STATS: im 18 ,6ft 3, 185lbs, 14%bf .... 8 tablets of DBOL a day then PCT. (NOOB)

that guy in pic is jeff said look it up hes 18 years old !

also josef rakish no steroids firm believer of iifym, not intendin to troll cant believe u guys have never heard of this diet.

You can't even spell your "idol's" name. It's Josef Rakich. I found a sample diet of his.

Sample Daily Diet:
***8226;Meal 1 ***8211; Proats (protein powder and oats mixed up)
***8226;Meal 2 ***8211; Stir-fry (Chicken/brown rice/mixed veggies/almonds/pizza sauce)
***8226;Meal 3 ***8211; Stir-fry (Chicken/brown rice/mixed veggies/almonds/pizza sauce)
***8226;Meal 4 ***8211; Stir-fry (Chicken/brown rice/mixed veggies/almonds/pizza sauce) + 1/2 cup or oats + banana
***8226;Meal 5 ***8211; Proats (protein powder and oats mixed up)
***8226;Meal 6 ***8211; Dinner (Steak/chicken/fish/etc***8230; + veggies)
***8226;Meal 7 ***8211; Casein ice cream + peanut butter
I just power read all 5 pages...

This is a perfect example why 18 year old's should not use juice...the fact he looks like playing Xbox counts as his workout aside...he doesn't have the maturity or mental development for this game, and refuses to take the advice of far older and experienced chaps.

I know we're supposed to stop train wrecks like this from happening so people don't hurt themselves and the juice gets the bad wrap...but I say we ban this idiot (stupidest kid I've ever seen...seriously the kid doing 1/4 squats in my gym is still smarter) and just let natural selection handle it...if he's serious he can just join another forum and get flamed there...
we have the same amount of reps u mad

We can add vision impairment along side delusion to this bloaks list of "problems". I am not about to engage in a argument with a 18yr old...over the internet no less. You will see no further posts on this thread from me...I'll watch for your story on the news. Good day to you sir.
We can add vision impairment along side delusion to this bloaks list of "problems". I am not about to engage in a argument with a 18yr old...over the internet no less. You will see no further posts on this thread from me...I'll watch for your story on the news. Good day to you sir.

hope i inspired u to lift
This guy is a fucking mess bro. I haven't seen a kid act like such an idiot in a long long time. Lmao
ahh finally the truth.

ps "clean foods" does not excist. calorie is a calorie and doesnt effect body comp, ie 100g coke v 100g brown rice is the same except brwn rice has micronutrients (good for your health).

ok looking at my pic i posted how many lbs of muscle do i need to get to look like the 2nd pic ??

You're an idiot. You joined a board to get advice, and then tell everyone that they're wrong.

1) You are 18. Your body is producing so much testosterone, it wouldn't be odd if you could naturally put on 20 lbs of muscle in the next year on your own. A year is a very short time to make this happen.

2) An oral only cycle will shut down your natural testosterone production, which is raging right now. You might gain 20 lbs, but theres a good chance you're going to have 3+ months of low/no test production, and therefore will lose your gains, or lose more than what you started with.

3) You sound like a smart ass and I hate you already, I can't believe I'm explaining this to you.

4) Until you have your diet nailed down, steroids will not do anything for you.

5) Dbol is rough on your liver - if you start taking 80 mg of dbol a day (a pretty high dosage). You're 18 and will probably be drinking - that could fuck you up nicely.
see the bigger picture its cals in vs cals out. all your body knows is the macros, not if its a cake or brown rice.

health wise yes brown rice wins with micronutrients, but micronutrients doesnt effect body comp.

i bet your one of these guys who doesnt eat carbs after 8pm becuase of "you get fat when u sleep lol"
4everbulking just gave you advice. And you told him he's wrong, and that you have it figured out.

Do you see his avatar? That's him. 280 something pounds of professional status bodybuilder. Anything he says, you should listen to.