My friend is retarded..(fina conv.)


Living the dream
I have this hard head friend who thinks he knows everything. He recently got some fina and was planning to make some special sauce. Well I gave him a really good link that shows several different ways to do it step by step with pictures...Then he tells me " I talked to my boy and he told me I can just crush them up, mix it with everclear and shoot it." I'm like Idk dude that doesn't sound like a good idea, did you check out that link i sent you? "Yeah, I know what I'm doing and so does my boy." Whatever dude...I'm not gonna argue with him cause he doesn't even wanna consider the opinions of other ppl. I picked him up yesterday to hang out and he's eating the pellets. I'm like you are so stupid, thats not gonna do anything but probably make you sick. There is a reason why ppl convert it to an injectable. Please give me some solid evidence so I can convince this kid of his ignorance. Thanks.
I guess it better that it won't do anything but make him sick. This guys didn't need to be on Gear.

He will only pin everclear 1 time. He will be going to the hospital. Make sure your family has nothing to do with this kid. THe grape vine will be burning up in your town. I bet he makes it on the news.
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