My GW 50 and Ostarine log for SARMSSEARCH.

Yeah I've quit in the past and I would start up when I drank. Now I rarely drink and I realize how hard it is to quit once you start back up. I'm confident I will never smoke again. It's gross I can smell a smokers clothes stinking like cigarettes from like ten feet away lol.

the scary part about boozing is that you get used to it and then it becomes a slippery slope.
I just got back from the gym and I said screw it and went for shoulders because they were feeling pretty damn good. I did ten sets for my rear delts ten sets for my side delts and ten for my front. I did five sets of shrugs and I did five sets of shoulder presses on the shoulder machine. For my rear, front and sides I keep it in the 20-30 tep range because I feel the light weight at high reps is better for proper form so I get that nice deep burn in each individual delt. My shrugs I do 20 reps. And the shoulder press I keep it at 15 reps. Once again I'm very impressed with my endurance it's never been like it is now. A couple things I am starting to notice are I sweat like a snowman in July and I'm getting massive veins in my legs even when I'm not training my legs.

I hope you guys want to keep me going.
I would love to see how this is gonna transform me a few months in. I absolutely love this stack. I have tren and mast I was gonna jump on but I decided to hold off to see how well sarms really do work. I'm very impressed for real.

Thanks again.
SARMSSEARCH is legit. Come on people order up you won't be disappointed.
Your rabbits will look like Pittbulls.
I forgot to add that I believe the ostarine is why my shoulders are feeling better. When I researched it one of the things it's known for is help with joint pain. I think it's just now really starting to shine in that aspect. I had almost zero range of motion on Sunday and today I got a shoulder workout in that was by far the best I've had in months no joke!
Looking pretty solid in your avi good stuff man .

Osta is great for healing and recomp it is also anabolic so its a great all rounder . and considering your already a fan by the sound of your posts I would love to get you on to a sarm like lgd or yk 11 to see what you think about those guys .

In the log I ran before I was a rep I was playing around with slin and taking ment and I could feel yk 11 over the ment it really is very potent stuff and I don't know why more guys aren't using this stuff I understand some guys are a bit worried because its so new the long term sides are unknown ect but this stuff is amazing lol long story short if you're this happy with the less potent stuff for lack of a better word I'd like to get you on the hard stuff and see what you think plus you have used tren a few times and I'd like some opinions on yk vs tren from experienced guys like you're self
Looking pretty solid in your avi good stuff man .

Osta is great for healing and recomp it is also anabolic so its a great all rounder . and considering your already a fan by the sound of your posts I would love to get you on to a sarm like lgd or yk 11 to see what you think about those guys .

In the log I ran before I was a rep I was playing around with slin and taking ment and I could feel yk 11 over the ment it really is very potent stuff and I don't know why more guys aren't using this stuff I understand some guys are a bit worried because its so new the long term sides are unknown ect but this stuff is amazing lol long story short if you're this happy with the less potent stuff for lack of a better word I'd like to get you on the hard stuff and see what you think plus you have used tren a few times and I'd like some opinions on yk vs tren from experienced guys like you're self

I'd definitely like to try it out. Is it good for endurance like the Gw-50? I'm in love with the clean energy it gives me.

I've used tren a lot over the years. I used to make it from the finna pellets. Some guy turned me onto it at powerhouse in like 01 or 02. Then I was making it for me and my buddies. That's back in the day before there wasn't a lot of info out there like there is now. I was running just tren and I was in my buddies hot tub with some hot chicks and I had noodle dick so bad it sucked lol.

The avi pic was today at the end of my workout. I still have a ways to go but I was 265 like 8 or 9 months ago and 256 in the beginning of January, now I'm floating between 224-229 I'd be a little lighter but I've been adding salt here and there and I throw on water weight quick from it. I'm gonna do my best to hit 200-210 which I know I can do.
My main goal is a flat stomach which I've never had since I was a kid.

I could honestly see myself just using sarms with low dose test. It's obvious the sarms aren't as bad on you ya know.
Yeah no endurance benifits from the yk other than feeling strong as fuck and being able to lift heavier or for more sets sort of thing that's just my opinion through I ran it 3 times now and didn't notice increased endurance like the gw .

Well your doing well losing weight anyway the gw should only help in that area as well I have said it to a few guys but doing some kettle bell swings and lifts on top of a normal weight training routine is awesome for buildings core strength bringing the 6 pack out ect could be worth a look anyway

Ahhhh so you were there at the begging with the FINA lol well you have more experience than me then I never had the pleasure of making my own lol
After you run this log well have a look at some lgd or yk for ya see what you think then . yeah I do know what you mean about the sarms being a bit easier on you its not often I'm running aas without the addition of a sarm or 2 always better than aas alone eg if I run tren I like to run gw and mk 677 so the gw kills all the negative effects I get in the breathing department when I run tren I don't even get tren coughs on gw and by running mk I get some extra water weight from the increased GH so no sore joints plus I can sleep perfect that's what I mean when I tell people sarms are not a replacement for aas but an addition mixing the 2 you can make yourself a near perfect cycle I reackon anyways lol
I am a firm believer in the synergistic effects of using SARMs with AAS. Running Tren? Add in some GW50 to help balance out the loss of endurance.
So I have trained a few times since my last post and all I can say is my endurance has never quite been like this before. My shoulders are really starting to feel better.

I would seriously recommend SARMSSEARCH!!!!
I would be the first one to say if I wasn't noticing results. Sarms will be something I would like to add in the future. I ran gw50 in the past and yes I noticed results but at the time I wasn't training at the level I am now. Also I was partying and now I'm not. So now the results are way better.

I am very thankful for this opportunity I w
As given thanks guys.
Make sure when you're done you get blood work done and do the appropriate pct. I used osta and it made my test go down to the 100s after only 4wks of 25mg per day dose. Did nolva and clomid pct after that to get back to normal test levels.
Make sure when you're done you get blood work done and do the appropriate pct. I used osta and it made my test go down to the 100s after only 4wks of 25mg per day dose. Did nolva and clomid pct after that to get back to normal test levels.

I'm always c***sing on low dose test.
So today was my first time getting to train off the gw50 and holy shit!

I could really tell the increase in my endurance when starting and while I was running the gw. But when I ran out the difference was staggering. I did push through and got a good workout in,but when on the gw I didn't have to push through. I must say that I am very impressed with the gw.

Thanks again guys for the opportunity.
HAHA! I am sure the owner will give you a good deal on a gallon! :D For now, though, you can use the discount code to save 30% on it. :)
So today was my first time getting to train off the gw50 and holy shit!

I could really tell the increase in my endurance when starting and while I was running the gw. But when I ran out the difference was staggering. I did push through and got a good workout in,but when on the gw I didn't have to push through. I must say that I am very impressed with the gw.

Thanks again guys for the opportunity.

GW is the TRUTH