My first cycle log. 500mg test e per week.


New member
So I just started my first cycle today and I am going to run a log on this site so if any complications occur you I will be able to have quick help from people who know their stuff. I am a college football player my season I done so I started my first injection today. I am 6'2 184, 7% bf. Bench 265, squat 290, deadlift 350. My cycle looks like this.

Week1-10. 500 mg test e per week split into 2 250mg/ml shots(Monday morning and Thursday evening) also arimidex 1mg every three days. I wanted to do the arimidex .5 eod but it came in capsules with powder ad I can't split it up.

2 weeks after last injection I will begin post cycle therapy (pct). It will be 4 weeks nolva40/40/20/20 Ed.. clomid100/100/50/50ed. I will run adex throughout the bridge and during post cycle therapy (pct).

I also have Nolva on hand if any gyno occurs.

I did my first injection today 1 ml test e into the left outer quad. No blood when I aspirated so I injected. Used a 25 gauge felt nothing.
My eating schedule for today so far is:
9:00 am/ 5 egg whites, 1 cup of oatmeal

11:00/ chicken wrap with 1 apple

1:00 post work out 1 banana 2 scoops whey

3:00/ protein bar

5:00/ chicken breast/ 1 glass milk/ 2 slices toast

Later today i will eat:
7:00/ 1/2 cup cottage cheese, 1/4 cup almonds, spinach, 1 orange

9:00/ 1 can tuna,raspberries, sliced cheese.

11:00 1 scoop slow digesting protein.

I worked my legs today to help the test flow through the muscle. I also worked my abs. I don't feel any different. I wasn't expecting to obviously on the first day just giving all the info. Any feed back or input would be great. I am trying to gain 20 pounds lean muscle minimize fat gain and water retention. My next injection will be thursday I will also take another adex pill that day.
Welcome to the wonderful world
of aas. It seems like u know what your doing for the most part. Stay committed and eat eat eat!! Good luck!!
Ya I believe you are right my caloric intake was quite low today I will be increasing it I usually eat around 3500 to 4000 calories. And thanks for the welcome bro much appreciated. My leg is a little sore where I injected from what I can tell this is normal. Can't wait for the gear to kick in. I hope the sides are low I'm showering like 3 times a day lol.
hopefully you're using moisturizing soap/body wash instead of the regular crap that dries out your skin and inflames it.
I always eat a big meal and a shake right before I go to bed. Your body will absorb all the protien and nutrients while your asleep. Even two big scoops of peanut butter and a shake is awesome for me. U have pretty low bf so I don't think you'll get fat if u add a little more fat in your diet. Just my thoughts...
agree with the previous poster. you'll probably want to boost that up some.

might as well shovel it in and then you can evaluate as you go if you want to drop it back drop it back. i'd rather maximize the test in gains and put on a bit of extra fat that can easily be cut during or after with diet tweaks cutting back as opposed to trying too hard not too put any extra fat and losing out on your potential gains.

otherwise looks good man. i just started this past week as well, about the same height, bit more bf (8-9% right now) and I definitely want to put on without adding extra fat but I'll start by planning out how much I think I should eat and then add some to that and I'll tweak as I go.

Keep us updated let's get it done!
Alright thanks I'll try the meal before bed. I've been just having a slow digesting shake before bed. And I just use regular body wash but tell me what will keep the acne down and I'll buy it. I clean my face constantly with alcohol pads and soap and water and I shower a lot but anything else I can do I will do. Also I have very very thick hair and no one in my family is bald and it's such a small dose so i didn't run finasteride I figure even if my hair thins a bit I'm not going to lose it all in one cycle but any thoughts on this. Thanks for the help guys.
So I just started my first cycle today and I am going to run a log on this site so if any complications occur you I will be able to have quick help from people who know their stuff. I am a college football player my season I done so I started my first injection today. I am 6'2 184, 7% bf. Bench 265, squat 290, deadlift 350. My cycle looks like this.

Week1-10. 500 mg test e per week split into 2 250mg/ml shots(Monday morning and Thursday evening) also arimidex 1mg every three days. I wanted to do the arimidex .5 eod but it came in capsules with powder ad I can't split it up.

2 weeks after last injection I will begin post cycle therapy (pct). It will be 4 weeks nolva40/40/20/20 Ed.. clomid100/100/50/50ed.You need either nolva or clomid not both I will run adex throughout the bridge and during post cycle therapy (pct).

I also have Nolva on hand if any gyno occurs.
take letro if gyno occurs
I did my first injection today 1 ml test e into the left outer quad. No blood when I aspirated so I injected. Used a 25 gauge felt nothing.
My eating schedule for today so far is:
9:00 am/ 5 egg whites, 1 cup of oatmeal

11:00/ chicken wrap with 1 apple

1:00 post work out 1 banana 2 scoops whey

3:00/ protein bar

5:00/ chicken breast/ 1 glass milk/ 2 slices toast

Later today i will eat:
7:00/ 1/2 cup cottage cheese, 1/4 cup almonds, spinach, 1 orange

9:00/ 1 can tuna,raspberries, sliced cheese.

