My Osta Gain SARMS Journal

12-9. 25mg osta
Cals approx 4500
Training: shoulders

DB presses
Standing OHP
side/front raises
Machine rear delts

Heavy ropes 3 sets 30seconds with different movements. This will kill shoulders at the end. These are the huge/thick ropes. I do an alternating up and down, then a front circular, then an underhand grip rotation. Complete burn out and crazy pump at the end.

Strength is good. Still looking lean. Feel good. Nothing more to report.

I'm wondering on how your broke the comunication gap with Juanito?

As My Mouse Carl when I try to talk to him and get feed back on my research just looks at me like I'm an Idiot and wiggles his wiskers!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Any Help would be appriciated!

I think he has ADD or some thing.

I'm wondering on how your broke the comunication gap with Juanito?

As My Mouse Carl when I try to talk to him and get feed back on my research just looks at me like I'm an Idiot and wiggles his wiskers!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Any Help would be appriciated!

I think he has ADD or some thing.

I know what your problem is Phatbastard! You keep calling that mouse carl when it's a female named Carla! I saw you when you trapped and captured it! here is apic for others to judge.


Users juantito is already tough, when he gets done with these peps, sarms and cycles he will be a force to be reckoned with!

I thought those pecs were a little off looking!:doh:

I know what your problem is Phatbastard! You keep calling that mouse carl when it's a female named Carla! I saw you when you trapped and captured it! here is apic for others to judge.


Users juantito is already tough, when he gets done with these peps, sarms and cycles he will be a force to be reckoned with!
I think Carl may just have feminine features. Lol.

12-10 25mg Osta
Today no training, decided to have Juanito hit the treadmill in his cage just to keep endurance up a little. 2 miles, 25 minutes lol. Not breaking any land speed records here. Planned to put him on the scale today but we did not so tomorrow will be the day for that.

Did not keep track of his diet today at all but he was fed very well. Now we did run into an issue. Juanito has a problem with low blood sugar. Typically he is fine as long as he has regular feedings. In the past two months, he is going hypo after meals.
Strangely since starting osta, he has had zero issues but today 45 minutes post meal 57 for blood sugar then 70 minutes post 168. This has zero to do with ostarine but I mention it because his diet may have to change if this continues but I haven't completely figured out what is causing it. This started while Juanito was clean of any supplements so I don't feel that any of them are a cause, and has been a lifelong issue but a little different as of late so that will have to be addressed.

PhatB it's all in bonding with you research animal. Juanito seems to love this type of stuff so it's easy to see what makes him happy. If he decides not to respond then physical abuse is a close second. Sorry PITA it was a joke.

25mg Ostarine

Juanito's weight is up 2.5 lbs in the past 8 days but this includes anabolics. I'm not worried about gaining a lot of weight.
Most important to me is that Juanito is looking and feeling good. Bf is low and just staying tight.

Today trained legs.

Warmed up sled 4 sets (2high, 2normal)
Squats 2 sets heavy
Leg extension
Reverse extension

Standing calf raises to failure 2 sets
Seated calf raises drop set to failure

I have to be very creative to find ways for Juanito to perform these exercises but he is a versatile mouse.
Great log look forward to Juanito the super mouse starting the osta-gain max, and GW-1516. This has been an incredible combo for all subjects.
Yessir I'm actually going to add the GW to the mix. I spent some time reading about it and decided it will be a good option to let Juanito use both. At first I was thinking let him use them separate but it looks like a good combo for lean mass. Just like any cycle, the sum of it's parts will turn out amplified results. So dosing will begin tomorrow.

Juanito is in the gym right now(yes posting while he's training) so I'll update when he's done.

25mg Osta
100 primo
50 Tren ace

Trained chest/tri's

Flat Bench 2 warm up, 2 working, 1 drop
Incline BB 2 drop sets
Dips w/ 1 plate

Close grip bench 3 sets
Skull Crushers 3 sets
Rope pull downs 1 set to failure


25mg Ostarine
5mg GW-501516
100 primo
210 test

No training today. Strength still feeling good. Trained late last night and felt great. I had to force Juanito to leave because he was considering more exercises or hitting shoulders. For some reason Juanitos joints feel great, almost like he is on deca. Cals still at approximately 4500, and energy is great. Juanito did not want to stop training but there is no need to overtrain.

