My first Test Enanthate cycle


New member
Can someone help out with a diet plan please - I want to maximize the shit out of this cycle.

I want to gain between 10 - 15 pounds and keep my body fat down.

I've done Dbol before.


6 ft 187 lbs

Bench one rep max (1rm) - 315
Deadlift rm - 408 (180 kgs)
Squat - 335
I'm not sure if I'm stepping out of line by chiming in! But I'm gonna do it anyway because no one else has yet. My first cycle was a test E only cycle also, and I had huge gains!!! I gained somewhere in the neighborhood of 35 pounds on test E only! I started at 190 and ended at 225. After post cycle therapy (pct), ibwas down to 218 pounds. The guys and gals on this site are awesome and have already answered thousands of questions that have all ready been answered a thousand times before! They can be dicks at times, but for the most part, I would welcome ever single one of them into my home!! They know there shit!!! So take there advice! Do a search and you will find what you are looking for! But here's a link to start you off. Go to the diet forum on this site, there is plenty of info there to get you started! Good luck bro! Post before and after pics.
i myself have had similar gains with test e only. remember bud it goes like this.....80%diet, 15% training, and 5% gear. get on that diet fourm and check it out, the mod there is extremely helpful.
Hey thanks fella's. I looked at that thread and was really helpful - thanks a lot. Hopefully I don't look like an inflated balloon.

I'll post pictures for sure - going to take before and after pictures starting this monday.
keep calories up . the more weight you gain = the more calories you will need and judging by your weight and height you were not eating enough before.
Yeah your definitely right - its not that I don't eat enough I actually do and everyone around thinks it weird how i've managed to stay lean. It even confuses the shit out of me. For example, today i've eaten 8 eggs, tuna and rice, two chicken raps, and lamb meat couple with three protein shakes. That's a normal day for me.
That is alot of food, but it still looks like you are not getting enough calories from what you are eating, if your not gaining anymore weight on that diet. Keep track and add everything up. IMO, you should be consuming around 5000 cals a day. Every 10 pounds I gain, I up my cals by 500. That's worked pretty well for me!
Day one today fella's.

Injected in to my right glute without feeling any pain. But its been about an hour now and starting to feel a little soreness (nothing major).

its 1:10 pm here in the UK and have already eaten:

3 whole eggs, 4 egg whites, bagel and can of beans

Protein shake

Tuna salad.

Going to be doing a monster session of Chest w/ Bi's tonight and will post a before picture soon after.
hey yall new here wanted to talk about my first one im on now, im 31 and man some dyas i feel it too. But now that iv been on test .c. for about 8 weeks, and now starting another deca/test.e.. Once a week till see what happens, if like to and dont mind Id like to get in on some knoledge if people dont mind
Pop quiz! Look up, 19nor, post cycle therapy (pct), dbol, testosterone, diet, side effects, prolactin, estrogen sides, anti estrogens, dopamine agonist. There alot more, but that's just off the top of my head right now. Look these up and tell us what each one is or means. That's a good start.