My Osta Gain SARMS Journal

Good to hear RS. I considered using these for a long time and never really got around to it but can't complain, it's been good and their cust services is great. Just a good group of guys to deal with.

I need to get my rat off cycle, eventually, so I can see how it works in post cycle therapy (pct) and off but Juanitos days of post cycle therapy (pct) are nearing an end and if he does start testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) soon I think this would be a good addition to that.
Oh I noticed North Carolina. Shipping will probably be over night no matter what to you lol
Nice log bro. I was looking at their products and your journal helps me in making my decision. Plus with it being a local company for me i have to help support the local economy.
Thats what i like to hear bro. With so many companies out there i love hearing feedback.

The almost over night shipping would rock. To bad yall dont have a store, lol. I work in Charlotte and have a ton of rats that need food.

30mg Ostarine
5mg GW
Test 400/week
Primo 800/Week
Adding Mast Prop 300/Week.



Warm up on Hammer Strength machine
3 sets: 2 plates, 4 plates, 4 plates x 2 quarters.
Military press:
3 sets: 8,8,6
Side lateral:
5 sets: 25-30 lbs 10-15 reps
Rear delt in machine:
5 sets: 10-15 reps


BB curls:
4 sets 10 reps

DB curls:
3 sets: 8-10 reps

Easy curl:
2 sets: to failure

Preacher curl:
2 sets to failure, drop sets 120/60


Close grip:
3 sets: 10,10,8

Push downs:
3 sets 10-15 reps

Skull Crushers:
3 sets 10,8,8

Juanito is now second day back on ostarine and continuing GW. Weight is back at around 232, and will continue to get that down to 225 and then decide if that's where we want him to be. Calories are right around 4000 right now and protien is close to 300 but I'm not exactly sure on that.

So far Juanito has not noticed any changes positive or negative between 25-30mg Osta but it's only been two days. I think continued use will provide even more results.

I am really happy with the progression of this cycle. I cut Juanitos AAS doses significantly yet he's still making gains, and keeping bf low. We sent him in for a check up recently and this was the second time in a row that his BP was sitting at 120/80. Previously on higher AAS doses, BP was consistently 145-155 / 90-94. That's why we dropped his doses, and thought SARMS would be a good option instead of higher AAS doses, or adding an oral like anavar or tbol. I feel like Juanito is getting results similar to those without all the sides. On his last test/deca cycle, Juanito was getting some minor acne on shoulders and arms, nothing bad but he had red marks and possible scarring from messing with them all the time. Now he has clear skin, under his fur. So we are getting results without the sides.

Ostarine: 30mg/day
GW501516: 5mg/day
Primo: 800mg/week
Test: 400mg/week
Mast Prop: 300mg/week

So I added mast prop to Juanitos program, he has used this a lot and I like to add it to his cycles to reduce SHBG, and hopefully have reduced estro due to an increase in free test. He also usually see a little added aggression and increase in libido but not a whole lot in terms of muscle mass.

Trained Legs tonight:(even though it's national chest day lol)

Warm up: walk on treadmill for 15 minutes to get blood flowing

Squats: 4 sets 8,8,6,6

Leg press: 2 sets 10,6

Rear extensions: 3 sets 10,10,8

Standing calv raises: 5 sets 10-15 reps

Sitting raises: 2 sets, drop sets

Not much to log. Strength and endurance feel great. Weight was at 229.5 this morning so moving in the right direction. Abs are showing and feeling tight all over, still very vascular in shoulders and chest.

Diet is at 4k cals, I haven't really counted Juanitos protien last few days but it's up there. I really don't like to use the word diet because I'm not dieting and not following anything specific, just sticking to the cals.

Here's some examples of Juanitos last two days(yes it was not clean but was good), and it's ok because Juanito stays lean even on a diet like this:

Am- 3 eggs, potatoes, 6 pieces bacon, two biscuits w/ butter/honey,and a Greek yogurt

-Two roast beef sandwiches w/cheese and miracle whip, 4 red potatoes with sour cream/butter/seasoning

-11 oz new York strip , large sweet potato, 2 dinner rolls butter/honey, salad w/egg, avocado, cheese, bacon.

Protien shake- 2 scoops, 2 tablespoons pb, 1 banana, 1cup oats, 12 oz milk, ice cubes, 2 tablespoons olive oil

- bean soup.

Today Juanito basically had the same breakfast

Two roast beef sandwiches w/cheese miracle whip and a salad with egg, avocado, bacon

Sushi. Not sure on exact number but were very good.

Shake- same as above

Chinese food take out- generals chicken, chicken fried rice, crab cheese

As a snack Juanito had two chobani Greek yogurts, a banana, canned pineapple, half pint of hagendas ice cream.

Most days I'm a little cleaner than this. Most days are eggs, oats, yogurt, fruit for breakfast, steak and rice, potatoes, or sweet potatoes twice a day
Tuna w/mayo on wheat bread, or roast beef
Usually one salad and I try to add avocado
1 shake pwo as listed above
I try to add corn, broccoli, asparagus, or some type of veggie
At night Juanito usually eats another portion of what I had for dinner or will take that to work for luch. There is the occasional fast food but Juanito tries to avoid that.
Pizza he can't avoid.