Today Juanito started the GW501516. He was given an oral dose of 5mg. After more research, it appears that the benefits will add even more to his current program. We would like to try each of these as a solo cycle but we are going for an overal look and synergy. The exciting part is Juanito is 34 in mouse years and is really trying to limit the amount of heavy cycles and androgens, but is not ready to get out of the game. So low doses anabolics/androgens in combination with other options (ostarine,GW,igf,gh peps,and hopefully tb-500) appear to be much healthier options and so far keeping Juanito with the size and look he wants. It's still early but we are happy so far.
Thanks for the log! I just registered so I can comment on this thread actually. Do you think most of the gains you're getting are from the anabolics or would you attribute a decent amount to the ostarine?

How's Osta-gain at shipping to Australia btw? I've heard some mixed messages about whether or not osta is allowed through Aus customs, but I'm hoping as its xmas they'll be really busy anyway and what you said about discrete shipping sounds promising. How discrete are we talking?
I'm very interested in this GW501516 thing, especially wondering its potency when combined to AICAR. Will it cause any muscle mass loss while burning fat or will it help gaining some lean mass?
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Sorry guys been busy and will update later tonight. But real quick aicar is supposed to be really good with GW. I also have some ftpp on the way but won't use that until after GW. Thanks for following and I'll post more tonight.
Ok so finally an update. It's been a long busy weeks.

Dosing 25mg daily and 5mg GW501516.

12-15 trained back and Bi's:

Started out great and Juanito felt extra strong.

Pull ups 3x10
Rack pulls 4 sets 10,8,6,2
T bar 3x6
Seated rows 2 sets to failure

Alternating db curls down the rack 2 sets.
Seated incline db curl 2 sets

Started great and finished back then before starting bi's Juanito had a dip in energy. I believe we fed him too close to training time causing him to not feel well at the end but he trained heavy.

Osta 25mg
GW 5mg


Standing OHP 4 sets 10,10,6,4
BB shrugs 3x8
Rear delts on machine 2x failure

That was all for this day. Juanito was busy and we had to get him in and out fast. We have not checked his weight recently but are not real concerned with it but will update that soon as well.

So far, Juanito continues to look fuller but is remaining lean and vascular. The veins across Juanitos chest and delts are crazy. We had him brushing his teeth and veins were everywhere from a simple task. Another excellent thing that's happening right now is his joints feel great, like he did as a younger mouse. I'm not sure where to attribute this nice surprise. Strength is very good especially considering the AAS doses being considerably lower. I can't say anything about the GW yet. But every week I am happy with his progress. Juanito is feeling great, energy is good, and very happy with overall appearance. I look forward to the remaining weeks.
So Juanito's been on a little over 10 days and is already noticing effects? You think Juanito's being swayed by placebo or not? Might of overlooked it, when is Juanito being given his 5mg dose of GW, morning time with the Osta?
So Juanito's been on a little over 10 days and is already noticing effects? You think Juanito's being swayed by placebo or not? Might of overlooked it, when is Juanito being given his 5mg dose of GW, morning time with the Osta?

My rat noticed the effects of osta-low within 7 days. My test subject has not ran the combo of mk-2866 with GW-1516 but he will soon.
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My rat noticed the effects of osta-low within 7 days. My test subject has not ran the combo of mk-2866 with GW-1516 but he will soon.

Well I have some Osta + GW coming for my hamster as we speak. He's a little excited to get try it, and if effects are noticeable at 7-14 days that is just amazing.
I know there are noticeable effects. No placebo but if you read the post, he is using androgens along with osta and GW. The andro doses are very low compared to his normal use, low as in 1/3 to 1/4 his typical doses. Last time for explaining that.

Osta is taken orally and on average 4-6 weeks. I think even longer would be better but it's being used as a replacement for an oral, specifically anavar, which would have been used if I didn't run the osta. I haven't stated osta is doing X and GW is doing Y. What I am stating as fact is the combo I'm using on Juanito is working very well. Again. He has ran this combo before without the SARMS and primo(which takes a good amount of time for noticeable results) so at this point I'm willing to bet the ostarine is producing positive effects on body composition and strength compared to this combination without.

If we can continue to add ostarine and GW and drastically reduce the AAS doses yet still have increases in strength and better physique then I'm sold.

Check the clinical trials on these. Repeatedly proven to work. Juanito has been at this for at least 9 years and researched many products. Some work and some don't. I'll continue Juanito on the AAS longer than the ostarine and GW and see if he notices any decreases after stopping the research. I e read a lot of logs of ostarine used without AAS and I think that's a great option, considering every log has had results. But I want to know if it can be used as part of a cycle. There are no harsh sides to it, no hpta suppression, to me it makes sense. Am I expecting Juanito to gain 20 pounds?? Absolutely not, but I wouldn't expect that off most AAS cycles either. Juanito has had his time to run cycles bigger then most guys here would ever consider but those days are done, or at least fast approaching the end but he's not ready to throw in the towel just yet.