My first cycle Test Enanthate & D-Bols :)


New member
Hey guys I'm starting my first cycle tommorow after months and months of thought, preparation and research. I still think its early but I'm getting impatient and when i got my gear on hand i wanted to wait more but here goes nothing.

Test Enanthate Diamond 250 10 ML X2
Test Enanthate (NO LABEL :( ) 250 X10 ML
Blue Heart shaped D-Bols unknown 95 10MG
Liquid stane 30 ML 25MG/ML
HCGenerate 2X150 Tabs (since i couldnt get any Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) :(

I'm going to be dosing :
enanthate at 600MG a week - 12 weeks

Dbols 40MG a day for 5 weeks

liquidstane is on hand (Aromasin AI) 12.5MG/day ED

wondering how i should take the HCGenerate

Current stats are 75KG 5'10 BF ~8%

DIET: 4-6Kcals a day. id like to take advantage of the extra hunger dbol causes

Milk Thistle 7000mg 3X ED
5-7 Litres of water a day.
Multivitamin and fish oils ED.

Anything im missing guys? thanks

EDIT: Guys please im open to constructive criticism but please do not come on here with a neg. attitude and flaming i appreciate being on this forum and for all the help and support you guys have given me and i would like it if you guys continued guiding me on my journey. Thanks.

EDIT: forgot to add my post cycle therapy (pct).
nolva for 4 weeks 40/30/20/20 does this look good? :S
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Test only

Everyone's going to tell u for a first cycle run test only to see how ur body reacts to it. Save the dbol and other stuff for later. HCGenerate and Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) pregyl are not the same. I'm not even sure if that would work for testicular atrophy or not. I'm sure others will chime in.
Hcg generate from vitamin shoppee ain't. Going to do it. Also if you said you have 95 pills of dbol you don't have enough for 40 mg a day for four weeks. You have no post cycle therapy (pct) . How old are you before I keep going I think some more research man before ya do cycle aromisan is potent shit if you don't know what your doing. So how old are ya
Everyone's going to tell u for a first cycle run test only to see how ur body reacts to it. Save the dbol and other stuff for later. HCGenerate and Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) pregyl are not the same. I'm not even sure if that would work for testicular atrophy or not. I'm sure others will chime in.

After a few google searches on Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and all i read a few things about people taking a Test booster during post cycle therapy (pct) or towards the end of cycle to get LH working again and to promote natty test to increase and start generating itself.

The elite fitness forum swore by HCGenerate but its probably because the owner of the forum is something or rather related to N2BM anyways i thought taking a test booster since i couldnt get Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) could work for me? im not saying i would get the same results.
Hcg generate from vitamin shoppee ain't. Going to do it. Also if you said you have 95 pills of dbol you don't have enough for 40 mg a day for four weeks. You have no post cycle therapy (pct) . How old are you before I keep going I think some more research man before ya do cycle aromisan is potent shit if you don't know what your doing. So how old are ya

nolva for 4 weeks 40/30/20/20 I was so caught up in starting my cycle i didnt even think of posting about the nolvadex lol. sorry.

yes i know im short of dbols im currently awaiting for a friend to get his hands on some more by tommorow or the day after. ill have approx 120 dianabols :) and im 24.
I had also gotten a blood test a few weeks back. Lipids are good. Blood sugars are good. Blood pressure is good. Everything is A OK :)
Everyone's going to tell u for a first cycle run test only to see how ur body reacts to it. Save the dbol and other stuff for later. HCGenerate and Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) pregyl are not the same. I'm not even sure if that would work for testicular atrophy or not. I'm sure others will chime in.

I read this too late :( ive started my dbol cycle at 40MG for the past 3 days allready my hunger hasnt gone up as much as i thought it would be

im taking milk thistle and drinking tonnes of water pinned today and decided to go 250MG instead.

I'm really wondering about the dosage of Aromasin (Liquid stane) how much should i take and when i started the dbols 2 days ago and yeah im wondering what to do? when should i take it and what time and how much 12.5MG EOD? OR ED?

also pinned my right glute and yeah. its stinging a little bit thats pretty much it gonna head off to the gym in a few hours.
I'm sorry but quite frankly I don't understand the rush.... Why is it so important that you start RIGHT NOW? you obviously have allot of questions and need more research yet you decided to jump into the deep end unknowing weather or not you're answers will come to you in time.....

I hope you come out safe and learn a lesson from this, nevr pre-maturely jump into a cycle yet alone anything that yields such responsibility buddy.
Also by no means am I attempting to be offensive I'm just worried that you may do something wrong and come running desperately to the forum in need of a quick answer when in reality (I personally strongly believe) that should never be the case, ALWAYS gather your information prior to jumping in, slow and methodical isn't a bad thing.... Sure it'll take a while longer but I'm also quite sure I would be able to say the same for the results from you're cycle (as long as you have gathered the proper information) meaning of course they will last a hell of a lot longer with good pre cycle research and knowledge.
im feeling like shit on these blue heart dbols. i feel lethargic and dont feel like doing anything i have random naps and all i do is think about sleeping. im wrestless and all. um got an increase of roughly 3-4 pounds its my fourth day on 40mg a day. i can lift heavier im stronger about 5-10 kgs in all lifts. other than that. i dont really see the weight gain my appetite seems supressed on dbol i thought it was going up and i was getting hungrier etc. :(
You don't even have all your gear yet and you started? Sometimes its better to be patient I know a couple people who have done this and were unable to get the gear in time and completely ruined the whole cycle. patients grasshopper!
Just stop right now bro 3 days of dbol you can recover fine stop get all your shit togather please bro, and lets lay your cycle