My next cycle. Test, EQ, Masteron, Anavar

The pip in my ventroglute is insane... I'm walking with a limp and I could feel the moment i pushed the needle in to far, I pulled it out slightly but didn't help and first time in over 6 months I inject so technically virgin muscle... :(
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I need to pace myself and my workouts, i've been good in the sense of not doing crazy weights but I totally kill every muscle group im going for that day and including cardio/stretching its lasting 2+ hours which is 30 min "too long"... Only been 6 hours since leg day and I guarantee you i'll walk with a limp because I already feel sore...
Its just that I don't get tired... And this fuckface was staring at me the entire workout so I was doing crazy amount of negative reps just to mess with his mind lol...
Should have seen my squats today...the depth and 2 second hold would have impressed, just sayin :P
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Thoughts on this, to give my new gf a extraordinary weekend.
I'm supposed to inject saturday but was thinking tomorrow(friday) late evening before she comes(Basically pushing the injection 10-12hours earlier than intended), 300mg test e, 350iu hcg, 50mg clomid, 100mg proviron and 20mg cialis and 10mg cialis for breakfast with the usual proviron doses.
Idea being to have super libido for whole saturday.

Its weird, im constantly horny, get super hard but the exhaustion from fucking and losing my breath makes me go semi soft and it's annoying the shit out of me... Please help bro's, i've never had this issue before so bit confused and lost!
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Thoughts on this, to give my new gf a extraordinary weekend.
I'm supposed to inject saturday but was thinking tomorrow(friday) late evening before she comes(Basically pushing the injection 10-12hours earlier than intended), 300mg test e, 350iu hcg, 50mg clomid, 100mg proviron and 20mg cialis and 10mg cialis for breakfast with the usual proviron doses.
Idea being to have super libido for whole saturday.

Its weird, im constantly horny, get super hard but the exhaustion from fucking and losing my breath makes me go semi soft and it's annoying the shit out of me... Please help bro's, i've never had this issue before so bit confused and lost!

Sounds like a great plan!!!! :)
Have fun

You're saying you're having trouble finishing? Estrogen out of whack probably? I know that's what causes it for me. I can go forever if my estrogen is off. Lol. And I'm too old for that shit......just wanna finish
Thoughts on this, to give my new gf a extraordinary weekend.
I'm supposed to inject saturday but was thinking tomorrow(friday) late evening before she comes(Basically pushing the injection 10-12hours earlier than intended), 300mg test e, 350iu hcg, 50mg clomid, 100mg proviron and 20mg cialis and 10mg cialis for breakfast with the usual proviron doses.
Idea being to have super libido for whole saturday.

Its weird, im constantly horny, get super hard but the exhaustion from fucking and losing my breath makes me go semi soft and it's annoying the shit out of me... Please help bro's, i've never had this issue before so bit confused and lost!
don't go so heavy with the cialis because even 10mg of good cialis will last you into the following day. if i had to take it, i would always space 48hrs between doses.

and IMO, 50mg of proviron is enough because i feel like after a certain point it just stops working. back when i was running test, tren, masteron, gh + add in cialis and 50mg proviron, one day i fucked my ex girlfriend literally 7 or 8 times.. granted we were both 24, so in love, and just started dating 3 months prior.

anyway, sounds like you got yourself a weekend man. have a couple beers and enjoy yourself!
Dude asked for some exercise for lower chest and no one gives a damn
now he's talking about weekend plan and his lower body and he got two answers already :3some:
just jk :)
Dude asked for some exercise for lower chest and no one gives a damn
now he's talking about weekend plan and his lower body and he got two answers already :3some:
just jk :)

This had me dying in laughter bro. So fucking true haha :p
But hey, the bro's at least knows whats important in life :D
don't go so heavy with the cialis because even 10mg of good cialis will last you into the following day. if i had to take it, i would always space 48hrs between doses.
and IMO,50mg of proviron is enough because i feel like after a certain point it just stops working. back when i was running test, tren, masteron, gh + add in cialis and 50mg proviron, one day i fucked my ex girlfriend literally 7 or 8 times.. granted we were both 24, so in love, and just started dating 3 months prior.
anyway, sounds like you got yourself a weekend man. have a couple beers and enjoy yourself!

