my first pics.

and heres my pictures at 135-145, i forgot, i was gettin ready for a body building contest and i had lost alota weight for it but then i got sick and some other crap happened. im 5foot 6, and almost 20 now. well here they are.i kno their not much but im proud of what i had accomplished.
oh and as far as diet and training i did max ot, and 3 pro carb meals in the early day and 3 pro fat meals later in the day.
rookie03 said:
and heres my pictures at 135-145, i forgot, i was gettin ready for a body building contest and i had lost alota weight for it but then i got sick and some other crap happened. im 5foot 6, and almost 20 now. well here they are.i kno their not much but im proud of what i had accomplished.

Looking good . good start.
i would lose the hat. I'm kinda confused, the 2nd set of pics are the recent ones of you from what you cut down to from the first? Or is the first pic where you got to coming from the second set of pictures.

Did you go natural?
the second set is me after the first pics, i lost all that weight to go into a contest, but then i got sick. right now im back up around 175. yes i went natural, the first pic i was on androstene, but the second pics i didnt take anything but food and protein shakes.
haha i kno, i wanted to go to the classes, but money wasnt so great then. and thanks for sayin the lou ferrigno comment, that was a cool thing to say. It's weird alot of people like my football one better, i look kinda like the first ones now except i dont have as much fat on me. im gonna go to my doctor and see if he'll prescribe me some letro since my nips still tingle, see if i can get rid of my puberty induced gyno. And if all works out im gonna be starting my first cycle in a few months.
Like cubanojoe said, i like the football pic better. Looks like you were more solid then.

Good muscle separation. Hit that chest more. I'd start with incline first. Just a suggestion. Good luck. :startrek:
hey thanks alot for the advice. I think my chest is much thicker now, its been close to a year since the last set of pics was taken. You kno what tho? i actually started doing more incline about 7 months ago and thats what got my chest bigger. thanks for the advice bronx.
Ok heres me after bulkin up for about 6 months... the previous pictures were takin a year or two ago... but these ones were taken last night. i know their not much but i work my ass off for what i got! current weight is 181 and my height is 5'5"-5'6".
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still cycle-less unless you count the andro in 2003! I am currently taking green bulge creatine and p-gh.