My new diet


New member
Well here we go guys. I started about 2 months ago on a diet targeted on my blood type (which I had never heard of but hey it shed the pounds, but then again I guess any diet will if your only takin in about 1000-1400 calories) I started then at 215lbs and a bf% of "fuckin fat ass" thats all I'm gonna say. Now I've got with 3J and swithed it up to a more reasonable diet where I acctually eat food not a freakin microwave dinner with 150 calories. I'm not gonna post the specs to the diet cuz I'm to lazy to look in my log and type all that. But my workout days are as follows. BTW I'm now 200lbs 24%bf

Wed.-Biceps(I no I cant freakin spell this day of the week)

Cardio(heart rate 120-130)
8 times a week
M,W,F (3) empty stomach morning cardio 30 minutes for now will up 3 minutes a week up to 45 minutes
M-F (5) PWO cardio 35 minutes will also increase but 2 minutes a week

now I was eating 2 and a half times a day, now its six plus PWO (keep in mind this is only day three for me)
Day 1 was ok not much trouble eating all the food except meal 4 (my biggest meal)
Day 2 was good found myself pretty hungry at meal 6
Day 3 WTF I ate my normal meals 1-3 lifted and did cardio(forgot my pwo meal at home which I usually eat right after cardio) So I laid in the tanning bed 20 minutes and laid there another 5 minutes cuz I was shaking, So I went to the 7/11 and got a protien bar and a gatorade not even 60 secs later I was fine. I was starving like I hadent eaten in a week, Didnt think this few days would have me gettin hungry in between meals but I always adjust pretty well, but then again wtf do I know maybe I'm just being a pussy, But its all good, I've been in the gym for 2 months now and until this week I had no noticeable strength gains until this week and wow Its through the roof, felt great in the gym all week, found myself wanting to stay for more and I did do one more exercise(maybe that had something to due with the hunger, or maybe just pushing my self with more weight did it idk) I no I feel great for the first time in about a yr. and I dont know that the diet is to take all the credit but I no it aint hurtin, and I'm hooked on it now, I find myself on lookin up shit I dont even have in the fridge just to see what its pros/cons are, maybe I'm just a little obsessed, O well better than obese!!!! lol
Anyways I know its a long thread but I like listening to my self talk(type) alot more than you guys probably do(yes I'm talkin to myself as I type)lol
So I'll update this weekly or if anything interesting happens in between (e.g. I pass out in the tanning bed and wake up with the gym manager practicing her cpr on me (its a female just want to point that out I know how some of you guys mind works: not gonna point fingers) well hope you guys find this as entertaining as i have.

Thanks 3J
I owe ya for this diet

I know exactly how you feel, once you start seeing results it becomes addictive. I also find myself plugging shit into fitday just out of curiosity. Stick with it and great things will happen. No matter how hard you train you cant out train a bad diet.
glad to hear its working.. as for your feeling like shit and eating a protien bar.. thats your metabolism kicking into high gear..

keep the log going buddy.. its good stuff
Well today started kinda screwed up. daughter had dr. appt. this am so wife didnt set alarm clock last night so I woke up 2.5 hrs late so my meal schedule was kinda jacked, ended up missing meal 3 because of it, I should have replaced meal 2 with 3(higher protien and carbs) but didnt think about it at the time, Workout was good tri's today, added another exersice which put me up to 6 exersices(not sure if thats to many? but I feel good when I'm done, after 5 I was beggin for more so....) didnt forget my pwo meal today so felt much better, went ahead and bumped up pwo cardio 2 minutes to 37 minutes instead of waitin til monday felt pretty good, noticed heart rate didnt get as high as usual so increased intensity a little and that did the trick. So last night was a pain, you know i try to get my kids to come set in my lap all the time, oh and there just to damn busy for dad, so last night about a half hr before bed(snack time for my kids) my youngest daughter decides she wants me to hold her, along with her freakin cheez-its I thought about going and getting some of those expandable ear plugs to put up my nose so I wouldnt smell em, but what good would that do when everytime she picked one up she held it to my face and said "here daddy for you" so I ate 2 no big deal considering 6 months ago I would have eaten half the damn box, nights tend to be hard for me sometimes, I have to take sleeping pills and I dont know what the hell it is but they give me the munchies, I mean bad takes alot of will power to hold back makes me feel like I been smokin one of them green cigaretts if ya know what i mean!!! well that sums up my day so far. hopefully no excitment at bed time 2nite
talapia is the best fish u can take in.. the healtiest... but u'll be missin out on some good efa's from the salmon...
I may try to do one tilapia and one salmon a day.... its just hard for me to eat 16 oz of salmon ed, I used to not eat fish unless it was fried catfish since im from the south, so i guess i'm still acquiring a taste for fishy falvors like salmon
another good day!! delts tried a few new isolations for rear delts and really pushed em hard today.STARVING right now so 8 oz. ground beef didnt do it so I'm eatin the whole damn pound.

