My lab has past away so I'm looking and have a Question, but not RE: source


Well-known member
So the title pretty much says it.
Can I get just a little feed on maybe the three best labs people have some knowledge off their quality. oldmusclemike :dunno:

NOT a source question
Guys have done bloodwork and ran logs on here with good success using
Euro pharma and AML

Considering your in Florida though and your over the age of 35, you can easily get scripts for test p, test c, deca, primo.., Obviously tren or mast would have to be UGL
Guys have done bloodwork and ran logs on here with good success using
Euro pharma and AML

Considering your in Florida though and your over the age of 35, you can easily get scripts for test p, test c, deca, primo.., Obviously tren or mast would have to be UGL

Test and Deca are best for me and sometimes finish up with Winstrol while reducing my what water I may have, over how much I want to hold. Just a little as I am a true ecto.
My doc of course and or my Endo will hear none of it. I have to be carful w/ Medicare.

But you say that lab is good as you've been told? :)
Test and Deca are best for me and sometimes finish up with Winstrol while reducing my what water I may have, over how much I want to hold. Just a little as I am a true ecto.
My doc of course and or my Endo will hear none of it. I have to be carful w/ Medicare.

But you say that lab is good as you've been told? :)

I'm running prescription gear and enorma pharma currently.. So I'll know myself soon enough how good it is.

You can go to an anti aging clinic in Florida and they will prescribe most any gears you want--
You have a legit medical condition, it's called getting old, and they can legally treat you with anti muscle wasting medicines (ie AAS) to help with your condition..

I have a doc in Florida that helps me with this condition as well... Test deca primo and hgh is what he treats me with

And enorma pharma treats me with NPP proviron and dbol
Guys have done bloodwork and ran logs on here with good success using
Euro pharma and AML

Considering your in Florida though and your over the age of 35, you can easily get scripts for test p, test c, deca, primo.., Obviously tren or mast would have to be UGL

How the hell do you get your doc to prescribe Deca and Primo?
That deca looks expired. :-)

How much do they cost at the pharmacy assuming no copay or insurance discount? Just curious...

Yeah I didn't want to black out a newer bottle for the pic in case I have to travel..

I never get individual bottles,, usually it's all mixed together, like a few bottles of test a few deca some hcg my AI pins etc.. Usually a grand or more,, if I broke it down I'd guess a bottle of test or deca was 150 and primo around 195 each..

I don't use insurance so I pay actual cost of the meds
I need to find me one of these clinics in FL. Worth the travel for being legal and legit. Anyone want to PM your doc info would be great. :-)
I'm running prescription gear and enorma pharma currently.. So I'll know myself soon enough how good it is.

You can go to an anti aging clinic in Florida and they will prescribe most any gears you want--
You have a legit medical condition, it's called getting old, and they can legally treat you with anti muscle wasting medicines (ie AAS) to help with your condition..

I have a doc in Florida that helps me with this condition as well... Test deca primo and hgh is what he treats me with

And enorma pharma treats me with NPP proviron and dbol

I was about to start a thread today and ask if anyone has used enorma pharma

How do you like it?
I was about to start a thread today and ask if anyone has used enorma pharma

How do you like it?

Service is top notch - gear is just getting started -- will get bloods done 4 weeks from now. Dbol should kick in soon .. Not sure how fast proviron kicks in, but the wifey has already taken 3 loads today already,, so something is working
Service is top notch - gear is just getting started -- will get bloods done 4 weeks from now. Dbol should kick in soon .. Not sure how fast proviron kicks in, but the wifey has already taken 3 loads today already,, so something is working

Yeah I didn't want to black out a newer bottle for the pic in case I have to travel..

I never get individual bottles,, usually it's all mixed together, like a few bottles of test a few deca some hcg my AI pins etc.. Usually a grand or more,, if I broke it down I'd guess a bottle of test or deca was 150 and primo around 195 each..

I don't use insurance so I pay actual cost of the meds

That's quite the premium you pay. I am guessing Prices, Coupons and Information - GoodRx doesn't have discounts for those meds.