My first cycle log

Ya I like how the point of this thread was completley ignored and he is just gonna blow us off.. You go man , hope you dont get bad sides from the tren, personal trainner freind or night, cause while your going through bad sides your PT will be at homw sleeping comfortable while you are sweating and freaking... enjoy ..
Ya I like how the point of this thread was completley ignored and he is just gonna blow us off.. You go man , hope you dont get bad sides from the tren, personal trainner freind or night, cause while your going through bad sides your PT will be at homw sleeping comfortable while you are sweating and freaking... enjoy ..

I am not ignoring anyone. Staying on deca for now and meeting with my trainer Wednesday. I am taking everything said to heart, just had no updates yet.
so you dropped the tren ??? let us know man that would be considered an update if you droped the tren.... I am intrested in following as my next cycle is test Sustanon (sust) and deca... good luck bro
give us updates lol whats going on

and jjtattoofreak im running 500mg Test E/week and Deca 300mg/week im just starting my second week oh and kick starting with 20mg Dbol ED ill try to let you know how it goes :)
Lol sorry for the lack of updates, last week kind of got messed up due to weather and my newborn. Been faithful with training and diet. Still pinning test and deca. Meet with my trainer tomorrow about dropping or keeping tren and sticking to just test/deca. Other than that, just did my 5th pin yesterday
Ok here is the big update!

Dropping tren and sticking with deca, so the cycle is now test @ 400mg (split up twice per week) and deca at 400mg (split twice per week). Will run deca until week 10, test until week 12.

No sides yet, though I have been playing it safe and using my AI.

Gains haven't really started to kick in yet, though my appetite is up, and recovery seems to be up.

I am adjusting my diet a little to address the gains issue, so now I am looking at a total of 500g of carbs (up from 400), 400g of protein (same as before), and 80g of fat (up a tad, not much though).

This is the start of my 3rd week, so I am guessing next week or so is when things should really start taking off!
i usually just do my full 1cc of deca on monday with my test but i do split up my test 250mg (1cc) mon/thurs.

i wonder if i should split my deca up along with my test.
6th pin was today! Starting to notice my aggression going up/ temper decreasing. Nothing extreme, but still noticeable for me (I am a very laid back guy). Hit legs pretty hard focusing on a higher rep count than normal, but keeping the weight heavy.

On a side note, upping my carbs has already been paying off at least on the energy side. Felt a lot better in the gym this morning (though some caffeine did help that). My son is starting to become moe consistant with his sleep pattern and not wake up as frequently during the night, though he has developed the annoying habit of waking up for a feeding about an hour before my alarm goes off. Oh well, I will adjust!
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Week 4 is off to a bad start after week 3 finished strong. Just didn't have a good workout today, but it happens every once in a while. Looking forward to this week and next week though, since this is where everything should start kicking in right?
First month down!

This week starts week 5. Pinned yesterday after drill. Drill took its toll on my nutrition and training (had to skip legs in week 4 since my lt is a marathon runner...). That being said, my workout today was pretty decent (chest/abs). Excited to see the changes comin up!

What are people's thoughts on cardio during a test/deca cycle? Got a pt test coming up so I need to start doing more, but don't want to kill the gains off too much...
Been a while since I posted any updates...

Halfway through week six, so about halfway through the cycle. Did a bf% test today since my overall weight hasn't been moving much.

Weight: 240 (down 2 lbs)
Body fat: 12.8% (down almost 3%, total drop of 7lbs)
LBM: 209 (up 5 lbs)

My recovery has started to increase (less time feeling sore, etc). No sides to really speak of other than acne, but it is not out of control. Going to cut back the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) just a little bit since I think I am overdoing it there.

Other than what has already been stated, I have been gradually shifting my training to lower volume, HIT style. Been enjoying it so far!
Week seven wrapped up and into week 8 I go!

Weight gain is kickin in big time. Up to 252 (net gain of 10lbs). Strength is starting to go up as well, though it still seems fairly gradual. Sprained my wrist sat, so training heavy was a little challenging. Still pushing respectable weight (more than I was precycle by about 20-30 lbs on bench) with my wrist wrapped.

Learning lots from this cycle, and will up my test next cycle. 400 seems low for me, so next time I will bump it up to 500mg. Minor jump for sure, but I see no need to go overboard w/ adjustments.
End of Cycle Results

As the title says, my cycle is coming to an end this week so I thought I'd post some stats!

Weight: 265 (up about 20lbs)
BF: 15.6% (up a little, but not much)
Set several new 1RM and all work sets went up about 50lbs (for big compound movements)

Overall I feel this was a good experience, but now it is time to do my post cycle therapy (pct) and look at what to do in the future. I plan on competing next year, so I have a lot to consider in the following months. Thanks for everyone who posts up some awesome info on this site, it has been a HUUUUGE help.