My next cycle. Test, EQ, Masteron, Anavar

It might be wishful thinking and placebo in combination with spring feelings and very nice weather for the season but I feel fucking amazing.
I wanna inject today just to get my levels higher but gonna wait til tomorrow :)
Also decided to eat 50mg clomid with each injection since the half life is insane. Been contemplating doing the same with nolvadex. Any input on that?

This mini cycle half cruise or whatever you wanna label it was exactly what the doctor ordered haha ;)
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Its definitely not placebo because I feel like the hulk again. Feel like i'm soooo strong, meoow :P
Its like my body and every fiber is just ooozing strength, pure, raw strength. Its an amazing feeling, haven't really felt that on prop before.
Or maybe its the combination of already being on proviron and clomid. I have no idea but i like, i like it a lot.
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Note to self.
Have minor joint pain, chalking it down to, too high AI doses.
Decided to skip AI completely this whole week and reevaluate. Can only afford 2 blood works this cycle so gonna go on feeling for now :)
I've been cocky about needle size in the past but I have to admit... 21g is not that fun to inject with, not even in glutes...
Getting some 25g's this week thankfully :D
Had an amazing workout today, just couldn't get tired. Had to force myself to quit after 90 min and start core workout as to not risk injuries.
Also didn't have to max the weights to have that awesome muscle connection.

Very happy, looking forward to wednesday and next injection.
when are you going to start with the ai again?

I had been taking adex AND aromasin 3 weeks before cycle(gyno treatment) and upped the adex dose pretty heavily with the first injection, so the idea is to let adex bleed down for a whole week, since the half life is pretty insane and my body will still have respectable levels of adex in my system even this coming saturday.
And I only had joint pain for 2 days so I was probably just on the very edge of low estrogen.

So even without any AI, it shouldn't become a concern until 3-4 weeks from now.
With that said, plan is to go for 1mg per week, split at 0.5mg with each injection.
Then reevaluate that in 3 weeks from today.

And i'll get blood work once I switch to aromasin and have been on that for 10+ days
Forgot the jaw pump when eating/chewing food. Pretty intense to the point they lock themselves and I can't eat.
Gonna start taurin tomorrow at 3grams and see if helps. Any other suggestions?
Could someone be nice and help me with a 5 day / week training split. Focus on legs/back
I just can't seem to get into proper rythm without a PT but the actual training has been better, easier to get into the mind zone without breaks talking where you snap out of it.
Its nothing I can't do myself but I want it to be perfect and haver no idea what the truly optimal approach would be.
Please help :)
Could someone be nice and help me with a 5 day / week training split. Focus on legs/back
I just can't seem to get into proper rythm without a PT but the actual training has been better, easier to get into the mind zone without breaks talking where you snap out of it.
Its nothing I can't do myself but I want it to be perfect and haver no idea what the truly optimal approach would be.
Please help :)

How about hitting up 3J for some free advice! :sadwavey:
A good lesson from yesterday... Just because YOU ain't getting tired doesn't mean your muscles aren't...
Don't think i've ever mean this sore, this quick. My shoulders are crying lol
What are peoples ab/core routine?
I usually do 5x25 and repeat that 2-3 times everyday except legs day... but i'm starting to feel like the reps and workout last forever and I hate those ab machines...
The cable one is pretty decent, I like that but what else is there where you put some weight on it?
I kinda rifled through your log and it looks good. I was wondering you said your doing EQ on your first post and I haven***8217;t seen anything about it? Well if you are play it safe because it has pretty negative effects on the kidneys, even more so that pretty much any other aas. The kidney and rbc are the two major issues. I never knew about the kidney issue from it and just learned about it recently so ai figured I***8217;d pass it on to ya. Keep up the great log bro! ;)
I kinda rifled through your log and it looks good. I was wondering you said your doing EQ on your first post and I haven***8217;t seen anything about it? Well if you are play it safe because it has pretty negative effects on the kidneys, even more so that pretty much any other aas. The kidney and rbc are the two major issues. I never knew about the kidney issue from it and just learned about it recently so ai figured I***8217;d pass it on to ya. Keep up the great log bro! ;)

Economy troubles bro. This was my planned cycle before shit went south.
And then my source offered me a really good deal (was basically free) so I decided to run only test e for 16 weeks.

I had no idea it was hepatotoxic though, I knew about the RBC and that you need to go donate blood mid cycle and after cycle, great information. Thanks bro!
Donating blood...
I can only donate once every 3 months, did my last donation 5 months, which was about 2 month into PCT from last cycle.
So i'm wondering if I should donate now, just start of cycle and then end of PCT.

I'm asking because I dont wanna take 2 days off training and I dont wanna donate blood before weekend where my nympho gf owns my dick lol.
What do you guys think? Just suck it up and go donate now and after?
So it appears the MCT oil I bought was not highly concentrated and thats why I probably didn't live in the bathroom for a week.
I've bought "bodybuilding" MCT oil thats states its roughly 5 more potent, some fractionated/refined/concentration or something.
Its the mutant core MCT series.

The best diet addition ive found and added is definitely my morning oatmeal shakes with 0.75cups oatmeal(extra fiber one) 80 grams whey protein, half a tablespoon peanut butter, 100grams frozen berries, cinnamon, vanilla extract(both powder and essence) with 16 ml of MCT oil with 0.6l of lowfat, low skimmed milk.
For those wondering.... Anything less than 25g in your ventroglutes FUCKING SUCKS BALLS....
I can already feel the PIP omg... Its likely to swell up....the needles are to damn long....
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