My GW 50 and Ostarine log for SARMSSEARCH.


New member
First off thanks Cybersage and Blakey for the opportunity.

So I recieved my GW and Ostarine on Saturday. It was packaged well and came in three days from the time I gave my info.
The labels and bottles look great! The taste isn't too bad.
I am dosing 1ml each ed,that's 25mg for the Ostarine and 20 for the GW. I'm also using a low dose of test 250mg ew.

I'm currently 230lbs down from 256, 6 feet tall. My goal is 200-210 by late august. While maintaining as much muscle as possible.

I train 3 days a week I wish it could be more but I work out of state Monday through Thursday and the gym situation where I'm at is non existent. My job is really physical which is a plus.

So today was my second day using these two ******** and the biggest thing I have noticed is I'm not hungry but I feel great.
I had a great training session today, probably one of the best I've had in a minute.

I will post in a day or two.

Again thanks guys.
So it's been five days and I can really tell a difference in my work performance. I know it's not the gym but my next post will be Friday when I get a chance to train.

So my job is really physical and were on twelve hours and usually I'm pretty smoked and having to push myself from the nine to ten hour mark onward. Starting yesterday I wasn't fatigued in the later part of the day. Today I was in the zone and it's been real hot and humid out which is usually a disaster when you have to bust balls all day.

One thing I really notice when comparing Sarms to gear is I seem a lot more focused and I don't burn out. I'm looking forward to seeing how well this osta gw stack works as more time goes by.

Thanks again guys and I will post Friday or Saturday morning at the latest.
No worries mate hope you like it log looks great

Yo What's up Mr. Blakey? I tell ya what this combo is the real deal! I just killed it at work again today. I usually outwork most people but now I just go go go and not like a go go dancer lol. I'm starting to get some relief in my shoulders also. I have been having bad shoulder problems since coming off npp.

I will update tomorrow or Saturday how the gym goes.
Hey bro not much same old same old work and try to get to the gym a few days a week lol not much happening over here

glad to hear its going well man I'll be interested to see how you go at the gym if you can already feel the benefits at work and hopefully the osta can help your shoulder out
Lgd is the best for my joints I would put it up there with npp with the relief I got in my shoulder and legs but I hear osta is good for this also thanks again for running the log brother appreciate it
A very physical job is much like being at the gym - only for a lot longer time period AND you get paid to work out. :)

I am glad you are liking the combo!
Sorry I didn't get to post sooner.

So last Friday I went to the gym and was feeling super motivated but my shoulder issues made my workout pretty pathetic.
I decided to take the weekend off from training and it's probably the best thing I could of done. I will positively be hitting the gym the next three days and will update with progress.

This week at work was absolutely unreal when it came to performance at work. I'm definitely a machine on sarms. I'm surprised how much better they seem to work compared to aas. I can't say yet with strength in the gym but I'm feeling great and I can work at an unreal pace all day everyday. Before I'd have good and bad days. now even when I get to work feeling like I'm having a bad day once I start I turn into a animal.

Thanks again guys for this opportunity. I'll participate in this log as long as you want.
So I just got home from the gym and I killed it. Hands down the most intense workout I've had in a long time. I trained arms and shoulders. My training partner brought his brother today and as they talked I just kept going set to set. I did five different exercises in a row for sets of 10-12 without rest between sets I went through all five three times without rest then rested for a few minutes and did it again three times. I usually don't train like that but I wanted to see how far I could push before I got fatigued. I was shocked when at the end of my workout I wasn't tired at all.

My weight today was 224 I'm down 6 lbs in two weeks without changing my diet and I couldn't train hard last weekend due to shoulder pain. I eat pretty clean. Another thing is my shoulder pain is getting a lot better from the sarms.

Thus far I have to give two thumbs up to Sarmssearch quality of their ********.

I will post tomorrow after my workout.
Just make sure you are drinking plenty of water. Making rapid body changes produces a lot of waste in the body, and you will need to flush it all out.

I am glad you are happy with the SARMs! Just image how happy you will be in another few weeks. :) Following along!
So I took yesterday off from training due to my shoulder issues. Today I went in and hit chest unfortunately my workout w
As cut short after just a few sets on bench. I felt great and strong but the minute I went to 225 for my third warm up set I only got three before I couldn't lift the bar off my chest due to pain. I can usually do several sets of 275 no problem. I was getting so frustrated because my training partner was saying you have to push through it. Obviously he's never been injured and tried to push through it.

I will be going to my doctor tomorrow for a referral to an orthopedic. It's time for injections.
Ahhh not the corticosteroid cortisone injections they are f ing useless and do more damage by filling you're joints with fluid . should try tb and mk677 good stuff
So I went to the doctor and they ordered up a mri. But I'm gonna pass my shoulder feels a lot better since screwing it up Sunday. Plus my insurance only covers like 80%.

So I went to the gym today I just did arms. Bi's and tri's. It went extremely well my strength is going up while losing weight. When I say strength going up I don't mean upping the weight but I'm getting more reps with my normal weight. I will up the weight next week. Like I said before my endurance is off the charts. I could train for hours on end and I would but that would be counterproductive.

After the gym when my wife got home I asked her if she wanted to walk the dogs and she was like sure. I live in a nice part of the country far north. So we have nice trails for orv's with good up and down terrain. We were walking for a while and I decided to go for a little run. Might I add I'm not a runner. Never was either August will be a year since I quit smoking. So I started jogging and went roughly half a mile which would of left me pretty much dying before. When I stopped My breathing wasn't even labored at all my heart rate didn't seem to be elevated either. The only reason I stopped was because I didn't want to leave my wife behind in the woods. I'm gonna go for a run again tomorrow I was really enjoying it.

I am positive the gw50 is the only reason I could run like that and not be winded at all. I know a half mile isn't much to a lot of people on this board but for me it's a huge achievement.

I am sold on the gw50 and the Ostarine. I've used pretty much every kind of aas out there and I have never gotten any endurance benefit like I do from this Sarms combo.

If anyone is iffy or contemplating trying Sarms, I give you my word if you order up some you won't be disappointed. I know a lot of companies sell fakes or underdosed stuff. But I can guarantee SARMSSEARCH has legit research chemicals that will have your turtles running fast and your rabbits doing backflips and cartwheels.

Thanks again to my man Blakey and my brother Cybrsage. I'm am so happy.
Glad your happy with them man no worries at all good work quitting smoking that's a feat in itself .

Logs great man keep it up hopefully your on your way to getting healed up too always shit being injured especially ones that don't go away
Glad your happy with them man no worries at all good work quitting smoking that's a feat in itself .

Logs great man keep it up hopefully your on your way to getting healed up too always shit being injured especially ones that don't go away

Good work and good luck with the smoking. Not easy but you can do it if you set your mind to it. Wifee is coming up on her 2nd anniversary of quitting. Many, many previous attempts and she finally got it done

Good work and good luck with the smoking. Not easy but you can do it if you set your mind to it. Wifee is coming up on her 2nd anniversary of quitting. Many, many previous attempts and she finally got it done

Yeah I've quit in the past and I would start up when I drank. Now I rarely drink and I realize how hard it is to quit once you start back up. I'm confident I will never smoke again. It's gross I can smell a smokers clothes stinking like cigarettes from like ten feet away lol.