My SARMS S-4 Log

You've got my attention. How long do you plan on running this? Any noticeable physical or strength changes? Do you think the overall energy boost might be enough to give a boost during post cycle therapy (pct) or shortly after when test levels are clearly lower than they were on cycle? Probly hard to say for sure since youre on hrt but if the energy boost was strong enough it could def help out when feeling low on energy and crappy after coming off (or for those of us who do lol)

Nice log dude
interesting article on S4 up on MD....

Compared with testosterone cypionate, SARMS was more than 200 times more potent in stimulation of muscle and 80 times more selective for muscle versus prostate. Additionally, both testosterone cypionate and SARMS decreased adipose tissue in a dose dependent manner

Of particular note, the SARMS drug demonstrated highly anabolic activity than testosterone propionate in the levator ani muscle (levator ani muscle: A muscle in the pelvis that is highly responsive to testosterone concentrations due to its rich concentrations of androgen receptors. It has been widely used as an assay for the anabolic activity of steroids.) yet it had minimal effects on prostate growth. In contrast, when the rats were treated with testosterone propionate, had growth of the levator ani muscle but also had increases in prostate growth as well
nice log. u think while running a cutting cycle + plus lowering calories s4 would be ideal since there will obviously be the lack of energy that goes along w it. i know i get pretty drained when i lower the carbs
nice log. u think while running a cutting cycle + plus lowering calories s4 would be ideal since there will obviously be the lack of energy that goes along w it. i know i get pretty drained when i lower the carbs

perfect for this...
Day 23 - Feb.17

Have not posted in a week so I thought I best update.

Went to Vegas from the 14th to yesterday.
Diet and sleep went to shit and drank way too much, but needless to say we had a blast.

Have not touched a weight since last Friday. Did chest today and I gotta say it felt aweful good to get back into the swing of things.

Although I can't say with 100% certainty, I think think the SARMS may have helped get me through this mini vacation. Usually after punishing my body like that, it takes a bit to get back into the rythem of lifting, but today I actually added a bit of weight and a rep or two over my last chest day.

No problems to report as far as vision or anything else for that matter go.

Still getting that awesome pump, and feeling full of energy. No change in BP, still 120/75.
Day 23 - Feb.17

Have not posted in a week so I thought I best update.

Went to Vegas from the 14th to yesterday.
Diet and sleep went to shit and drank way too much, but needless to say we had a blast.

Have not touched a weight since last Friday. Did chest today and I gotta say it felt aweful good to get back into the swing of things.

Although I can't say with 100% certainty, I think think the SARMS may have helped get me through this mini vacation. Usually after punishing my body like that, it takes a bit to get back into the rythem of lifting, but today I actually added a bit of weight and a rep or two over my last chest day.

No problems to report as far as vision or anything else for that matter go.

Still getting that awesome pump, and feeling full of energy. No change in BP, still 120/75.

lucky rascal , i really want to go to vegas.
keep the updates coming old timer , im interested in this stuff.
has there been any effect on appetite? I feel mine is a bit down, but im also running var with my s4
Feb. 22nd -- day 28

Stopped cycle.

Started experience vision problems.....nothing too severe, but the run was coming to an end soon and I didn't want to chance it any further.

I first noticed around day 23 when I woke up in the middle of the night, there were dark spots in my vision, like there was something blocking a quarter of each eye. This dissappeared when I got up into the light in the morning.

Over the next few nights the progressively got worse to block about half the vision from each eye, mind you this was very short lived and went away as soon as I got into the light again.

The other thing I noticed was at night all white lights looked yellowish and even a dull room looked duller with a yellowish hue to it.

Now for something interesting, I lost a lens from my glasses around the same time and needed to get my eyes tested to get a new Rx and glasses. Made an appointment and got in right away. I told the doc exactly what I was experiencing (minus the SARMS and he did a thorough eye exam.
He could not find a single thing wrong and as a matter of fact my vision had actually improved (slightly) since I was tested 3 yrs ago.

It's been 2 days since I stopped the SARMS, but these vision problems continue. I will report back once they are totally gone.

So I guess what I'm trying to say is as far as I can tell these vision issues were nothing to be too alarmed about.