you wanted transformations pics?
here you go ~~~
1st - 2006--100lbs
2st - 2011--170lbs
3st- 2015(yesterday)- 172lbs
In last 3-4years, i'm gaining very little muscle..probably 1-2lbs/year.. and thats NORMAL for natural guy... when i started i gained like 20-30lbs/year.. + i lost my body fat.
If you check pages where you see maximum muscle potentenical...i think i'm pretty close to that..(meybi 3-4lbs of muscle ...) but thats it...
But like 49ER said,..why lose another 3-4years for that???
Its not my goal to be big and compete... I just want to drop from 13% to 8%
, but when you do thats as NATURAL , you will lose some muscle, and ill look like shit probably
anyhow.. have fun guys !