My grocery cart for 2 weeks worth of meals...


New member
28 pounds of boneless skinless jumbo chicken breasts - $45
128 oz (1 gallon) pure egg whites - $28
10 pounds rice - $7
10 pounds red delicious apples - $12
9 pounds whole rolled oats - $8
5 pounds of Chocolate Whey Protein - $32
Crystal Light drink Mix - $8

Total = $140 for two weeks worth of food

5 meals a day, 7 days a week,
approx. 3000 Cals
250 grams of Pro
350 grams of Carbs
50 grams Fat

All these groceries where purchased at Sam's Club.

Rock solid clean diet - done it for 27 years and its cheap!

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I respect your dedication Cash but eating like that is the reason I'll never see sub 12% BF. I have to have my steaks, shrimp, whole chickens skin and all, whole milk the list goes on and on :(
cash you sure you got your macros right?? thats around 2450 not 3000.. lol

im just messin with ya bro.. it was prob a typo or something
I probably should not do that in an open forum out of respect for 3J.

Could you just PM me what you eat and how many ounces/slices/pieces/etc. of it?

I am trying to find the perfect meal plan and from the looks of it you have it down..and the price is amazing! And I only want to eat 5 times a day not 6-7 like I have been.

Idk if you change it up from day to day but I eat the same crap every single day...which is fine with me...its a routine. If you could just give me what you bought...a basic routine from one of your days I will be forever grateful!
I've measured it to be roughly equal to 70 extra large whites.

So as a rule of thumb, 2 oz = 1 extra large white.

Right now I am picking up 15 dozen eggs for $16 from Costco and separating them by hand, I feel like I am wasting all those yolks :(