my nearly finalized cycle help w/ bromo


member #31
day 1 150mg tren
day 2-13 75 mg tren
day1-15 35 mg dbol
clomid day 16- three weeks later
nolva on hand- in case

weight 5 weeks , then repeat

question do I need bromo? I have read so much on this my head will explode :)
if I do take it, should I start it prior to the cycle ?? ( I only plan to run it for 10 days- which I feel would be enough due to the cycles length)
Opinions needed and wanted
i would not really think so, i never noticed anything as far as gyno from fina. On a side note, go ahead and say goodbye to you signifigant other for 15 weeks or so. Dont plan on having sex unless you add some test.
i also heard other people getting gyno from fina- but in 2 weeks ? not sure, other opinions
Have you ever done fina or deca? If your prone to prog gyno, then you should run bromo at least a week before you run the fina. I did get a slight case of gyno from fina, I also had EQ in my system if that makes a difference, but it only took 6 or 7 days before I really started to notice a problem. I think there is only a few people who incur gyno problems when running fina. I would also follow iced suggestion to throw in some test. Good luck.
never ran either ???
if I started 1 week prior to cycle, would I still run it throughout the entire cycle ??? or stop 1 week prior to completion
If you choose to run the bromo, I would take it for the week before you begin the fina, and up to the time you complete it. You should use that first week to see how you handle bromo. I heard of some people who took a tab and ended up puking and feeling like shit the entire day.
But like I said, I dont think theres a whole lot of people who get gyno from tren.
I love bromo. The finadick is caused by the increase in prolactin level. So bromocriptine will block prolactin. So no finadick. I only get finadick post cycle thou. Bromo really helps allot with me.
i am also susceptible to fina induced gyno... run the bromo a week before, but start at a low dose and titrate up. .625mg starting, maybe do that once in the morning and once again at night... continue to go up until your reach 2.5... even this dosage may be a bit much for your needs... should be cool with 1.25.

As stated above, I notice fina gives me gyno within a week... tried it twice.
You don't need bromo.
PRL increase on cycle may be caused by elevated estrogen and can be treated with aromatase inhibitors.
Low sex drive is caused by low DHT.
If you're paranoid, use tamox + andractim gel

Acta Endocrinol (Copenh) 1984 Feb;105(2):167-72

Testosterone-induced hyperprolactinaemia in a patient with a disturbance of hypothalamo-pituitary regulation.

Nicoletti I, Filipponi P, Fedeli L, Ambrosi F, Gregorini G, Santeusanio F.

A case of a patient with hypopituitarism due to a disturbance of hypothalamo-pituitary regulation is presented, who developed high-grade hyperprolactinaemia after the initiation of substitutive therapy with testosterone esthers.The increase in serum Prl was strictly related to testosterone aromatization to oestradiol, since anti-oestrogen compounds were effective in reducing (clomiphene) or abolishing (tamoxifen) the enhanced Prl secretion. The oestrogen effect in raising Prl release was not attributable to a reduction in the dopamine inhibition of Prl-secreting cells, as the dopamine-antagonist domperidone failed to increase Prl serum levels in the same patient. This suggests that, in man, the oestrogen effect in enhancing Prl release is mainly enacted directly on the pituitary lactotrophs rather than exerted through a reduction in the hypothalamic dopamine activity.


Clin Endocrinol (Oxf) 1982 Nov;17(5):495-9 Related Articles, Links

Hydrotestolactone lowers serum oestradiol and PRL levels in normal men: evidence of a role of oestradiol in prl secretion.

D'Agata R, Aliffi A, Maugeri G, Mongioi A, Vicari E, Gulizia S, Polosa P.

The effect on serum PRL levels of lowering serum oestradiol (E2) concentration by short-term administration of an aromatase activity inhibitor, hydrotestolactone (HT), was studied in six healthy male subjects. After HT administration serum E2 levels decreased from 68 +/- 5.8 to 26 +/- 2.5 pmol/l (mean +/- SE, P less than 0.05). These E2 changes were accompanied by a significant decrease in mean 2-h PRL levels from 11.2 +/- 2.1 to 6.5 +/- 1.6 ng/ml mean +/- SE, P less than 0.05). The evaluation of individual percentage change from basal concentrations showed a varying decrease in all subjects. These findings suggest that under physiological conditions E2 may be one of the factors which control blood PRL concentrations in men


Life Sci 2001 Mar 2;68(15):1769-74 Related Articles, Links

Effect of androgenic anabolic steroids on sperm quality and serum hormone levels in adult male bodybuilders.

