my first cycle...advice wanted


New member
Hello all, Ive been doing research for some time now and I'm in the early steps to starting my first cycle.

My stats are: 26y/o, 5'10 185lbs

I was thinking for my first cycle I would do a test-e only cycle of
10 weeks, 250mg each week .

I have gotten mixed responses with this cycle and am not sure if 250 a week is enough or if i should go to 500mg a week? any suggestions.

Also would it be wise to stack with an oral such as dbol or should it be stictly only test
Welcome to ology GC

Yeah your first cycle should be test only. I would go with 500 mg a week but do that with a shot of 250mg say on monday then again on thursday ( just spread the days out best you can). If you only do 250 like you plan this will not be enough. You may also want to look into Arimidex @ .5mg EoD through the duration of the cycle and pct.

Also with this long ester in Test E I would extend the cycle from 10 to 12 weeks. PCT is the MOST important part of the cycle. Post cycle therapy for this should start exactly 2 weeks after your last injection. The minimum would be 40 mg of nolvadex each day for 2weeks followed by 20 mg of nolva for another 2 weeks for a 4 week total like this: 40/40/20/20.

The ideal thing to do is nolvadex AND clomid. Start each item 2 weeks after last inject. Run clomid @ 50 mg a day for 4 weeks and nolva the same 40/40/20/20.

As far as the Dbol, wait on that til next cycle. Use this cycle to observe what a high amount of testosterone does to your body. There will be sides, but some people have severe ones, but others don't even get acne. So before you go adding compounds try one 1st, if it works well great add another next time. You might try Dbol next cycle and not like the hunger and lathargy associated with it as well as the acne and bloat.

Make sure you look up your post cycle therapy (pct). You don't just need to know what to do, you need to know WHY your doing it.

GL have fun and train hard
Welcome to ology GC

Yeah your first cycle should be test only. I would go with 500 mg a week but do that with a shot of 250mg say on monday then again on thursday ( just spread the days out best you can). If you only do 250 like you plan this will not be enough. You may also want to look into Arimidex @ .5mg EoD through the duration of the cycle and post cycle therapy (pct).

Also with this long ester in Test E I would extend the cycle from 10 to 12 weeks. post cycle therapy (pct) is the MOST important part of the cycle. Post cycle therapy for this should start exactly 2 weeks after your last injection. The minimum would be 40 mg of nolvadex each day for 2weeks followed by 20 mg of nolva for another 2 weeks for a 4 week total like this: 40/40/20/20.

The ideal thing to do is nolvadex AND clomid. Start each item 2 weeks after last inject. Run clomid @ 50 mg a day for 4 weeks and nolva the same 40/40/20/20.

As far as the Dbol, wait on that til next cycle. Use this cycle to observe what a high amount of testosterone does to your body. There will be sides, but some people have severe ones, but others don't even get acne. So before you go adding compounds try one 1st, if it works well great add another next time. You might try Dbol next cycle and not like the hunger and lathargy associated with it as well as the acne and bloat.

Make sure you look up your post cycle therapy (pct). You don't just need to know what to do, you need to know WHY your doing it.

GL have fun and train hard

Alot of good advice man thank you....if i ran the 250mg every week would I see any gains as opposed to 500 mg each week?
Alot of good advice man thank you....if i ran the 250mg every week would I see any gains as opposed to 500 mg each week?

500mg would be noticeable, I believe there is an article comparing even 300mg to 500mg.

500mg is pretty much the "standard" first time cycle.
@ 250 no not really.

Keep in mind that when you take test your body sees this and says " hey I don't need to produce test anymore". You body will shut down and this is why you take pct, to get it going again.

So if you take 250, you are BARELY getting anymore test in and your body is STILL going to shut down.

If your gonna cycle go with 500 on a test only cycle. The 300 and perhaps as low as the 250 is for a different application.... say when you take tren ( which shuts you down also) you will take a lower amount of test because your REALLY after tren and are just supplementing test to keep your body balanced. Test and tren is a very advanced cycle so lets not shift the topic to this. This waqs just an example of how you would use a low dose of test.

Just ask yourself " why would I shut down natural test production just to supplement it with the same amount of artificial test?".

