My first every steroid cycle please review thanks


New member
Hello im 19 years old,
Ive lifted for 2 years,
decided to take on anabolic steroids,
Ive got tri test 400, 10ml
Ive got testpronate 100, 10ml

Im going to take 4 ml per a week total doasge,

tuesday, 1mill tri tes 400 and 1mill of testpronate

Friday, 1mill tri tes 400 and 1mill of testpronate

I am trying to bulk add mass im currently 14 stone with 10% bodyfat benching 100kg.

I have a perfect nutrition 25-30grams of protein per 3 hours i also have good carbs and good fats,

Was think of doing this 4mill per a week cycle for 5 weeks , please review this an post what you think ps took my first jab today 1mill of tri and 1 ml of tespronate.

i workout like this,
Mon- ches tries
tues back bicep
wednes- shoulder leg

1 day rest then repeat friday - sunday.

i train with great intensity and i life heavy wihtin 4-8 reps ,

Many thanks
looking forward to replies.
Please post feedback

picturres here,
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Hello im 19 years old,
Ive lifted for 2 years,
decided to take on anabolic steroids,
Ive got tri test 400, 10ml
Ive got testpronate 100, 10ml

Im going to take 4 ml per a week total doasge,

tuesday, 1mill tri tes 400 and 1mill of testpronate

Friday, 1mill tri tes 400 and 1mill of testpronate

I am trying to bulk add mass im currently 12 stone with 10% bodyfat benching 100kg.

I have a perfect nutrition 25-30grams of protein per 3 hours i also have good carbs and good fats,

Was think of doing this 4mill per a week cycle for 5 weeks , please review this an post what you think ps took my first jab today 1mill of tri and 1 ml of tespronate.

i workout like this,
Mon- ches tries
tues back bicep
wednes- shoulder leg

1 day rest then repeat friday - sunday.

i train with great intensity and i life heavy wihtin 4-8 reps ,

Many thanks
looking forward to replies.
Please post feedback

welcome to ology

you weigh 12 stone / 168 pounds and your 19 years old , your not ready for steroids.train 2-3 years more naturally.

did you know that its possible to grow taller up into the early twenties and that a steroid cycle will probablly close your growth plates and stop any further growth in height.
Thanks for the feedback, ive been 6ft 2 for 1 year and i love my height, i can understand that im too young but either way im going to preform this 5 week cylce can you just provide a finally summary of the cycle and tell me what you think cheers.
Thanks for the feedback, ive been 6ft 2 for 1 year and i love my height, i can understand that im too young but either way im going to preform this 5 week cylce can you just provide a finally summary of the cycle and tell me what you think cheers.

6'2" and 168 lbs? You are not eating enough
Thanks for the feedback, ive been 6ft 2 for 1 year and i love my height, i can understand that im too young but either way im going to preform this 5 week cylce can you just provide a finally summary of the cycle and tell me what you think cheers.

your diet isnt perfect at 6-2 and that weight your anorexic. also most tritest ive seen has long ester test and 5 weeks of long ester test is as useless as tits on a boar hog.
your stubborn attitude is exactly why 19 year olds shouldnt use steroids , they think they are smarter than those of us who have acttually been there and done that .
Welcome to Ology. You have made your mind up it sounds like. It is a bad decision but you already know that I'm sure.

What is in Testpronate? What is in Tri Test? What are you running for your AI? What is your post cycle therapy (pct) plan?

4ml a week seems like a lot, more is not always better... in fact in this area more just means more sides with the same gains. You can absorb what you can absorb and NO more. The extra test will just aromatize into estrogen and give you sides. This is why I am asking about your AI.

This cycle is very short. Since I don't like a 19 y/o cycling at all I guess its better since you will be shut down for a smaller amount of time ( its still a bad idea). So what is your post cycle therapy (pct) plan to get your natural test levels back in the normal range when you are done?

Really need to know the esters in the blends you are taking. Halflife determines when post cycle therapy (pct) starts. With the blands your taking I'm sure at least 1 ester will take 5-6 weeks to actually reach saturation.

Its not that great of an idea to cycle at 19. Its also a very bad idea to use blends for your 1st cycle. Please try to answer these questions I raised so we can all help you stay safe. We need more information to help.
im acctually 14 stone and im lean and quite big check out my photos also can you tell me what you think of the cycle please
your diet isnt perfect at 6-2 and that weight your anorexic. also most tritest ive seen has long ester test and 5 weeks of long ester test is as useless as tits on a boar hog.
your stubborn attitude is exactly why 19 year olds shouldnt use steroids , they think they are smarter than those of us who have acttually been there and done that .

Dude theyre all stubborn as shit. You tell them not to beat their head on the wall and theyre gonna put the head thru the wall just because. seriously bro listen to dawg. He's not a mod for nothing hes trying to prevent you from fucking up your natty test levels so by 21 you wont be on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) but hey im just a retard
its testosteron propinate 400 and tri testosterone 400,
i dont use an AI
I have a post cycle therapy (pct) Ready to be used once the 5 week cycle has finished
only a blend of 1ml of each.
if you think i should reduce the 1ml of each please say.
im confused on the doses? one is prop at 400 and the other is tritest?(but what esters in tritest) at another 400mg so total 800mg?!?!?!? lmao....bro..