My first SARM (RECOMP) cycle


New member
First off let me say that I am NOT affiliated with anyone and I paid full price (except for discounts available to the general public) for all "supplements" I will be using. I will not say a thing about sources other than the fact that they are reliable and I got everything from 6 or more places, so again, no I am not getting paid to do this log, I am just trying to help people out.

Diet and exercise routine is pretty good but I don't want to post too many details for fear of diet Nazis and whatnot. Please if you have anything negative to say just leave now or I will not be making any more logs. I am just trying to help and get information out, I have no intentions of getting into wars or having people spam my thread with nonsense about hcgenerate and every other N2BM product on the planet like every single Evo thread.

For the record, unlike half the articles on the Internet state, MK-677 and GW-501516 are NOT SARMS, so I am not going to pretend they are LOL... I mean by definition Ostarine and LGD aren't completely either, but they were developed as SARMS and they are kind of SARMish, so whatever.

-protien 50/carbs 30/ fats 20 GW makes your body switch from carbs to fats as a primary energy source, so having high carbs won't help too terribly much, but without carbs misery will insure. Fats are necessary no matter what. High protein will help with protein synthesis and hopefully give my body what it needs to build muscle while doing a good amount of cardio and not eating a ton of carbs, because recomp is my goal after all. This is just what I believe based on researching, so if you disagree then take your online MB to some other forum or thread, because I am just trying to help by listing my formula and experience through a log, not have a debate.

But just to give an idea, my diet will include lean chicken, steak, some ham, turkey, nuts, vegetables, rice etc. I don't eat fast food, drink sugary drinks or eat sweets, so I won't need to cut any of that out of my diet. The most sugary/fattening things I will be eating will probably be fruit and some cheese here and there. Maybe some whole grains, but I like to stay away from gluten, although I will not go without it entirely.

-Please don't tell me SARMS are crap just do low dose test or AAS, because I will ignore you. I'm going to do this no matter what you say so save both of us the drama of an argument.

-MK-2866(Ostarine) 25mg ed weeks 9-12
-LGD-4033(Ligandrol) 5mg daily weeks 1-4 10mg daily weeks 5-8

PPARb; recptor agonist
-GW-501516(Cardarine) 20mg daily weeks 1-12

HGH Secretagogue
-MK-677(Nutrobal) 20mg daily weeks 1-12

-DAA 3g ed weeks 1-12 (I know herbals don't really help to boost test, but it's cheap enough that I don't really care. If it helps then great, if not I'm not really out much money.)
-green tea extract (general antioxidant + helps the MK)
-huperzine a (makes MK more effective)
-cycle support?
-fish oil
-protein powder?
-multivitamin etc.
-L-Dopa (precursor to dopamine) for mood and motivation

-Nolvadex 20mg 15 days 10mg 15 days (May not be completely necessary, but I'm not going to listen to the advice of all those people saying, "BRO just take some DAA for like a couple weeks or a month afterwards and your nuts will look like balloons". With LGD in the lineup, there will be some suppression, hopefully not shutdown, but I'm not taking chances with either. Then again I'm keeping the dose low, because I've seen the bloods of everyone using these substances and it doesn't look like I should nuke my body with SERMS.
-Ostarine (see above)
-MK677 (see above)
-GW501516 (see above)
-Anafuse ("natural" performance enhancement)
-post cycle 3x
-multivitamin, fish oil, whey powder etc. these are used 365 days a year, and so I don't feel like listing all the random supports I'm on. Just the typical stuff you should take daily as a body builder, or anyone athletic...

- 21 years old (don't judge I've been researching for 4+ years and working out natty for 7 years)
- 5'8 160lbs 12% bodyfat (no im not one of those delusional people who are like 16% and think they are 10, I have found my calipers to be as close as I can get to a bod pod but for $7 LOL) I may post before and after pics, I may not, but the calipers, mirror and the weights usually speak for themselves. Again, I have nothing to gain from this except knowing that I am potentially helping people learn about these compounds and how they might effect you in the real world and not just on paper so there is no point about lying about my stats. If I gain 10 lbs and end up shredded then that would be great, but if I gain 1 lbs and waste all of my money I will still report it. I gain nothing (financially/incentive) either way.
- I'm decently strong for my size (bench 4 sets of 235x12 right now), curl 4x12x120lbs etc. but then again, I'm natty and short lol ;)

