My Experince with IGF-1 DES

Rastas just add 2ml bac water to 1mg igf

That's 500mcg/1ml
10mcg/each tic or line

Slin pins are numbered by 10's
Each line of 10 is 50mcg

Dcal really no need for insulin at this point. Just continue with AAS/Peptides until you reach a point where you really can't grow because insulin will make you fat just as fast as it can add muscle.
Yeah it's just an idea at this point, I know it can fuck shit up if you don't use it right, besides still got a lot of learning to do and I'm in no rush, slow and steady in this game goes a long way
Instead of making a new thread, I thought I would ask here. I want to run DES during my post cycle therapy (pct). I am running test e so I have a 2 week period between my final pin and start of post cycle therapy (pct). Can I run DES for that whole time (2 weeks pre post cycle therapy (pct) and during post cycle therapy (pct) for a total of 6 weeks) or should I just stick to the 4 weeks of post cycle therapy (pct)? I've read conflicting information that is should be ran 4 weeks on/off and others that say it does not need to be cycled.