My Osta Gain SARMS Journal


227.5(1 whole pound. Lol). Again no concern with this. Juanito is looking tighter and fuller everyday and strength is up. There may actually be no real change in weight. Juanito weighed in at 6:30pm so he had a lot of food in him at that time.

But recomp is going well. Juanito has a pump and veins at almost all times of the day. Good stuff.

Trained Legs: (basically the same as last week)

Leg press 3 sets to get warm
Squats. 4 sets 10,8,6,4
Reverse extension
Leg extension

Standing raises on box in smith
Seated 2 drop sets

test cyp 360 week
tren ace 250 week (dropped dose and will be taking out soon)
Primo E 800 week (starting forth week)
Ostarine 25 day
GW501516 5mg day
HF, I think a bit of both. The weight is going to be a lean mass gains. I would imagine it's something you would actually keep after. I'm not overly concerned about weight increases because Juanito is getting a more cut look with full looking muscle and that's what we are going for. I imagine if we were looking to really bulk we would make a couple changes in his regimen to reach that goal.

And thinking about this, if you could gain 2-5 pounds out of a month long cycle of ostarine, that's pretty incredible. That would take you an entire year to accomplish naturally. And if there is no major shut down or water gains, even better.
Yeah once you start keep an update of how you do with it.


25mg Osta
5mg GW
200 Prmo
50 Tren A

Trained Chest/Tri's

DB incline: 2 warm up 3 working 8 reps
BB Flat: 1 warm up 4 working 10,8,6,6
Dips: 3 sets weighted (1 plate)
DB flys: 2 sets-as many reps as possible


Pull dows rope: 3 sets
Super set with a machine similar to dips for Tri's

Skull Crushers: 3 sets as many reps as possible and close grip once at failure.

Strength is on a steady increase. Joints feel great we have no complaints, have not noticed any fat loss but everything is going great. I'm thinking of adding a small shake during, maybe a fruit flavor because Juanito is still getting a little burnt out towards the end but he is doing heavy weight, but Juanito usually get to a point where he feels more energetic near the end.
I've been keen on doing GW1516 and AICAR for some time now. What's stopped me was the published observation that they cause conversion of fast-twitch muscle fibres to slow twitch (ie: causes your muscle composition to move from being adapted for explosive power to being adapted for endurance, as in sprint vs marathon running). As a lifter, that doesn't suit my purposes, despite the cardiovascular fitness improvements that the compounds cause.

Of all the things you're on, which of them would you say is most responsible for your joints feeling so good?
I've been keen on doing GW1516 and AICAR for some time now. What's stopped me was the published observation that they cause conversion of fast-twitch muscle fibres to slow twitch (ie: causes your muscle composition to move from being adapted for explosive power to being adapted for endurance, as in sprint vs marathon running). As a lifter, that doesn't suit my purposes, despite the cardiovascular fitness improvements that the compounds cause.

Not to hijack the log here, but I've seen where GW+AICAR "transformed" fast twitch to slow twitch. If you are worried about losing fast twitch fibers maybe just run GW by itself and see if the proposed benefits hold true. The studies I've seen on GW say it produced, not transformed, slow twitch fibers and that was only through endurance work. There are still other proposed benefits to GW (cholesterol, ability to help the body not store fat, etc.) that may help without the addition of AICAR.

User, great log been following it along each day! Please keep it going I'm really interested in the end result. My hamster maybe to start his OSTA + GW today.
Hawk you nailed it with that question my friend. Thanks for answering that one.

As far as the joints go I honestly am not sure. The primo increases collagen synth but that's supposed to be negated by test over 200mg a week but Juanitos joints still feel great. I just can't figure it out because it's not like Juanito just doesnt have joint pain, it's more like they really feel good.

Sorry I haven't updated in a couple days. I will get my updates up hopefully tomorrow and get it current. Thanks for following and thanks for all the questions. I'm not an expert on SARMS by any means. I have read a lot about ostarine and some on GW so this is a learning experience for me, in the midst of a small cycle.

I would really like to see some others try these out and compare results and see if we can find a common ground.
I haven't had time to update lately. I think today will be day 22 and Juanito has been progressing nicely. Weight is up a couple more pounds but there was a lot of Holliday food.

