My first post, please advise


New member
Hi All,

I have been getting trained by someone whom has disappeared on me for 2 weeks now and I dont know how to proceed. Basically he was directing me with everything and I never asked any questions (I know, please spare me the grief). My main concern: should I be taking any Nolvadex right now? Also any recommendations you may have as to how I should be proceeding with my training (Im currently @ week 23), what to take moving forward, when to take it, have I been juicing correctly, etc.

Week 1-10 (complete)
Sustanon: 750mg
Trenbolone: 300mg

Week 11-12 (complete)
Nolvadex: 20mg / day

Week 10-22 (complete)
Testoviron: 750mg / week
Deca: 750mg / week
Anadrol: 120mg / day
HCG: 500iu / week

Week 23 (on week 1, planning on 16)
Test-E: 1000mg / week
E.Q: 500mg / week
HCG: 500iu / week

Please see attached for my current before/after picture (140lbs to 180lbs). I'm 24years old, I would probably be around 190-195 if I would stop partying every other weekend, Im not looking to stop any time soon would like to continue juicing as long as possible.

I thank you all for your comments/support
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Wow, is this your first cycle? because thats alot of gear. It looks like your running 2 cycles in a row? Keep this thread at the top and i'm sure someone who knows more about these compounds will be able to give you some advice :D
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It looks like you did your first cycle for 10wks, took a 2wk break using nolva, and then jumped into 10wk cycle which is rolling directly into a 12wk cycle withonly very limited knowledge of training and a loose diet which includes booze?

My recommendation is to start some post cycle therapy (pct) and hang up the gear until your ready man, get some clomid and clean your system out, try sticking to the some good old fashion ball busting workout sessions and proper dieting until your ready, at 140lbs at 24 (I presume that you about average height 5'-8" to 5"-10"?), you should have been able to get up to 180lb naturally without too much effort and just proper dieting.

Alcohol can be dangerous in quantities when your running gear, get your blood work done and check your cholesterol etc...
thank you for the reply's

1) no i didnt take 2 weeks off, went straight into the deca/testovirin while taking the nolvadex
2) i have not drank alcohol in the past 6months, ive completely stayed away from it (my partying has been consisting of taking G/MDMA, but i've maintained well by eating/drinking plenty)
3) yes i did 2 cycles in a row, now i'm on my 3rd (week 23 test + eq), i'm thinking about adding tren again

the only side effects ive had are acne but it goes away since i been eating more healthier and less sugar

i'm more or less looking for advise whether i can continue like this, and if i choose to what post cycle therapy (pct) should i start taking from now and when, etc (i'm still taking the HCG 1 shot 500iu/week)
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thank you for the reply's

1) no i didnt take 2 weeks off, went straight into the deca/testovirin while taking the nolvadex
2) i have not drank alcohol in the past 6months, ive completely stayed away from it (my partying has been consisting of taking G/MDMA, but i've maintained well by eating/drinking plenty)
3) yes i did 2 cycles in a row, now i'm on my 3rd (week 23 test + eq), i'm thinking about adding tren again

the only side effects ive had are acne but it goes away since i been eating more healthier and less sugar

i'm more or less looking for advise whether i can continue like this, and if i choose to what post cycle therapy (pct) should i start taking from now and when, etc (i'm still taking the HCG 1 shot 500iu/week)
WTF!!!!!!!!!! are you saying your taking MDMA whilst on cycle :D hahaha Your crazy. who advised you do do 3 cycles in a row? did the person who advised you to do this also sell you the gear??
Are you just extremely lazy? Dude you cannot run long such cycles like this. This promotes permanent damage to your hpta. Also when running nolva with a 19 nor may cause progesterone receptors to become more sensitive. This means that while using progestins such as Deca or Tren, you may become more sensetive to progestin related gyno. Dude you didnt do an ounce of research and your all over the place. You should stop everything and run a hefty post cycle therapy (pct) with some hcg then go get some bloodwork done. Any man who has to rely on someone to gain muscle should not be juicing. Whats done is done bro bit you need to stop ASAP and let your body recover. Your gonna do a lot of harm and possibly never come back after I'm sorry

IIm sorry but its guys like you who mess themselves up to the point of no return. Your also that guy who gives aas a bad name cause your a moron!! B
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Holy shit, I haven't started my first cycle yet, but that's scary bro.

Question for people who know.... Was him running nolva DURING the begining of a second cycle like completely pointless or?

