my Ostarine log sponsored by sarm search

you're about a week and a half in i presume? Still early for osta. Should start to notice some strength and fullness around week 3. For me it really shines weeks 4-8. I look forward to the day it kicks in for you.
you're about a week and a half in i presume? Still early for osta. Should start to notice some strength and fullness around week 3. For me it really shines weeks 4-8. I look forward to the day it kicks in for you.

Yea me to.I'm adding mk-677 into the mix as well to really push the envelope.Week in a half in and feeling good.My wife had a surgrey and I been staying with her so the last two days my workouts been limited.

500 push ups
doorframe pull ups (50)
25 lb db alternate curl 6 sets
mountain climbers 60 seconds (4) sets
flutter kicks 3 sets (50) seconds

Hopefully we go home tomorrow and I can return to the gym
Today I hit the gym and added mk-677 into the mix.Feeling phenominal and energized.


Db press 45x20,60x20,70x15,85x15
Upright rows 95x12, 115x12x2
Db lateral 20x15,225x20x12,30x12
Peck Dec reverse lateral 3 sets 1135

Tricep rope pulldowns 3 sets 140x20
Db kick backs

I hope to start seeing some results
It's whether they combine well that intrigues me (TRT patient) ;)

sarms are a godsend for trt patients. Since we don't have to worry about shutdown, and sarms are not liver toxic, or hard on the lipids, I can't see a reason that we can't run them indefinitely being on trt...i think there is more to be learned about them before that is considered, but i was thinking about running a looooooong sarms cycle in the future and monitor my health and see how it goes.
Sarms are perfectly fine with TRT since TRT is bringing your levels back to normal, so it's just like any other guy not on TRT using them. lots of success stories from TRT patients!
Today was legs


Hack squats
Ham curls 4 sets 135
Leg extension
4 sets 150

I feel great full of energy and pumps have been better I noticed. I'm kind of bored with my routine and looking to change it up if anyone has any ideas I'm all ears.
Ok I started a new routine today.I will hit each muscle groups 3x each week and only train m, w, f and do full body routine.I been so bored and stail with my workouts I have to try something new.
sarms are a godsend for trt patients. Since we don't have to worry about shutdown, and sarms are not liver toxic, or hard on the lipids, I can't see a reason that we can't run them indefinitely being on trt...i think there is more to be learned about them before that is considered, but i was thinking about running a looooooong sarms cycle in the future and monitor my health and see how it goes.

Thanks for that...

So to a SARMS newcomer with 6 AAS cycles and 1 year of TRT under his belt...

What would you recommend for a first run?

I'm on a TRT dose of Test Undecanoate @ 250mg per month.... looking to start a lean bulk soon before cutting in the spring
Ok I started a new routine today.I will hit each muscle groups 3x each week and only train m, w, f and do full body routine.I been so bored and stail with my workouts I have to try something new.

i've heard good things about this type of training routine....curious to see how you like it.
Thanks for that...

So to a SARMS newcomer with 6 AAS cycles and 1 year of TRT under his belt...

What would you recommend for a first run?

I'm on a TRT dose of Test Undecanoate @ 250mg per month.... looking to start a lean bulk soon before cutting in the spring

well with any compound i'd recommend starting with one at a time to assess side effects. But in the case of SARMS, the side effects are just so minuscule that that rule doesn't really apply. I personally love the osta-s4 stack. Osta being the main anabolic and s4 being the hardener. I'm currently running osta 25mg/day taken in the morning and s4 75mg/day split morning/afternoon and having great results already @ 4 weeks. A good starter dose would be osta @ 25mg and s4 @ 50-75mg, the max recommended dose being 100mg. I'd compare osta to something like tbol and s4 to var.
well with any compound i'd recommend starting with one at a time to assess side effects. But in the case of SARMS, the side effects are just so minuscule that that rule doesn't really apply. I personally love the osta-s4 stack. Osta being the main anabolic and s4 being the hardener. I'm currently running osta 25mg/day taken in the morning and s4 75mg/day split morning/afternoon and having great results already @ 4 weeks. A good starter dose would be osta @ 25mg and s4 @ 50-75mg, the max recommended dose being 100mg. I'd compare osta to something like tbol and s4 to var.

Sorry for the naivety here...

I'm going to guess that both of these compounds are injected IM?

OK, also, what is the legality situation with SARMS, both possession-wise and receiving compounds via the post?

Also, you compare Osta and S4 to being similar to T'bol and Var... but you would never run T'bol and Var without a Test base... if I wasn't on TRT, surely Osta and Var would shut you down, or am I getting this all wrong?
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Sorry for the naivety here...

I'm going to guess that both of these compounds are injected IM?
No sir. they are orally active and non-toxic.
OK, also, what is the legality situation with SARMS, both possession-wise and receiving compounds via the post?
perfectly legal to purchase and possess for research purposes.

Also, you compare Osta and S4 to being similar to T'bol and Var... but you would never run T'bol and Var without a Test base... if I wasn't on TRT, surely Osta and Var would shut you down, or am I getting this all wrong?
Tbol and var are hormones. SARMS are not hormones, but their chemical makeup allows them to activate the androgen receptors in the same way steroids do, but are selective in that they only act on skeletal muscle tissue. They do cause minor suppression, but so little that they can safely be run as a standalone with no test base. I would guess if you run them long past the recommended length then there is a possibility of shut down. I can tell you that on my first osta run @ 25mg/day (which is the highest recommended dose) for 8 weeks (which is the longest recommended length) my total T was lowered by about 200 points, which is very easy to bounce back from with a light pct. The beauty of it is, you don't feel the suppression because the osta lowers your shbg so it keeps your free T up. My free T levels were exactly the same even though my total T was lower.

Hope that helps you a bit
Ref: the orally active part...

So these come in dropper bottles?

I always questioned the absortion rate of this method - I also wondered how you can be sure you are taking a precise dose?

Any info you can offer helps bro :)
Yep they are liquid orals and the bottle comes with a 1mL dropper built in. The .5mL and 1mL lines are marked. Some choose to use a separate oral syringe for more precise dosing. The contents are very well dissolved in the solution so no shaking or mixing is necessary before each use. You can assure accurate dosing each time as long as you know how to use a dropper lol.

The absorption rate is usually better with liquids because the powders are already dissolved once they hit your stomach making for easy absorption. I take my dose and wash it down with 4-8 oz of water. Also liquids are much easier on the stomach IMO and tend to cause less stomach disruption than tabs or caps.
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Bench press
Incline fly's
Military press
Upright rows
Shrugs db
Pull ups 3 sets 12
Lat pulldown 180lbsx15x2
Ab wheel 4 sets 12
My legs where still beat from last workout and was forced to skip them.Every thing is going well feel great strength is up and muscles are fuller.To be honest I would compare this to 75mg of halodrol.
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