and training..

for those of you who worry about the cost of food, i work with college kids on a measly budget... if you go eat fast food twice a day you have already spent more then you would on the foods in my diet daily...

most my clients either break even or save money when they start my diet..
you won't be sorry if you get on a 3j diet. his customer service is worth more than he charges. He answers super fast, i didn't like some of the thigns on my diet, he had options for me. he's not just going to say here is your diet bye. he is going to walk you through step by step, make sure you're sending him pics and measurements. he is legit and knows what he is doing. I would recommend him to ANYONE who has any type of fitness goal, rather it be bulk up or lose weight. He knows his shit, and he is as nice as you could ask anyone to be. He answered every question I had, and gave me nothing but good advice. It's up to us rather we take the advice though. If you do what he says you will meet your goal, if you don't I'll give you your money back myself! That is how confident I am in him!
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Interesting, does he plan your diets? Or a 3DMJ approach and just give you macros and lets you fill them up?

He tells you what to eat each meal. he can adjust it if youd like, but yes it's an actual plan, you do n't have to go do a bunch of math. get a digital food scale or postal scale and that's all you'll need. and something to package your meals in to take to work or wherever you go! He makes it as simple as cooking your lunch once a week. I cooked my breakfast and dinner each night but made lunch in bulk, and the mid meals.