3J I tried a few different things this week within my macros to see what would work best for me and I've found what I think I can follow to the T, only thing I'm concerned with is calories only gettin 2720 I think I should prob be gettin at least 3000, idk just wanted to knip it in the but this 1st week so I can get squared away. my macro breakdown is as follows
may need some more carbs too? can add a half sweet potato(along with whole one) in meal 3 and that'll get me another 12. and refeed day what is this exactly?? just eat a footlong on sunday or something? been readin some threads and i'm kinda confused as what exactly to do. If you would like I will post my whole day diet and you can critic me from there.
also forgot to add that I gained 4 pounds this week, altho bf% is still setting the same that 4 pounds came from somewhere, even if its half LBM and half BF i'm okay with that cuz I know as my cardio goes up the fat will go down, Thanks again to 3J. So apparently I'm eating much better, I've never gained 4 pounds in a week(naturally anyways) except maybe thanksgiving
also forgot to add that I gained 4 pounds this week, altho bf% is still setting the same that 4 pounds came from somewhere, even if its half LBM and half BF i'm okay with that cuz I know as my cardio goes up the fat will go down, Thanks again to 3J. So apparently I'm eating much better, I've never gained 4 pounds in a week(naturally anyways) except maybe thanksgiving

is this your first week on the diet??

if im not mistaken your not on cycle right?
is this your first week on the diet??

if im not mistaken your not on cycle right?

yes 1st week on diet. But I went from starving myself at 1000 calories a day to this.
No not on cycle, Only supps I'm takin is a multi vitamin. Welter yes I am bulking, My LBM isnt great and my bf% is to still high imo 25% but i'm not worried about that, Dont want to cut down to 175 lounds to get cut, I''l worry about that when my LBM gets higher.
yea, just stick to your current caloric intake.. i would have had u slowly build up to your current intake..
Hey guys sorry for the long gap in posts. I've had my brothers bach. party and his wedding taking up alot of my time, and I also started a new job last monday after 14 months of oilfield layoff. So long story short... Diet has been going ok except for the bach party and wedding. last week was my week off in the gym which worked out well with starting the new job, I'm still adjusting to being on my feet all day, and I have been battling some back pain, not sure whats wrong but it hurts like hell some days, I can take a loratab and it quits hurting but still have lots of pressure and if I take anti-inflammatory no pressure just pain, so I need to just take both I guess, I just dont like to take the pain pill during the day cuz dont want it to affect my workout. as far as results go 3'4" growth in arm measurements and 1" loss around belly, bf% has dropped just around 1% and i wont bitch about that it hasnt even been 30 days yet, so I'm pretty happy with it, all my other measurements are pretty close to the same neck is like 1/8" bigger. I have noticed a little strength increase and quicker recovery time nothing huge but still a gain, cardio is going great(had to cut early morning due to the new job) I do 45 minutes pwo with 5 minute cool down followed by about 5 minutes of streching, so really going good, I was frustrated at first cuz all the diets I've done in the past were weight loss and so really quick results but I would say my arms growing 3/4" in a month is not bad for a just changing what I eat and no gear. Anyway all is well minus the back injury if it doesnt get better in a wk or so I'll go to the doc. Hey should I go to chiropracter or just to my regular dr. for that?? any suggestions.
id go chiropractor, also working out your abbs will lower chances of back pain.

As for your results, they look pretty good, the 3/4 inch arm increase is unbeleivable in 1 month!!! it should peak pretty soon though. keep up the good work