Tonight Juanito will train legs. Even with the added weight gain, he is still very lean and low BF. Strength is very good and and Ostarine has been a good addition to Juanitos AAS regimen. The GW also seems to be a good addition. It's difficult at this point to separate what each has done. I haven't noticed any extra fatloss but Juanito is not adding BF if that makes sense.

These SARMS actually work very well with what I'm trying to do. In my experience, it's not going to add water weight and you won't blow up but using a bottle for 30-36 days can add a few lbs of muscle and increase strength. This comes without shutting down hpta. I feel like you could easily maintain what you gain from these but this is opinion for me because Juanito is using AAS so I can't say 100% that he kept gains from SARMS but I feel good about SARMS working favorably for him and these have been great as an addition, and in place of an oral. The big plus is not having sides, Juanito has had zeros sides at this point and that includes from AAS but his doses on those are very low.

So from what I've seen at this point, I'm impressed. If you can add 2-5 lbs in 2 months with strength gains, no sides, no hpta suppression, then that's pretty solid. If you cycled these SARMS and maybe ran 2 months on 2 off you should be able to add a good amount of weight and be able to maintain throughout a year. I haven't personally found to many things to work outside of hormones. Prohormones may work but IMO they have worse sides then AAS and you might as well use the real thing. SARMS fall into their own category but will add muscle and strength without all the negative but it won't be the huge gains AAS provide. I'm actually disappointed that Juanito is almost done with ostarine but he will continue with the GW and will be looking at adding peptides to the remainder of his cycle.
Hi UserAt204, this is a great log. Let me know if you need any more product so we can keep this log going. I appreciate the good feed back very much.
Finally an update.

I have been slacking pretty bad on both my logs lately. I have been really busy with work and my little one has been sick but things are going well again.

Now Juanito has missed a few training days here and there during the holidays and because of my issues.

25mg Osta
5mg GW
We dropped the tren ace and were only using 150mg a week for a while any way.
Test C 360 a week
Primo 800mg week


10 minutes walking treadmill just to loosen up

Seated extension: 5 sets 8-10 reps
Front Squats: 4 sets 8, 6, 6, 4
Reverse extensions: 5 sets 8-10 reps
Leg press: 2 sets 16 plates(yes it's light) to failure

Seated raises: 3 drop sets
Raises in leg press: 3 sets , changing angles

Everything is going well. Juanito is sitting at about 232 right now. I would like to bring that down to about 228 or even tighter at 225. For whatever reason Juanito is not comfortable at his current weight and has been eating a little to dirty the past couple weeks but is back to normal which isn't that clean anyway. This was not intended as a bulk, we are just looking for muscle fullness, maintain low bf. So more about attaining a look then a bulk or cut. But we will work on dropping a couple pounds just to keep bf to a minimum.

Strength is great. There has been a little dip after dropping tren but nothing major and I expected a little change any time I drop something and don't replace. I feel like there hasn't been much change in bf even with the added weight, but Juanito is looking a little fuller compared to a couple weeks back. Still very vascular overall but not seeing it in the abs currently, most likely from holiday eating.

Osta thank you for the products. IMO they have lived up to my expectations.

25mg ostarine
5mg GW

So are schedule was off this week. Monday is typically legs, Tuesday chest/tri, then back/bi's and shoulders between WED/SAT. This week we started yesterday with legs. Today we went ahead and hit back and chest. I would normally not have Juanito train like this but we are trying to squeeze days in this week and get back to normal next week.


Pull ups: 3 sets 10-12 body weight
Seated cable rows: 3 sets 8-10
Rack pulls: 3 sets 10,8,6
Tbar: 3 sets 8,6,4

Flat BB: 2 warm up 2 working 12,10 8,6
Incline BB: 3 sets 10,10,8
DB Flys: 3 sets 10,10,10
Dips 3 sets body weight: 10,8,4

Juanito got thru back feeling great, and had to push hard to get thru chest. I won't be having him do this combination again, it's to much with two major body parts in one day. We wanted him to hit both in case he can't train tomorrow. Juanito needed a little longer in between sets on chest exercises, took a break for a shake, and was drinking Gatorade instead of water today.

Overall pretty good day. Looks like we are at the very bottom of the ostarine bottle. I thought we had a few days left, I'll have to look back and see when we started, but I'm sure there were times we didn't measure exact. I'm sure we have enough for at least another day or two.
User, has Juanito noticed any back pumps or cramping at all?