So I wouldn't consider this a clean diet but Juanito doesn't easily gain BF. It may go up a couple points but he does well on high carbs like this. Basically Juanito is trying to maintain size and strength but doesn't want to be really strict about diet. BF is still about 10% maybe 11 at most but he burns a good amount of cals daily. We are happy to have ostarine added back in, it seems to work well with everything else and again without added sides.
My Hammy is currently 3weeks into a 100mcg 3x daily of GHRP-2 and Cjc 1293 Mod GRF 1-29. Any thoughts to adding GW + Osta? (or just one of the two) Pointless, or Very beneficial?
It will actually be beneficial. GW could be added to help promote a faster metabolism and possibly accelerate fat loss if that's what you are looking to do but ostarine will be benificial because it attaches to AR, just like when using gh with test, there is a synergy, I'm assuming it will be the same with these.

I also hear of lots of guys who use astatine while cutting to preserve muscle, but it works well at adding some lean mass. There are virtually no sides between ostarine and the gh peptides so IMO it's a very good combination.

Ostarine: 30mg
GW501516: 5mg

Trained chest and tri's tonight.


Incline DB: 3 sets: 10,10,8
Flat BB: 4 sets: 12,10 8,6
DB Flys: 3 sets 10,10,10
Dips 3 sets body weight + 1plate : 10,8,8


Super set: reverse dip machine(not sure of name)
And rope pull downs.

4 sets starting on dip machine, then straight to ropes, increasing weight each set
Dip: reps 15,12,10,10 (1plate each side, 2 plates, 3, 3+ 25's)
Ropes: reps 15,15,12,8 (50,70,90,full stack)

Seated tricep machine(back of upper arms rest flat with arms at 90degrees, push down parallel). Again not sure on name of machine but effective

3 set: 12,10,8

Skull Crushers:

4 sets: 10,8,6,6

One arm underhand cable pull downs:

2 Set: reps to failure

Very good day but changed up some exercises and went with a mix of volume and heavy low rep. Used machines that I typically would stay away from. For Juanito I prefer heavy low rep but not all the time, adding some days of higher volume and heavy but only heavy enough to keep some higher reps is a nice break while still getting a solid workout.

Added a pre workout shake today: 1cup oats, 2 scoops whey, 1tbs pb, 1 tbs evoo, milk, ice, banana.
During I added 10g bcaa fruit flavor in 3/4 gatorade and 1/4 water.

Everything is running smoothly. Not noticing the really good feeling joints like Juanito previously was but not bad at all, lol just feel normal.

30mg Ostarine a day
5mg GW501516 a day
Primo 800mg week
Cyp 400mg week
Mast prop 300 week.

This cycle is going very well. Results just keep coming. I keep reporting strength is good and good energy and endurance. Well until I was reading ZEEKS. Log I didn't realize that Juanito is most likely having some good energy and endurance due to the GW. I previously read a study about it but completely forgot about it because I was so focused on it's ability to raise HDL. If this is the cause then it's excellent. As you can see from the above post, Juanito is not exactly on a clean diet and always runs high carb yet BF is still low.

To finish off the week, Juanito hit back and bi's on thursday and delts on Thursday.


Pull ups: body weight 3 sets 10 reps
Dead lifts: 4 sets: 8,8,6,4
Tbar rows: 3 sets: 10,10,8
Hyper extensions : 3 sets x 10
Seated rows: 3 sets x 8


BB Curls: 4 sets 10,10,8,8
DB CURLS: alternating between regular and hammer
3 sets: 8/8 reps down the rack.
8 reps curls/ 8 hammer moving up by 5lbs each time.
Preacher curl: 3 sets : 10 reps then drop weight by 1/2 to failure



Standing OHP:
5 sets, two warm ups

Bb shrugs:
3 sets: 10reps

Arnold press:
3 sets x 10 reps

Side/front laterals:
3 set 10 reps front then 10 reps sides

Rear delts in pec deck:
3 sets: 15,12,10

Finish with 2 x 30 seconds heavy rope.

Very good week. Juanito feels strong and things are moving along as expected.
This is a great log, received my GW today from GWP and just administered my hamsters first dose! He was a little taken aback by the taste, any advice on what you do with your test subject? Mix with water, juice, shake...?

Apologies for jumping on your log thread again, seemed like the best place to get a quick answer :)
Lol. No I actually just let it sit in my rats mouth for 10-15 seconds before swallowing. If you swallow to fast it will burn.

I prefer to just swallow it then drink something immediately after. For some reason, Osta and GW just have a bad taste, kinda a mix between warm piss and gasoline. Lol. But it only last for a second and well worth the results.

You could mess around and add some liquid flavorings to it. Maybe cinnamon or something like that. I wouldn't add that to the vial unless you re figure the amount you added for dosing. I would just putit in a shot glass, add flavor, but too much work for me.

