My Osta Gain SARMS Journal


30mg Osta
5mg GW.

So Juanito has a messed up back but I haven't forgot about the good people at Osta-Gain who helped me with these excellent products.

Even with a messed up back, I had Juanito train tonight. He went a little light tonight just to get a feel for things.

I think we have about 9 days left on Osta and about 10 on GW. Something like that.
I have to admit I'm very impressed with both of these as they both work exactly as they are supposed to. Osta is a great addition to a cycle and I'm betting it's very good off cycle. GW is an interesting sarm. I personally didn't see a drastic change in BF in Juanito but he came into this around 10%. He didn't have what I would call a clean diet so who knows, but endurance has been very good and I need to get lipids tested.


Flat BB: 5 sets, 2 warm ups and 3 working - all sets of 10
Incline BB: 3 sets 10 reps.
Peck deck: 3 sets 12 reps.


Pushdowns: 3 sets 10-12 reps
Close grip bench: 3 sets 8-10 reps

This was all for the night. Strength is very good but I'm not willing to push things to hard right now with Juanito. We are going to try a chiropractor that specializes in back injuries and will continue to train.
Juanito ever try inversion table for back.$100. It works. C5-6-7 small to medium protrusion for me 2001. Lost Right tricep. Couldn,t even do girls push up. Three fingers as numb as you could get. Lighter to them felt nothing. Hung for a year, 6 times a day for 5 mins each time.

Lat Pull downs to the front only, at 255lbs for 5.
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Pathfinder, we have not tried this, but these are the things I'm looking into. Numbness it usually when sitting and comes and goes while standing. Unable to tilt head back.

I appreciate the info and will check into this. Thank you.
im glad i found this user, why the hell didnt you tell me about this....mlp

sorry to hear about the issue with Juanito's back. Iv been there and it sucks. Best of luck i feel your pain