my first attempt at preparing a cycle!


please let my know what you think or help me to improve it?

First testosterone enanthate cycle


26 Years Old

170 pounds


Diet: I Will eat healthy diet 6-8 meals a day that’s including shakes (whilst on cycle)

For my cycle I will take protein at 1.5/2 grams per pound of body weight. 2.5 grams of carbohydrates per pound of body weight, and 0.25 grams of fat per pound of body weight.

week 1 400mg testosterone enanthate =Monday 200mg – Thursday 200mg
week 2 400mg testosterone enanthate
week 3 400mg testosterone enanthate
week 4 400mg testosterone enanthate
week 5 500mg testosterone enanthate =Monday 250mg – Thursday 250mg
week 6 500mg testosterone enanthate
week 7 500mg testosterone enanthate
week 8 500mg testosterone enanthate
week 9 500mg testosterone enanthate
week 10 500mg testosterone enanthate

CLOMID Therapy: will start 2 weeks after my last shot and will go like this
WEEK 1 300MG 100MG 100MG 100MG 100MG 100MG 100MG
WEEK 2 100MG 100MG 100MG 100MG 50MG 50MG 50MG
WEEK 3 50 MG 50MG 50 MG 50MG 50MG 50MG 50MG

Nolvadex: 20mg Every Day to counter the effect of gyno

Gyno: If gyno symptoms continue to occur while on 20mg of Nolvadex ED, I will up the dosage to 30mg ED. If it persists I will up it to 40mg ED. Hopefully this will not happen and 20mg is sufficient for the whole of the cycle and post cycle therapy (pct).

Injecting: I will draw the oil up with a bigger pin, and will inject it with a smaller one. That if I have the choice.

First I will push the plunger down till the air out the syringe is out, and oil drips out of the needle. Then I will clean the area with a cotton swab and alcohol and inject with one swift motion. Then I will remove the needle and clean area with cotton swab and alcohol.

Injection sites. Will rotate from right quad to left quad, to right glute to left glute. (Considering deltoids, most likely to not use them). This will give the receptors time to recover and absorb through a fresh receptor.

Aborting the cycle: if I have to abort the cycle for a reason (hopefully not) after injection number ‘X’, I will wait 2 weeks for the Testosterone level to drop, Then carry on to post cycle therapy (pct) procedure as normal. During this time I will take Nolvadex at my current dosage till the end of post cycle therapy (pct) every day.
I'm certainly no expert, I'm on my first cycle myself - I have basically the same thing going, 500mg for 12 weeks, basically the same post cycle therapy (pct).

I'd make sure you have an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on hand such as armidex or aromasin in the event of gyno during your cycle. I don't think Nolvadex is an effective Aromatase inhibitor (AI).

When you inject, make sure you aspirate the to ensure you are not hitting veins.

Otherwise, it looks good to me.
Cycle looks pretty good except you should run Nolva during your post cycle therapy (pct) along with the clomid. run the nolva at 40/40/20/20.

During your cycle I would run an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) such as adex or aromasin starting around week 2.
I'm certainly no expert, I'm on my first cycle myself - I have basically the same thing going, 500mg for 12 weeks, basically the same post cycle therapy (pct).

I'd make sure you have an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on hand such as armidex or aromasin in the event of gyno during your cycle. I don't think Nolvadex is an effective Aromatase inhibitor (AI).

When you inject, make sure you aspirate the to ensure you are not hitting veins.

Otherwise, it looks good to me.

what do you mean aspirate?
Aspirate means after you stick the needle into where you think you want to inject, pull back on te plunger and make sure no blood comes into the syringe. If so you are in a vein and should not inject.
dude you need to be eating more. your 6 2 at 170. were the same height and i have 90 lbs on you. If you cant grow off gear with a proper diet you will not grow on gear with the same diet. work on your diet before you run it. also, 10 weeks with a long ester is cutting your self short.
finally someone noticed that food is missing from this equation, and is more important than gear in it!

seriously, you need to eat more, and eat effectively and efficiently. the cycle layout looks alright but you're not ready to do it yet. at the very least, learn how to build muscle with diet, training and rest, put another year or two into it and work some solid lean body mass onto that frame and then come back and think about steroids again.

diet section and training section are your friend right now.