My first ever experience injecting.

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My first experience injecting.

So Yesterday marked the day that I started my first ever cycle! As I sure many are, I was very nervous when it came to injecting. I just prepared myself first by getting as much information as I could from Austinite's thread and I was set. I froze my needle and syringe in the package, I then warmed up the vial for a few minutes and everything else was nice and smooth. Although I have to say that I got a little nervous when it came to pushing a needle inside myself, I went very slowly, it took about 4 seconds for the needle to get all the way in. Hopefully I will be able to just push it in soon. No pip for the past day or so for that reason I believe that everything went well and that PSL has great products.
Congrats... we've all been there - shit, I still remember my first injection VERY WELL!

It gets easier and easier over time... LOL not to long ago my wife was eating dinner and I came out of the bathroom with a syringe
sticking out of my shoulder and said... "WTF, hunny I can't find my syringe?" :dunno:

She didn't find it as funny as I did - but this is what she married! :D

Anyhow, PSL is awesome - you're going to do great with them... "what are your stats, and what are you running?"
Ah, I wish I was close with someone enough to walk out with a syringe in my shoulder and joke about it xD.

My stats:
Age: A little young for this forum.
Weight: 187 pounds.
Body fat: 12%
Experience with weight lifting and diet: 4 years.
Well since you have already decided to run gear at "a age a little to young for this forum" I will say you selected a great source. No pip, and gtg gear. Good luck
Well since you have already decided to run gear at "a age a little to young for this forum" I will say you selected a great source. No pip, and gtg gear. Good luck

Yes, I have extensively done my research and feel as though I am making the right choice that is best for me. I am doing this as safely as possible and I understand the pros and cons of taking AAS.
So I have since done 2 more injections, one in my other quad and one in my shoulder and I experienced very minimal pip. I thought seeing as how they are virgin muscles that they would be uncomfortable but I guess not.