What should be the minimum dose for Ostarine and GW when used without AAS to get benefit in your opinion? I read that osta is effective in doses as low as 10 mg/day. As for GW, i read some posts about people researching as high as 1 mg/kg/day.
With ostarine I found that 25mg worked very well. I personally think 8 weeks is even better. I'm only on 5 or maybe starting 6 but it was getting good at the end of week 4 so I'm glad I got some more weeks. I have heard of guys using only 12.5mg a day. Not sure on the end result but I really think 20-25 for 8 weeks would be great.

Osta-Gain still has a 30% off coupon on their site I believe. I used it last night/early this morning, so I'm sure it still works. That's a huge discount for the combo.

With the GW I started out at 5mg a day. So you get a good amount of time out of that. Others have used 2.5mg and still gaining endurance and seeing some fat loss. 5mg seems to be the average dose.

30mg Ostarine-day
5mg GW501516-day
Cyp 400mg-week
Primo 800mg-week
Mast Prop 300mg-week

Trained Legs:

Warm up: walk on treadmill for 15 minutes to get blood flowing

Front Squats: 4 sets 10,8,8,6

Leg press: 3 sets 10,10,8

Rear extensions: 3 sets 10,10,10

Standing calv raises: 5 sets 10-15 reps

Sitting raises: 2 sets, failure


Trained Chest/Tri's:


Flat BB: 5 sets: 10,10 8,8,4
Incline BB: 3 sets: 10,8,8
DB Flys: 3 sets 10,10,10
Dips 3 sets body weight + 1plate : 10,10,10


Rope pull downs: 4 sets: 15,12,10,8
Close grip bench: 3 sets 10,8,8
Skull Crushers: 4 sets: 10,8,6,6
One arm underhand cable pull downs:2 Set: reps to failure

Juanito is doing great. Osta and GW are both working very well along with AAS. Strength is definitely up, endurance is good, and Juanito is looking like a beast in the gym. Ostarine is better the longer you run it so far for Juanito. If you decide to run this, get two bottles and run 60-72 days. Results keep coming.

Still around 4000 cals, BF is low, and Juanito is looking very full but tight, but weight is still around 229. I wanted him down to 225 with the same muscle mass and BF but still adding weight. I guess I can't complain about that.

Still zero side effects, and no Aromatase inhibitor (AI), so this is a nice change.
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Lol at the warm piss and gasoline taste, I'm thinking you hit it right on the head! Thanks again for the info. Definitely enjoying the Mod GRF-GHRP2-GW combo!
hi user,
my hamster is on a ipa/mod 1-29 combo at the moment,i have added ostarine at 25mg a day to his schedule of 100/100 3 times daily of the combo.what i noticed is that he is somewhat lethargic since i added the osta,and was wondering if your hamster had similar experience although yours is on gw as well which may overshadow that effect due to its energy improvement.
any feedback would be appreciated
so run it for 8-10 weeks for osta. How long should there be a break in between cycles?

I'm not sure how long of a break is needed if any. I would run 8 weeks, then you could always take a few weeks off and run it again but I'm pretty sure guys have ran it much longer.
hi user,
my hamster is on a ipa/mod 1-29 combo at the moment,i have added ostarine at 25mg a day to his schedule of 100/100 3 times daily of the combo.what i noticed is that he is somewhat lethargic since i added the osta,and was wondering if your hamster had similar experience although yours is on gw as well which may overshadow that effect due to its energy improvement.
any feedback would be appreciated

I have never experienced any lethargy. I started on the Osta for a short time before I added the GW

I had a friend who experienced some lethargy from another brand so he dropped down to 12.5 for a couple days, then 18.75 for a few days, then back up to 25.

I would also take a look at the type and amount of carbs you are using in a day as that may have an effect.

Unfortunately Juanito has been out of the gym since my last post. He's had a herniated disc for close to 8-10 years but went thru some therapy Yeats ago and has held up pretty well since then.

Well over the last few weeks he has been struggling with it, and it finally got real bad, so there has been no training at all. He's getting numbness is finger tips and lots of pain in back, shoulder, and arm. We have tried a lot of methods to help correct this but not really working so far. It has gotten slightly better but still a major concern.

I am sending Juanito back to the dr for some testing. I'm going to attempt to get him back in the gym tonight or tomorrow and hopefully start back in kinda light and see how it goes.

As of right now Juanito is still using all the same supplements and will continue in hopes that we can get past this and move forward.

I'm also looking at adding TB-500 to his protocol, since it's supposed to have very good healing properties. Hopefully it can help if any of the injury is new or just provide some type of relief.

I'm also going to have Him go back on mod grf/and ipam or ghrp2, and some form of igf. If I add igf it's going to be injected near the injury.

I will update after we try training tonight or tomorrow and will hope for the best. I'm not willing to have Juanito give up or take much more time out. We have worked thru this in the past and with the help of gh or peptides may have a better chance.