STATS: im 18 ,6ft 3, 185lbs, 14%bf .... 8 tablets of DBOL a day then PCT. (NOOB)

Just because you use injectable steroids doesn't mean you will look like a bodybuilder. Everyone who does steroids or at least does steroids correctly uses a test as their base. That goes for fitness models as well, not just Arnold or any other bodybuilder for that matter. ALSO you don't run dbol for three months unless you don't want a liver, AND there isn't a set number on how much weight you gain in a set period of time. That comes down to diet and training which I guarantee you you don't have a good diet. Diet comes first and foremost. Glad I got all of that off my chest now :)

Tren rage dylan? hahaha
I knew this thread would be good when I saw it was 6 pages lol

OP you obviously know everything, just do the dbol only cycle like you want. But, please make a log and continue to post here so we can see how you end up and then we can sticky this for all the future idiots that come here wanting to do the same shit and so they can see what will happen.

you don't need testosterone anyway right? I can see you will be just fine with estrogen. be sure not to waste your money on the PCT, you won't need it.

I think everybody should stop trying to discourage him, I really want to see what's going to happen to him, it's going to be great entertainment. Everybody has told him more than once, and he doesn't want to listen, so who cares? I understand at first telling somebody that's misinformed but, clearly by this point it's obvious he doesn't want to accept the facts and only wants to do what he wants to do, so let him. We're not his parents, who cares, let him do what he wants. I just hope he keeps us updated on his progress, hahaha
You guys are all wrong , the best oral cyce would be 150 mg halo, 200mg drol ed. Combine that with 2 grams of tren e. If you want really good results i would also add Humilin R and 100 iu's 3 times a day. Last but not least be sure to take tylenol with all your meals. Do this for 12 weeks and go get some blood work done. Can the Moderators please end this thread already ? or is it too funny?
God DAMN you are one ignorant SOB!! Finish h.s. and and listen to people! Why are you here asking for advice when you clearly dont give a fuck! I wish I knew you so I could slap the shit out of you!!!
If I wasn't so damn entertained by this thread I would have closed it already and banned the idiot. Lmao
If I wasn't so damn entertained by this thread I would have closed it already and banned the idiot. Lmao

Haha, I was wondering why you didn't close it after posting earlier. 3J, I finished cutting and posted pics in my 6 weeks of cutting thread. Any critique would be awesome!
4everbulking just gave you advice. And you told him he's wrong, and that you have it figured out.

Do you see his avatar? That's him. 280 something pounds of professional status bodybuilder. Anything he says, you should listen to.

Exactly! I find it hilarious that he asked for advice and someone like 4everbulking tells him something and then he says he's wrong. If he ever told me something I would say thank you ill get right to it
kids ay your such a noob. you only get fat if you go over your maintence too much ie 1000 cals. i could cut and loose weight from just eating pizza if i wanted to . MICRONUTRIENTS DOES NOT EFFECT BODY COMP. thiss is basic knowledge guys !

I'm glad someone told me a long time ago to not believe everything I read on the Internet....
This kid is such an IDIOT! I doubt his 18 i doubt he is even 6ft 3 Or if he is 18 he is very childish. Fuck yourself up kid. Everyone here is just trying to help you out. Its the truth. Your way to tiny! Your diet is LACKING BIG TIME! My lil Cuz is 13 and he is bigger than You! AND Dang 4everbulking You are a MONSTER brother.
pancakes actually.

i eat 1.5g protein per lb lean mass then hit my macros
i drank 2l of coke = 200g carbs
20 chicken nuggets from maccy ds
large fries
one hamburger

hit bang on 3600 cals

We have heard if this diet, it's shit you get no gains!! I maximize my gains while you do that diet your minimizing your gains!!!

Talk to 3j he's a sponser on here that makes diets for people,he's greattt!!!
I read this WHOLE thread and it is funny! OP you must be from england right?! I have to say in England there is a huge culture of oral only cycles, it's what most people seem to do - I wouldn't really know as I haven't asked everyone, but it seems that way. The calorie thing I can kinda get, but most of your meals should be nutrient dense, and here and there, you can get away with eating a crappy meal to hit your macros, but you can't live that way. Your whole source of nutrition can't be shit, you need micronutrients for hormonal reasons. Your hormones play a part in body composition also.
Also keep in mind, some people have the kind of genetics that can get away with eating higher amounts of crap than others. You may or may not be one of those people, and if you're not, then you'll just have to do the clean diet thingy!

As for you going against what everyone is telling you, there is a reason for why they are giving you opposing advice. They have age and experience on their side. They are trying to steer you form the wrong path. But you're he'll bent on doing something that can really ruin your health. You should do it and see where it gets you, maybe you'll be the poster child for oral only cycles and liver transplants...

But I'm a girl so what do I know!
It isn't very difficult to spot posters. IIFYMs is gospel over there, a bunch of kids bulking on Mountain Dew and cup cakes because 'carbs are carbs bro, anything else you hear is bro science.'

Consequently, it is also the one forum that thinks anyone over 6' 170 lbs lean is on gear.
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heard of IIFYM ?

Hi, I just made an account so that I can tell you to shut the fuck up. Do you even know how many mg's are in the pills you are taking? You sound way too naive to be taking steroids. You don't know anything and obviously haven't done your research.

The way you are incessantly touting IFFYM leads me to believe that you don't know anything about nutrition either. Comparing brown rice to coke and saying they are the same except for micronutrients is hilarious. Get your fundamentals together before you even think about cycling.