For some reason my hamster had one day where his traps cramped up (he said he's never had a cramp there) and has had one or two days of back pumps. I gave him some extra Taurine and Potassium and it seemed to clear it up. Pretty sure it was just not getting enough fluids, but was wondering if Juanito has noticed this at all?
Yeah actually he had calf cramps at night while laying in his rat bed, and has had a lot of back pumps, not only in gym but outside of it. But Juanito has a couple other things running as well. Honestly I believe it to be dehydration as well.

I increased water and add some potassium back in for a week or two and I'm not sure which worked but it did.

Good call on that one but I'm guessing dehydrated as well. You get any headaches from dehydration? Usually a common symptom.

And even though this was going on, it wasn't real bad, I did have Juanito jump out of bed a few times, lol, Mrs Juanito thought he was crazy.
Headaches are a dead give away when the waters running low to me. Hamster definitely had a couple bad ones. Hamster had a couple of those, bumped his water up added potassium+Taurine and he was good to go.

lol he didn't have any night cramps, thank god! Just the one cramp in his traps, never had that before lol. it was the weirdest spot

Hamster is currently about to enter week 3. Thinking about getting his log going next week. Was hesitant to start the log over Christmas/New Years, too many other variables *cough*pies/cakes galore *cough* to be had.
Haha. Had the same problem with the food. Yeah it's funny when you get a cramp in odd places like that because your not sure how to move and stretch it out.

During my hockey playing days I had a few cramps so bad the muscle looked deformed and was balled up. That was pretty wild.
I will get an update later today. I see a couple of guys I really trust and enjoy reading their posts will be logging these same SARMS very soon so that should be pretty interesting.

Day 36

Osta 15-20mg
GW 5mg
Cyp 400mg week
Primo 800mg week

Today trained legs.

Warmed up sled 4 sets (2high, 2normal)
Squats 3 sets heavy
Leg extension 3 sets 10,10,8
Reverse extension 3 sets 10,10,8

Standing calf raises to failure 2 sets
Seated calf raises drop set to failure

Today was the final day of ostarine at 25mg a day, well as assumed my measurements were a little off because I ended up with 15-20mg today as the final dose of that bottle. I was measuring with an oral syringe, which is pretty accurate and works well for my rat. Juanito is still roughly 232-234 depending on time of day. I'm going to keep working on getting him back down to about 225.

I have to say ostarine has worked well. Juanito is very tight, and vascular and weight has went up during this run without adding a bunch of water. We didn't use an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) at all. Cals were roughly 4500 a day except during holidays. The primo has not even reached it's potential yet, so results were a combination of low dose test/tren/ostarine/GW. The AAS doses were very very low compaired to what Juanito would normally use.

I don't like to measure this in pounds gained because it was never the intent and while Juanito has gained, the purpose was to remain lean, recomp and add muscle, keep muscle full looking but not watery. This has been accomplished but during the holidays we let Juanitos eating get out of control so I'm guessing the reason for the added gain.

I'm actualy going to get another bottle of the ostarine and continue to run it as soon as I get it. I'm considering increasing the dose to 30 or 35mg a day and will use this, the GW, and continue the AAS and push back down to 225 and see if I can continue toward the intended goal. So far no sides from the SARMS at all, and none from the AAS or the combination of the two. Typically if running an oral 4 weeks would be close to the time I'd drop it but I'm thinking a dew more weeks may make a difference.
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I just got another bottle of ostarine from Osta-Gain and got Juanito started on 30mg tonight. I'm considering bumping that to 45mg a day but I think we will see how 30 goes first. I really want to see what some more time on can do.

No workout for Juanito today, cals are at 4200 roughly today. I decided that he needs to drop down to 225 so that will be the new goal. I'm not trying to just drop a couple pounds off Juanito but want to do so keeping muscle size and fullness. This should be no problem as it's only about 10 lbs.

Still running the GW as well. I like both of these for on cycle use and see the combination as good in post cycle therapy (pct) or while off to help maintain gains or make some gains during that time without sides or hpta suppression.

Tomorrow Juanito will be training shoulders and arms.
Nice log bro. I was looking at their products and your journal helps me in making my decision. Plus with it being a local company for me i have to help support the local economy.