This question should bring you to the conclusion of taking a good amount of test and getting reasonable gains since your shutting down your system anyhow.

I hope this cleared up some things. Go with 500mg, even if you have to buy more. A test only cycle @ 250mg a week is a poor choice, it would be better not to cycle at all. GL!
If you are only going to do 250mg test save yourself the money on pct! Go to GNC buy a test booster and then go get some novadex!

If you are serious about a cycle take advantage of the one time open window of a first cycle! Your body will return to all health levels after a first cycle, permitting you dont go to crazy, with usage!

Take advantage of this window, its the cycles after your first one that raise heath problem concerns!

My suggestion:

500 - 600mg test per week, 10 -12 weeks
40 mg dbol per day, 5 weeks

one week after last injection,

Hcg 2500ius everyother day for 16 days (some guys will recommend different usage but this is recommended from the anabolic reference, and the guy who wrote it has a PhD) plus I find this worked best for me too!

clomid 50mgs for 30 days
novadex 20mg for 45 days (but keep running it for another month, with a strong natural test booster)

It would be help to run deca 250 - 400mg with the test per week for 8 weeks.

And if you have the money run anavar 50mgs per for the last 5 - 6 weeks of the cycle!

I have coached 8 guyz threw that cycle all gaining 28 - 36 pounds, and when they came off they maybe lost 8 - 10 Lbs

Have Fun!
If you are only going to do 250mg test save yourself the money on pct! Go to GNC buy a test booster and then go get some novadex!

If you are serious about a cycle take advantage of the one time open window of a first cycle! Your body will return to all health levels after a first cycle, permitting you dont go to crazy, with usage!

Take advantage of this window, its the cycles after your first one that raise heath problem concerns!

My suggestion:

500 - 600mg test per week, 10 -12 weeks
40 mg dbol per day, 5 weeks

one week after last injection,

Hcg 2500ius everyother day for 16 days (some guys will recommend different usage but this is recommended from the anabolic reference, and the guy who wrote it has a PhD) plus I find this worked best for me too!

clomid 50mgs for 30 days
novadex 20mg for 45 days (but keep running it for another month, with a strong natural test booster)

It would be help to run deca 250 - 400mg with the test per week for 8 weeks.

And if you have the money run anavar 50mgs per for the last 5 - 6 weeks of the cycle!

I have coached 8 guyz threw that cycle all gaining 28 - 36 pounds, and when they came off they maybe lost 8 - 10 Lbs

Have Fun!

Dude your a idiot
I'm still a roid virgin here so I can't say much. But it pisses me off when people tell a beginner, who has never cycled, to run more than one chem.
I'm still a roid virgin here so I can't say much. But it pisses me off when people tell a beginner, who has never cycled, to run more than one chem.

He was trying to stuff ya like a turkey on thanksgiving he's a idiot anyways:chainsaw:
Here's the only way your going to get real facts, go on E bay an buy a book called the anabolic reference! buy the latest edition, it might be at 12 by now! This way you can research yourself!

It is the book that every guy and girl should buy before going on gear!

Have you ever seen those flakey chicks at the club who have fake hair, fake nails, they live in a tanning bed, and watch way to much Jerseshore. Well most of these tars on here look like those chicks! Shit they might go look in the mirror after my statement!

Just go buy the book! Best 60 bucks you will ever spend! Same for the tars!
Go on Amazon dot com!!! William llewellyn's 10th edition!

63 bucks

Its the book on gear, Shit im even going to order it! It even has pictures of gear in it including fake stuff! plus it teach a rookie to a vet new tricks!
Hey all Im waiting on some last minute items and then i will post the cycle i plan on doing along with my PCT
whats up guys thanks for all your feedback and now that i have everything i think i am ready to start my cycle heres what im thinking of doing

WEEK 1 500mg test e
WEEK 2 500mg test e
WEEK 3 500mg test e
WEEK 4 500mg test e
WEEK 5 500mg test e
WEEK 6 500mg test e
WEEK 7 500mg test e
WEEK 8 500mg test e
WEEK 9 500mg test e
WEEK 10 500mg test e

I will be doing injections on Mondays and Thursdays .

Im running nolvadex as my PCT two weeks after my last injection

Sound good to anyone?