Torres-Calleja J, Gonzalez-Unzaga M, DeCelis-Carrillo R, Calzada-Sanchez L, Pedron N.

Unidad de Investigacion Medica en Biologia de la Reproduccion, Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social, Mexico, DF.

The purpose of this study was to assess the influence of the administration of high doses of androgenic anabolic steroids (AAS) on endocrine and semen parameters. Thirty volunteering bodybuilders were studied (ages ranging between 26.6 +/- 4.1 years). A history of anabolic steroid administration was recorded for fifteen subjects, and results of semen analysis and endocrine parameters were compared with data from fifteen bodybuilders not using steroids. In those subjects using AAS, eight had sperm counts under the lower normal limit (20 x 10(6) sperm/ml), three had azoospermia, two polyzoospermia, and two had normal sperm counts. The percentage of morphologically normal sperm was significantly reduced, only 17.7% had normal spermatozoa. In the control group, only one subject had oligozoospermia. The hormonal parameters revealed reduced FSH (1.5 +/- 3.2 vs 5.0 +/- 1.6, p < 0.001) and PRL (5.1 +/- 4.9 vs 9.2 +/- 4.4, p < 0.01) levels. LH, T, E2 and DHEA levels did not vary.


Chronic use of bromo can cause hypoprolactinemia which can hinder HPTA recovery:

Fertil Steril 1991 Feb;55(2):355-7

Effects of chronic bromocriptine-induced hypoprolactinemia on plasma testosterone responses to human chorionic gonadotropin stimulation in normal men.

Oseko F, Nakano A, Morikawa K, Endo J, Taniguchi A, Usui T.

Department of Medicine, Shimane Medical University, Japan.

To study the role played by normal levels of plasma prolactin (PRL) in the secretion of testosterone (T) in the testes, we induced hypoprolactinemia with a daily dose of 5 mg bromocriptine administered orally in five normal men 20 to 35 years of age for 8 weeks. The basal PRL, T, luteinizing hormone, follicle-stimulating hormone, and maximum responses of plasma T to human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) stimulation were measured every 2 weeks.Basal levels of plasma T were reduced in the 1st 2-week-long period of hypoprolactinemia. In the 4-week-long period of hypoprolactinemia, the maximal response of plasma T to hCG stimulation was significantly reduced. The findings suggest that normal levels of plasma PRL may play an important role in the secretion of T in the human testes in vivo
Int J Androl 1984 Feb;7(1):53-60 Related Articles, Links

Prolactin secretion in the human male is increased by endogenous oestrogens and decreased by exogenous/endogenous androgens.

Gooren LJ, van der Veen EA, van Kessel H, Harmsen-Louman W, Wiegel AR.

There is evidence that prolactin may be involved in testicular steroidogenesis, and we have therefore investigated whether there is feedback regulation of androgens/oestrogens on prolactin secretion in the human male. To assess this we have measured basal and TRH-stimulated prolactin levels in: Six eugonadal men before and after 2 weeks' administration of the aromatase inhibitor delta'-testolactone, which led to a fall in oestradiol levels with unchanged levels of testosterone. In these patients, prolactin levels decreased. Six eugonadal subjects before and after 6 weeks' administration of dihydrotestosterone undecanoate. In these subjects, prolactin levels decreased. Six agonadal subjects, tested after 12 weeks' treatment with dihydrotestosterone undecanoate and compared to: Six agonadal subjects who received no sex steroid treatment. Again, it was found that dihydrotestosterone treatment decreased prolactin levels in patients from Group C. Six eugonadal subjects were also studied before and after 6 weeks' administration of the androgen receptor antagonist, spironolactone, and this treatment increased Prl secretion. It is concluded that in the human male, endogenous oestrogens increase prolactin secretion whilst exogenous/endogenous androgens decrease prolactin secretion
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last question i promise :)
I have heard nolva does jack for fina induced gyno. Would you recommend taking it concurrently with the fina, or in case symptoms appear