My New cycle strategy in my 40s


New member
My normal protocol the past 8 yrs has been to blast in the spring/summer doing 20-24 wk runs. mostly test/deca until recently where I have used an oral and some tren a at 50mgEOD just to try it out. All is good but they are long cycles and I think I need to shorten them. So I want to try 2 blasts a year instead. Here is my plan for upcoming year....

Sept-Nov TRT at 200mg/wk

Dec-Feb Test E 700-800mg/wk & Deca 400-500mg/wk Diet will be a short but solid bulk here. Dont like putting on fat. Cardio 3x wk

March-April TRT. Diet will taper to less cals most likely thru eating less carbs altogether. Try to avoid fat gain but maintain muscle. Increase cardio 4-5x / wk if needed.

June-Aug Test E 7-800mg/wk Deca 300mg/wk Tren A 75-100mg EOD Test prop 100mg EOD (1-6) Tbol 80mg (1-8) Diet , watch how I eat , looking for Tren to provide lean gains within reason of course. Only cut if absolute needed. I will do cardio everyday before I eat at a calorie deficit. Will eat clean, slightly above maintenance and adjust daily & weekly (less cals if getting fat, more if not growing but stomach remains somewhat flat)

Age 42
195-205 lb depending on how diet,gear and life is treating me.

Looking for lean gains ( I know, arent we all!) , like to see some abs. I know you cant bulk and cut. Im just interested in getting the best gains I can with MINIMAL fat gain on the stomach. Cause its a bitch to lose once its there. At 42 with a hectic life which includes alot of days where I get shit sleep, just looking to be solid and a little bigger without a gut.

Never used T3 but thinking of also using that in the summer.

Took this pic in June I think.

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Be careful with the t-3 bro. I used it last year to cut the last bit of fat I had on. It takes it's toll. Really bad leg cramps at night.
Thanks for that info Manski. I have a friend using some right now and complained about the same. My real concern is despite using AAS it may hinder gains. Considering my leanness I should be able to diet to keep fat off but in the event I still am not happy I was considering trying it out. Still unsure if its even for me and until I know for sure I am not doing it.
Thanks for that info Manski. I have a friend using some right now and complained about the same. My real concern is despite using AAS it may hinder gains. Considering my leanness I should be able to diet to keep fat off but in the event I still am not happy I was considering trying it out. Still unsure if its even for me and until I know for sure I am not doing it.
As long as you use while on cycle you should be ok as far as losing gains. But really, I've tried almost everything and for me, t-3 messed with me the most and I most likely won't use again. The leg cramps were paralyzingly.
Hey Anzel--I'm going to follow along with your plan. I'm 47 and getting dialed into my TRT plan. Turn out my doctor is mostly the type that writes me a script and moves on. So I have the challenge now of monitoring my blood work, and adding in the ancillaries. But I'm interested in your x2 per year B&C and will keep an eye out for your posts.

What is your test when you are running just 200 mg/week on TRT? Just curious.
4g of Taurine daily takes care of those cramps buddy :)

Thanks bro and I'm aware of that. I'm a big fan of SD and we all know we must have Taurine on hand when running that. But as far as T-3, the Taurine didn't even work in my case. I was hydrated, ate bananas, and plenty of magnesium and still ot bad cramps.
Hey Anzel--I'm going to follow along with your plan. I'm 47 and getting dialed into my TRT plan. Turn out my doctor is mostly the type that writes me a script and moves on. So I have the challenge now of monitoring my blood work, and adding in the ancillaries. But I'm interested in your x2 per year B&C and will keep an eye out for your posts.

What is your test when you are running just 200 mg/week on TRT? Just curious.

On 200mg im in the 800's and I feel great. As far as using an AI while on TRT , I can get by with .25 ADEX 2x/wk but I can skip a dose every other week and still be good.
June-Aug Test E 7-800mg/wk Deca 300mg/wk Tren A 75-100mg EOD Test prop 100mg EOD (1-6) Tbol 80mg (1-8) Diet , watch how I eat , looking for Tren to provide lean gains within reason of course. Only cut if absolute needed. I will do cardio everyday before I eat at a calorie deficit. Will eat clean, slightly above maintenance and adjust daily & weekly (less cals if getting fat, more if not growing but stomach remains somewhat flat)

So the idea of bringing tren into the mix makes me think I should go with a lower dose of deca (2 19nors at the same time) What do you guys think about that? I like using deca for help with the joints at the very least and would miss it if it wasnt there. On the other hand I dont want to run this if it will lead to any issues. I could run a smaller dose of 150-250 mg or drop it altogether .....
i do 100-200 trt a week when not incarcerated lol

Then when I break out and do a cycle it s trt plus 50/50 prop and tren a M-W-F...sometimes m1t..1 pill a day..2 weeks..2 weeks my avi was after 8 weeks of that and that s enough for me guys..I m fkn over half dead
i do 100-200 trt a week when not incarcerated lol

Then when I break out and do a cycle it s trt plus 50/50 prop and tren a M-W-F...sometimes m1t..1 pill a day..2 weeks..2 weeks my avi was after 8 weeks of that and that s enough for me guys..I m fkn over half dead

You mean you do a 2 weeks on 2 weeks off cycle???
So reading around I found an older thread where a bigtime member Det Oak said this " no less than 2mg per lb of body weight with deca." So following what he says I shouldnt do more than 400mg of deca. He also said that on a bulk he would do 750mg of test with the 400mg of deca. So Im pretty good with that I guess.....

any thoughts?
I just now read your whole mail was piled highwhile in the can.....

