My "Fat Burning" cycle??


New member
I'm aprox 5'7'' 250lbs w muscle covered with fat (upper 30s% in Body fat)...

I plan to run a 4 month cycle (16 weeks) straight of:

-HGH 4 IUs 6 days/wk

-Anavar 15mg 2/day

-Winstrol 50mg 3/wk

-Test Enanthate 200mg/wk

-Phentermine 37.5mg 3/wk

-Alli 3/day

Thoughts? Any help or constructive critisism will be appreciated...Thnx!
I'm aprox 5'7'' 250lbs w muscle covered with fat (upper 30s% in Body fat)...

I plan to run a 4 month cycle (16 weeks) straight of:

-HGH 4 IUs 6 days/wk

-Armour Thyroid 90mg 1/day (its a combo of T3/T4 tab)

-Anavar 15mg 2/day

-Winstrol 50mg 3/wk

-Test Enanthate 200mg/wk

-Phentermine 37.5mg 3/wk

-Alli 3/day

Thoughts? Any help or constructive critisism will be appreciated...Thnx!
Put the money into a good nutritionist, such as 3J from the board. No offense, but with a lot of body fat you are going to enter a world of problems controlling your hormones, and you will also mess yourself up on all those orals.

Steroids are best used at lower bf, as estrogen becomes more of a serious issue for those with a higher bf.

Also, how long have you been lifting?
I think Phentermine or Adipex is serious stuff. I also think you shouldn't take anything until you drop 15% and get in the low 20%. Your diet is obviously terrible and no one on this forum will support you using chemicals for a quick fix. The VAR and Winstrol (winny) terrible. The var/ Winstrol (winny) and Phentermine is going to sky rocket BP and destroy lipid profile. Strap yourself to a treadmill for 90 days and eat clean. Than come back and ask for advice
I'm aprox 5'7'' 250lbs w muscle covered with fat (upper 30s% in Body fat)...

I plan to run a 4 month cycle (16 weeks) straight of:

-HGH 4 IUs 6 days/wk

-Anavar 15mg 2/day

-Winstrol 50mg 3/wk

-Test Enanthate 200mg/wk

-Phentermine 37.5mg 3/wk

-Alli 3/day

Thoughts? Any help or constructive critisism will be appreciated...Thnx!

Do not post the same exact thread in multiple places.

Also, listen to apetrills. No point running gear if you are fat.
Change the diet bud. Also I'd drop the Winstrol (winny) and run masteron instead. Blocks out estrogen and keeps you hard. For me it helped me drop fat and get veiny as fuck. But I was 12% bf and got down to 9%. Diet is your best bet.
Dunno I am so new here, but many people say not to run 2 Orals at the same time, also many others would say that the length for an oral cycle should be 6 week weeks max , specially for winstrol !! It's very liver toxic but as for anavar , I ve seen the 8 week cycles a lot..
I'm aprox 5'7'' 250lbs w muscle covered with fat (upper 30s% in Body fat)...

I plan to run a 4 month cycle (16 weeks) straight of:

-HGH 4 IUs 6 days/wk

-Armour Thyroid 90mg 1/day (its a combo of T3/T4 tab)

-Anavar 15mg 2/day

-Winstrol 50mg 3/wk

-Test Enanthate 200mg/wk

-Phentermine 37.5mg 3/wk

-Alli 3/day

Thoughts? Any help or constructive critisism will be appreciated...Thnx!

3 years ago I was 6'2 341 lbs...

Work your ass off in the gym and use 3J's diet. I am on now..

I lost 65 lbs on my own before I used AAS. I then lost 31 lbs on a cycle last year.

I am cutting now using 3J, and start my cycle Jan 2nd.

DO NOT START CYCLE with 30% Body fat..

Complete waste of money.
Go with 3J. I'm down 12lbs and 3 inches off my stomach in three weeks.

4 days for me and Im down 3 lbs and a inch..

3J is a mad scientist..

I made one mistake today added Peanut Butter to my PWO bagel and now Im pissed the fuck off. Dont wanna disapoint him lol
Thanks for the feedback, I appreciate the honesty and no offense taken.

I've been working out for years.

My body fat is due to poor eating habbits (mostly nights & weekends only). I had it under control for a while but had an injury that stopped me from working out for 3 months.

Dont know who 3J is but he sounds great. I actually have a lady friend of mine that is a nutrisionist/fitness model and will help me out w the eating for free. so I should have the eating down right.

Whats AAS?
I think Phentermine or Adipex is serious stuff. I also think you shouldn't take anything until you drop 15% and get in the low 20%. Your diet is obviously terrible and no one on this forum will support you using chemicals for a quick fix. The Anavar (var) and Winstrol (winny) terrible. The Anavar (var) / Winstrol (winny) and Phentermine is going to sky rocket BP and destroy lipid profile. Strap yourself to a treadmill for 90 days and eat clean. Than come back and ask for advice

Thanks for the advice...How many days cardio a week, for how long of time? what type of cardio??

Thanks again
Do not post the same exact thread in multiple places.

Also, listen to apetrills. No point running gear if you are fat.

My bad Infection about the Double thread...I'm a rookie here.

I know that my stats sound like I'm a Fat cow But I can jog 3 miles, do 30min cadio on any machine in the gym, I can do about 30 perfectly straight push-ups w out stopping, I can bench 185lbs 10 reps. so yeah Im fat but I'm fit. My eating habbits can improve but are not horrible. I DO have bad genetics....everyone in my family is over weight and no one works out.
Hey bro listen. I'm not gonna bash you for wanting to jump into cycling but you are not ready IMO. I got up to 330 lbs and wanted to run a cutting cycle too but i did my due diligence and found i was clearly not in position to do so. I lost 105 lbs before I even ran my first. Check my profile and thread for pics to see. You CAN drop the weight naturally. Get a solid base before trying aas.

Also I'm sure others will agree that your first cycle should be test only followed by pct. see how you react to one compound vs several right off the bat. You're better served that way. This may not be want you want to hear but I'd seriously reconsider your decision. I'm a rookie here but learned a lot just by reading these forums. Get your diet in check look into HIIT training and make a lifestyle change. It worked for me. Good luck.
That Armour thyroid isn't ideal for thyroid supplementation when dieting. When your shit down-regulates (and it will,) the T4 (which is what most of it is) will be converted into excess rT3 instead of T3 which will still bind to the T3 receptors but doesn't do anything.
If you're going to mess with your thyroid, skip T4 and go straight for T3. I speak for experience on this.

Too much T3 = catabolism (at really higher doses, worse things)
Too much T4 = fuck you hormone levels completely up

I take a prescribed 90mg of Armour every day because me and whole freakin' family have Hashimoto's :)