I think even as a newbie I can safely say, gear is not for being lazy and having horrible habits/routine/diet and still hoping to get big. Is ruining your endocrine system for life worth looking good for a few months or a year? When you come off, even if you do things right from here on out, you may lose a lot of those gains too. Lets not even mention the damage you're undoubtedly doing to your brain with the MDMA.

Steroids require incredible commitment that you are obviously lacking friend. I hope someone on here can steer you in the right direction for recovering without too many long term/permanent effects and loss of gains.

Get out while you still can!

Good luck man! Keep us posted on how this turns out. You may get some serious shit from some guys on here, try not to get discouraged, and look at this as a serious lesson learned. I'm sure you're not the only person to ever mess up their first cycle/s lol.
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u couldve done alot of that naturally. besides that , thats too much gear. go get some blood work done to make sure you havent done some damage. do some blood work after PCT as well. youre gonna have a really hard time recovering as well so make sure you take some HCG w/your nolva/clomid. & its absolutely crazy that after a 23 wk cycle you wanna keep going.
1) thank you for the replys
2) ive been eating very well diet 6 meals a day consisting of chicken/potato/etc, and training hard with good routines/techniques. i would gain all week and lose it on the weekends when partying, then do it all over again (maybe 7 times in the past 6months)
3) i am not lazy, i had a personal trainer who was supplying me with everything and the juicing, it just wasn't necessary for me to learn until he's left the country now and im now stuck not knowing anything
4) ive been taking HCG 500iu/week, since week 10 as per my chart above
5) everyone i know is juicing the same way, so the comments are kind of a shock to me, i would appreciate if there was some more comments from more experienced users
6) thank you all again
1) thank you for the replys
2) ive been eating very well diet 6 meals a day consisting of chicken/potato/etc, and training hard with good routines/techniques. i would gain all week and lose it on the weekends when partying, then do it all over again (maybe 7 times in the past 6months)
3) i am not lazy, i had a personal trainer who was supplying me with everything and the juicing, it just wasn't necessary for me to learn until he's left the country now and im now stuck not knowing anything
4) ive been taking HCG 500iu/week, since week 10 as per my chart above
5) everyone i know is juicing the same way, so the comments are kind of a shock to me, i would appreciate if there was some more comments from more experienced users
6) thank you all again
I feel fucking angry after reading this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Your such a dumb fuck. can't you see people are trying to help you nicely but you don't listen ARGHHHH. WTF are you doing partying at the weekend????????? Do you know why that trainer was telling you to do these massive cycles?????? it's because he was selling you the gear like you said earlier, he squeezed every penny out of you and now he's left the country. Leaving you in a world of hurt, not knowing WTF to do. If everyone you know is juicing this way I bet he sold them the gear aswell, right??????? You try to be nice but people like you need a good decking, biting the hand that's trying to feed you.
mrmitch? i'm sorry i'm not sure what part of not listening you are referring to.. i was simply providing more background info on myself... not sure where any of your comments are coming from

thanks for your input i suppose
Best option for you is to stop what you're doing and start post cycle therapy (pct), in 1940 Germany, everyone was doing the same shit too, that didn't make it right then. We are only getting angry because we are passionate about training and our lifestyles and our strive to educate people about the realities of AAS so that we can all use them responsibly and share our collective knowledge.

we don't want to see aas hurt anyone or to further hurt the shitty rep AAS already has because people mis use them and blame them for shit that isn't even related.

You'll find that anyone who is serious about training doesn't take weekends off to party, as you've apparently seen yourself that it's counter productive , don't waste your time money or health if your not serious and don't put anything into your body if YOU don't understand what it does. I don't even take shit my doctor prescribes until he thoroughly educates me on what it does.
mrmitch? i'm sorry i'm not sure what part of not listening you are referring to.. i was simply providing more background info on myself... not sure where any of your comments are coming from

thanks for your input i suppose
you want to hear from more experienced users? Lol Bro you don't have to be experienced to know what your doing is wrong. Stop stop stop. How fucking hard is it to understand you should prob stop. Lol. Jesus man be smart. This is not you car your fucking with!! It's your body. In this game you have to make sure you live a long healthy life. The way your going that's not gonna happen. I wouldn't be surprised if you didnt permanent damage already.
you look like you'd never lifted a day in your life on day only weighed 140 and im gonna guess around 16% bodyfat. Now although your second pic looks better than still don't look like someone running that amount of gear. You've just about done everthing wrong with your first cycle aside from running Winstrol (winny). Keep partyin it up bro!