Bro yyou look fucking awesome...your lean, muscular, not as puffy fat or swollen like me...better i m o. I m thinking of staying at 200 and quitting pizza, kfc and all that and get ripped. We got 9 monster casino s and I ve been approached to be a whore(escort)
they just want more ab s ( the pay s crazy for this euro trash) but I digress.

I am not dissing you but why the high doses if your only going for what you say. Ai s need will go up, same w progest antags....

My avi s not shit I know..I m fat but full and thats from 1 cc test cyp 200 then 50/50 prop tren a mwf for 8 weeks with mit..1 pill a day..2 weeks on..2 weeks off.

No disrespect--are you overtraining I do very little weight s now and lot s of slow aerobics.

ex Chest--incline bench 5-8 working sets..pec dec...done..or if some dick s in the way texting the next jihad or asking mum for gym free money I ll do cable s or dumbells

Back..10-12 set s 6-8 set s bi s done
shoulders militaryx5 working sets...3 sets side raises done

U look great. I do 40 ms cardio 30 ms weights then 20 ms cardio the 45 ms weights...and in my avi and that month I felt as good as ever as I was not cooking off the secret-----glycogen. One reason that s all I do is I hate to be full and I ve alway s been raised and trained to not stuff yourself; and MY bodie s busted up----less can be more. When I m off bond I ll be 210 but then rip......male escort...sounds a lot less strenuous than what I fkn do now.
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I just now read your whole mail was piled highwhile in the can.....

Bro yyou look fucking awesome...your lean, muscular, not as puffy fat or swollen like me...better i m o. I m thinking of staying at 200 and quitting pizza, kfc and all that and get ripped. We got 9 monster casino s and I ve been approached to be a whore(escort)
they just want more ab s ( the pay s crazy for this euro trash) but I digress.

I am not dissing you but why the high doses if your only going for what you say. Ai s need will go up, same w progest antags....

My avi s not shit I know..I m fat but full and thats from 1 cc test cyp 200 then 50/50 prop tren a mwf for 8 weeks with mit..1 pill a day..2 weeks on..2 weeks off.

No disrespect--are you overtraining I do very little weight s now and lot s of slow aerobics.

ex Chest--incline bench 5-8 working sets..pec dec...done..or if some dick s in the way texting the next jihad or asking mum for gym free money I ll do cable s or dumbells

Back..10-12 set s 6-8 set s bi s done
shoulders militaryx5 working sets...3 sets side raises done

U look great. I do 40 ms cardio 30 ms weights then 20 ms cardio the 45 ms weights...and in my avi and that month I felt as good as ever as I was not cooking off the secret-----glycogen. One reason that s all I do is I hate to be full and I ve alway s been raised and trained to not stuff yourself; and MY bodie s busted up----less can be more. When I m off bond I ll be 210 but then rip......male escort...sounds a lot less strenuous than what I fkn do now.

Wow Teut! Where do I begin?? Lol. First off I thought you were joking bout being in the can..... but your not! That sucks bro! For what? (if you can say of course)

And a male escort?!? Holy shit! Your gonna have to close your eyes for some of them but I bet there will be a few hotties in there too. I guess you are a handsome fella , good for you! Congrats. I would do the escort and keep my other job tho, save all that money my friend, use it for retirement.

Actually , I was just thinking today that I must be overtrained!! Im tired alot, sore, pissed off all the time and I am not hungery for hours after I train. The other day my leg workout fell to shit quick and I left the gym early. I use a Pull,legs,push routine and do cardio in between but since Im on blast my routine is Pull,legs,push,pull,legs,push on and on and basically take a day off here and there. Besides that I work shift work and sometimes I get very little sleep. Plus I have a 2 yr old that contains more energy than an atom bomb!

So why the high doses?? Its what I have learned here on Ology frankly! Your first cycles are usu 500mg of test , then maybe some deca next cycle. Then you get on in your cycling and try a little more test and raise the deca and befoe you know it your running 750mg. I mean I know I have come a long way but I have the curse like others and still think I need to go bigger. So Im listening to what your saying bro.

So all that being said I always try to be smart and take a page from someone elses book if they seem to be doing things right, that means you of course. So maybe I will wind things down this summer and then prepare my next blast and do the same as you. If it works for me, great! If not, I can always go nutz with higher doses.
No. I take my AI and that does fine. But always keep some Prami on hand in case.

Got ya. I am in starting a very similar cycle utilizing NPP. Adex for me too and I use Caber. Prami didn't like me much.
I am going to run my test a bit lower and see if I get less E2 and really watch my prolactin this time because I got lazy with the bloods
last time and it cost fiance!!!!
Got ya. I am in starting a very similar cycle utilizing NPP. Adex for me too and I use Caber. Prami didn't like me much.
I am going to run my test a bit lower and see if I get less E2 and really watch my prolactin this time because I got lazy with the bloods
last time and it cost fiance!!!!

Jeez that sucks bro, well maybe it was only a minor set back in the grand scheme of things.... you may do better!
I don t know how your training but if you give your first compound movement 110 percent then do 1 or maybe 2 isolation exercises...I mean...I ache..I don t want or need to be huge but I respect the work people put my age I do what I can basically......
But I get I was in county for 13 nights ...sucked fkn ass. Food was bad as was the brotherhood. I m in a plea bargain phase so that s all I ll say..sleeping on concrete for the whole time with no pillow, shower, ...I mean noone was overly rude but still it was not fkn cool.

jokin bout the escort lolol