- Gain 5-10 lbs muscle
- Lose 5-10 lbs fat

-will be lifting 5-7 days a week with an abdominal day or two (usually the same day as another muscle group)
-will be coming up with a new routine for this as I have been doing upper and lower body days lately, but I like to mix it up. Legs, chest and shoulders, back biceps and triceps. I'll be doing compound and isolated lifts to hit every muscle from multiple angles.
-30-60 minutes HIIT after each workout and maybe on off days (have to make the GW work and get shredded)

If all goes well I will post before and after pics at the very end. I will probably also post bloods.
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Thanks guys I'm glad to be here! I will try to update daily, and I will add more details once I start feeling the effects. So I decided to do my entire upper body today. The workout went well. I don't feel any of the supplements yet, but it has only been hours since the first dose. I feel a little tired, probably from the MK-677, so I will be switching to taking it at night. Since the GH spike is usually around 12 hours after dosing this will work well, because there is a natural spike in the middle of the night anyway, so this schedule will cause a spike in the morning creating two separate spikes.
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I'll definitely look into fadogia.
Day 2:
Today was my break day so I just did core work (planks, leg raises, bicycles, crunches etc.), and 30 minutes of fasted HIIT on a bike. Back to the weights tomorrow for leg day!
So far it is too early to report anything that couldn't just be placebo. Once I start feeling more effects and they are consistent enough to attribute to the supplements I will post them on here.
Day 3:
The alpha male euphoria has kicked in. I feel like I'm on top of the world! Can't wait to destroy leg day tonight after class! Stay tuned!
And thanks for all of the support guys! I was hesitant to make a log because on other forums it just seemed like a mosh pit of people attacking each other, but that's why I chose to do it here. I have been a ghost on these forums for years and it seemed to be one of the better body building communities. ~Go hard or go home

Also, taking the MK-677 at night seems to be the best approach. It will knock you out. When I took it in the morning the first day I felt tired all day, but I took it last night and I woke up this morning well rested and ready to go.
Ordered some fadogia so that I will add that into the mix once it shows up Saturday.
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So I made it to the gym. I'm already noticing an endurance increase. No strength gains yet but it is only day 3 and this stuff isn't magic. Leg day went great. I did an hour of cardio postworkout sweating oceans the whole way. You definitely NEED to make sure you stay hydrated when running a cycle like this (obviously). Now time to have a protein shake. Not sure if I'll do my entire upper body or just sections tomorrow.
I noticed with MK that it knocked me out the first few nights and had me feeling pretty sluggish the next day but after about 4 days it just wore off. Not sure I even notice anything from it now.
Day 5: I wasn't able to make it into the gym yesterday which bummed me out. The stupid University gym closes at 9 on Friday and Saturday nights and I had classes all morning and work unril 9. Today I did
3x10x225 flat bench
2x10x185 incluned bench press
3x12x100 BB curl
3x10x90 skull crushers
3x12x220 row? machine
2x12xi don't remember how much (just maxed them out) on the shoulder military press machine and the shoulder machine that looks like you're flapping wings with elbows bent 90*
Sorry I'm drawing a blank on what it's called.
3x20x50 kettle bell teapot oblique exercise
30 minutes HIIT on the bike.
I will note I've been pretty lethargic the last few mornings but it's going away. Feel incredible in the afternoon. No mood swings or anything really. Slight shut down from the LGD already, so I'm expecting to be fully shut down. Will do bloods at the end to confirm, but I don't feel any of the sides of low T yet. I just got my fadogia this morning so that will be added to the stack. If anyone actually cares I can add all of the support stuff I'm on (ex. Vitamin D, multi etc).
I have Nolvadex on hand, but I've read that using it on cycle will reduce gains, and since I'm trying to recomp that my defeat my entire cycle. I don't really care if I shut down, Ill just run it PCT. I knew there would be shut down getting into this, I was just reporting my experience.
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Nolva will suppress/shutdown your gh/igf levels, that's why you'll hear people say it inhibits gains on cycle. But I imagine you will care whenever you are shutdown, that'll be no fun for you
I wouldn't run a SERM on cycle. You want a suicidal AI to PREVENT extra estrogen from being created in the first place. A SERM would serve well in pct.
Day 7: 1 week in!
Just did legs today followed by lateral raises and then I ran a 5k.
Endurance just keeps getting better! That was a breeze but we're getting tons of ice so I had to get home. I already noticed an increase in strength. I had to go up in weight on all of my lifts. The MK-677 lethargy is gone, holding some water, but libido and mood are GREAT! I can't wait until everything kicks into full gear!

I'm up 3 lbs, but I'm not sure how much of that is water and glycogen. Im also looking a little bit leaner.