well, yesterday i dropped the dbol...a few days early, not doin much... thing is, today i had the craziest pumps ive had... so im assuming its the test because i dropped the dbol yesterday... also, vascularity is starting to come in more.... i can see the veins under the skin in my bicept, ones ive never seen, so they should start popin out sometime soon... i haven't weiged myself... i get too hung up on weight... i look bigger, im eating, im getting stronger... for ex: lat pulldown was like 180 for 8, now im doing about 210 for 8... incline dumbelle i was using the 75's for about 8, now im using the 85's for 8... tried the 90's for my 4th set but only got 3 out of em... what else... skull crushers went up like 15lbs...but i haven't done tri's for like 5 days, so it probly went up more... haven't done legs!!! when i shoot quads, i Can't do legs, and then when i rotated to glute, i went snowboarding so my legs were sore for a few days... just hard to time it right, also trying to stay on track with my workout partner... He is doing a cycle of VPX pro-hormone shit... but he grows off this shit... like 15lbs in 6 weeks... he also has real good genetics... 17 with 18'' arms...6'3'' like 15% BF...he's lookin to get to 250 from about 230 in the next 6 weeks, already up like 8lbs!! id hate to think what would happen if he hit up a real cycle... it'd be like the hulk... anyway, even though he is alot bigger than me, im pretty close in strength with alot of things. anyway... im gonna see how this week progresses, gonna try and write up my routines with weights and all that... BTW, its almost been a month and i still haven't gotten my car back after it was broken into! Insurance shit takes forever! For anyone who gives a fuck...