I'm used to using it for when i party and then i take 2-3 pills before going out but never taken it without the white stuff and alcohol in me so great advice, thanks!
Been taking 75mg daily for the past weeks and since i started taking testo again i dont know if its even worth taking anymore, can't really tell a difference.
Sounds like a great plan!!!! :)
Have fun
You're saying you're having trouble finishing? Estrogen out of whack probably? I know that's what causes it for me. I can go forever if my estrogen is off. Lol. And I'm too old for that shit......just wanna finish

Nah bro, not finishing just that I cant stay hard constantly. I get so exhausted i can barley breath and I loose it, never happened before and my cardio is better than ever, i run/sprint a mile per day as warmup and then actual cardio twice per week after workouts.
Thanks Gill, i'd probably would have gotten a heart attack if was to take my intended dose of cialis lol...
She really likes me on cycle, apparently I smell different, my voice is more manly, my appearance is manlier and lets just say she enjoyed the extra ;)
I've gained about 5 lbs so I know i'm holding water but she dont know that, so for her it's all muscles haha :D
Nah bro, not finishing just that I cant stay hard constantly. I get so exhausted i can barley breath and I loose it, never happened before and my cardio is better than ever, i run/sprint a mile per day as warmup and then actual cardio twice per week after workouts.

I did not have this problem at all now. Curious if its the increased testo or cialis or maybe both.
Was out for dinner yesterday, had never been there before and will never return...both me and gf got light food poisoning. She threw up, I just got the shits and been almost impossible to eat today. Sitting with the same plate for 45 min now and its torture...
Food was actually pretty good yesterday though so we both were surprised...It was beef and chicken with rice and potato, it should be close to impossible to fuck up lol...

Did arms today, amazing amazing workout, got so much pump my arms grew a good 25%, looks really nice.
I feel for the first time I'm actually doing it right with every aspect.
Honestly don't think i'll need much more than testo + anavar or testo + masteron for next cycle. Still interested in doing the proposed title cycle but more and more I regret jumping the gun so early for the first two cycles... Doing tren, so stupid...
400mg test per week is an enormous difference and I haven't reached any peaks or plateaus yet so feels like its all I need for now.

Still staying in a pretty heavy calorie deficit and doing high protein, sadly half of it is from shakes. Usually have about 150g whey per day.
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Have some creeping joint/bone pain, nothing serious but suspecting my estrogen is still very low, I should get blood work but wanna do complete panel and it's to early for that.
For a mental/psych POV, i've been very relaxed lately and don't get upset nearly as easily and small things don't seem to bother me as much either. Some of it is from the testo, cuz I always feel better while on but this is different.

Thinking of ditching AI completely for 2ish weeks and switch to aromasin 10mg ed and see if it becomes better.
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Note to self. Front load done.
Tuesday morning. 200mg test e.
350iu HCG
50mg clomid
Still on proviron 50mg
0.5mg adex.
So I have one vial of one brand and another different brand...
I've used both UGL before and verified them with blood work, so at worst it would be underdosed but not useless.
I think one of them is more correct and better... The worse one is 300mg/ml while the good one is 250mg/ml. Would not be shocked if the 300mg/ml vial is actually 250mg/ml.

So the question im wondering is which bottle to use next?
The same brand I started with or the one that could potentially be underdosed?

Could potentially end up going from 200mg per injection to 165mg and only 330mg per week, and that vial would last me about 15.x injections so about 7 weeks and change.
Logically, if its underdosed, it would make sense to end cycle with a properly dosed vial, because it'll finish up the cycle last weeks with slightly higher testo?
That way, at least I finish up the last 6 weeks and change with 200/400mg per injection/week.

Thoughts about this guys?
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Due to storage issues once reconstituted I was forced to buy another 5k bottle HCG.
And as not to waste any HCG, I will be bumping it up to 4-500iu per injection and 800-1000iu per week.

Think i failed here last cycle, ran out mid cycle and took a whooping 6 weeks to get the order through customs... :(