My first advanced cycle


New member
This is going to be my 1st advanced cycle,10 weeks total.

Week 1-10 : sustanon (600mg per week split into 2 shots Monday, Friday)

Week 1-6: tren Ace 100mg every Monday, Wednesday and Friday

Oral kickstart Beastdrol 20mg ED

Week 6-10: Mastaplex (made up of 50mg/ml drostanolone propionate.
150mg/ml drostanolone enanthate) - 200mg per week split into 2 shots Monday, Friday)

Clenbuterol 2 week on, 2 weeks off. (start with 40mcg, until 120mcg maximum)

hcg during last 4 weeks
Clomid 100mg ED, nolva 40mg ED 2 weeks after last Masteron short.

Aim of cycle: cut down to nearly contest shape. Already did in the past but going for a more advanced cycle this time.

Just to give an idea where I stand and what my history is:

I want to regain this condition with this cycle. )photos taken in June 2010 after contest-like diet) Used anavar,winny,t3 and clen for this cut.

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This is me after my winter 2010 bulk, after having my 1st injectible cycle of sust/deca

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this is me in March 5 weeks into my diet. (right now im into my 11th week of dieting)

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Plan to start the cycle which the topic is about in May 16th.

Sorry for the long post but I guess it gives a clear idea now.
Shoot the Sustanon (sust) e2d.
Shoot the Tren ed.
Shoot the Mast e2d.

Run all compounds for min 10 weeks because of Sust.

That's what I would do.
the masteron eth is not going to do much if anything for a 5 week length of time. the sustanon would be a little better if run for 12 weeks.
id run the tren at least 8 weeks, shit who am i kidding id run that for 12 weeks too lol.

you wont really nead an oral with this cycle, i feel ace after 3rd shot
thanks for the replies.

so would a week 1-12 sustanon, week 1-10 tren ace be better?

or would a sustanon a week 1-12 sustanon, week 1-8 tren ace be better?

Financially I can afford such a cycle, I am just asking for the best way to take this cycle.
thanks for the replies.

so would a week 1-12 sustanon, week 1-10 tren ace be better?

or would a sustanon a week 1-12 sustanon, week 1-8 tren ace be better?

Financially I can afford such a cycle, I am just asking for the best way to take this cycle.

And add the mast in there throughout.
to keep blood leves as stable as possible you need to pin the tren EOD, NOT m, w, f.....EOD is much better at keeping blood levels stable being the ace ester......
If your gonna run tren, your might as well just run this stack instead..

Test Prop EOD/E2D
Tren Ace EOD/E2D
Mast Prop EOD/E2D

Id increase the mast dosage, id drop the mastiplex totally...
If you gonna run Tren you gotta pin anyway, so mast prop would be better.