11:00 1 scoop slow digesting protein.

I worked my legs today to help the test flow through the muscle. I also worked my abs. I don't feel any different. I wasn't expecting to obviously on the first day just giving all the info. Any feed back or input would be great. I am trying to gain 20 pounds lean muscle minimize fat gain and water retention. My next injection will be thursday I will also take another adex pill that day.

try to run Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) from 3 rd week up to post cycle therapy (pct) 250iu x2 /week
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So I just started my first cycle today and I am going to run a log on this site so if any complications occur you I will be able to have quick help from people who know their stuff. I am a college football player my season I done so I started my first injection today. I am 6'2 184, 7% bf. Bench 265, squat 290, deadlift 350. My cycle looks like this.

Week1-10. 500 mg test e per week split into 2 250mg/ml shots(Monday morning and Thursday evening) also arimidex 1mg every three days. I wanted to do the arimidex .5 eod but it came in capsules with powder ad I can't split it up.

You might want to check with one of the more experienced guys but I believe you shouldn't be running the arimidex every three days, it should about .25 or so everyday. From what I under stand your estro levels will bounce up and down the way your running it. You may even want to consider not using it at all to see how you react to a test only cycle and just have something on hand just in case you feel sides pop up. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong.
You might want to check with one of the more experienced guys but I believe you shouldn't be running the arimidex every three days, it should about .25 or so everyday. From what I under stand your estro levels will bounce up and down the way your running it. You may even want to consider not using it at all to see how you react to a test only cycle and just have something on hand just in case you feel sides pop up. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong.

No you're right natural-guy. i totally overlooked that part of the post lol. note to self: l2r

it should be taken every day. the cap makes it annoying, but if you can't take it every day you're probably better off not taking those. you can grab a capper and some caps and recap them if you want, into about .25 doses or something. sucks they sold them to you in a full dose like that though.
Ok so with the arimidex can I open up the pill and try and split the powder up into quarter just kind of by eyeballing it and try and get it even or is this a bad idea
And if I do it this way can I just
mix a quarter of the powder into water will that work. I took I capsule yesterday so I guess today I'll try to split up the powered and mix .25 into water how does this sound.
And if I do it this way can I just
mix a quarter of the powder into water will that work. I took I capsule yesterday so I guess today I'll try to split up the powered and mix .25 into water how does this sound.

i'm not a chemist, but i'm assuming that your pill likely has filler in it, not just the powder itself.

if that's the case, you might not be able to tell a difference visually, thus could potentially end up with 1/4 that has all of the actual adex powder and 3 "placebos" that are nothing but filler.

of course, that's so unlikely i should be shot for even mentioning it because the powders will be mixed in there, but still, you get my point. could lead to inaccurate dosing. i hadn't thought about that when i first mentioned it.
Ya I believe you are proably right about not getting the dosage exact but it should be fairly close. So what's my best bet should I run it every 3 days or break up the capsules. When doctors prescribe it they suggest every 3 days and wouldn't it still keep my levels for the most part as it is coming in a steady dose every 3 days. Also I don't know how this is possible but I already have back acne after the first day and I have nver had that before in my life. Odd hey?
I dunno hopefully someone with experience in the matter could chime in. but i'd say breaking them up yeah you'll get ballpark but i'm not sure about mixing them with water and drinking them. seems like that would be fine but like i said, i'm not a chemist.

regarding acne, it seems logical to me that those sort of sides could present themselves very quickly. your body starts reacting fast when something foreign is introduced to it.

Ya I believe you are proably right about not getting the dosage exact but it should be fairly close. So what's my best bet should I run it every 3 days or break up the capsules. When doctors prescribe it they suggest every 3 days and wouldn't it still keep my levels for the most part as it is coming in a steady dose every 3 days. Also I don't know how this is possible but I already have back acne after the first day and I have nver had that before in my life. Odd hey?
Superman80....... Take some advice from a guy who cares. If you play college football, then back ur ass out of this thread immediately. Get urself a new screen name and dont ever include ur personal info like that in a thread again! The nc-double-assholes can fucking find out what ply toilet paper you wipe ur ass with, you think they couldnt find out about you running gear when ur talking about it in an open forum!!! Use ur head son! Trust no one! Disappear and come back as someone new. Thank me when you go in the draft.
Superman80....... Take some advice from a guy who cares. If you play college football, then back ur ass out of this thread immediately. Get urself a new screen name and dont ever include ur personal info like that in a thread again! The nc-double-assholes can fucking find out what ply toilet paper you wipe ur ass with, you think they couldnt find out about you running gear when ur talking about it in an open forum!!! Use ur head son! Trust no one! Disappear and come back as someone new. Thank me when you go in the draft.

Good of you to step in and say that, although I didn't see his personal info posted. The reality, however, is that finding and identifying would probably be based on ip address locations and such, done from a technological standpoint in other words. so the only way to be truly safe(safer, there's rarely such a thing as 100% anonymity online) would be to start a new account but use precautions with things like proxies and such and never accessing his own personal e-mail or anything from the same ip as accessing this site and what not.

definitely be as careful as you can though.