My test and Tren cutting cycle. need advice


New member
Hey guys. I'm 5'10" 230lbs and around 14% body fat and im 22. been working out hard for about 5 years now.
so Ive just started my first pinning cycle. first pin was on monday. Fyi. did it in my quad, didnt hurt when i did it followed all the procedures but I feel like a little bitch. today I feel like a need a cane(hurts like a bitch). its not hot or red anything but the pain is below where i pinned. been massaging it gunna ice and bath tonight.
Im trying to cut so ofcourse the "cardioiet" is already a given.
Ive only doen one cycle before but it was an oral only
50mg ed of anavar. for ten weeks. got some good results on it
now im not trying to get bigger so i didnt feel i needed a whole lot of test.

however I am thinking of adding in clen and/or t3.
if i was to add something else what would be the best choice.

here's the cycle I've started:
Ive seen tren test cycles as offten as tren 75mg eod and up to 400mg's of test a week. take in mind im not looking to get alot bigger but more lose fat and re-comp my body. tell me what you guys think and if i should make any changes. up the tren.

1cc or/250mg of test 250 enanthate weeks 1-10
1/2 cc or/ 50mg of tren acetate 100 weeks 1-10

just 1/2 cc of tren ace, weeks 1-10

week 8:
2 shots of hcg
and then 3 weeks of post cycle therapy (pct) clomid starting 5 days after the last tren is pinned.
clomid 50 50 50 50
nolva 40 40 20 20
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I was think of doing 1/2 cc every other day.. is that enough... i believe that would be 50mg everyother day correct?
It's not recommended to do tren your first cycle, better to just do test on it's own and see how you react. Just wanna throw that out there...make sure you know what you are doing. Anyways...1 cc eod would be a better dosage which would end up being 350mg/wk. Make sure you have some caber/prami just in case you start seeing prolactin related sides.
Messing with T3 can permanently fuck up your metabolism and you don't even know how your body reacts to test yet. And tren ace needs to be pinned at least EOD and ED is preferred to keep bloods stable to help avoid side effects. You already started though so make sure you have an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and dopamine agonist on hand.
Well ya I've already started with the cycle so doing a test only cycle is out.
1cc/1ml eod seems alot when using 10ml vials of tren ace 100... some weeks being 400mg per week of tren?
if you guess sugest it then money isnt really the problem.

SO I can chaged the cycle to:
75mg of tren eod
75mg of test e eod

gunna ask and see if i can get some prami to date orally during the cycle.... too my understanding .25mg per day before bed?
I also heard Winstrol (winny) is good to combat prolactin or progesterone and may work nice at the endon the cycle

should I be talking Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) or anything else like aromidex starting from week one?

or is the originall post cycle therapy (pct) I had planned ok
hcg week 8-10 and then 3 weeks of clomid after enough?

bwt... update today is 3 days after my frist pin, ice my leg and it feel 100% better didnt think ice would help that much. I was a cripple yesterday.
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It's not recommended to do tren your first cycle, better to just do test on it's own and see how you react. Just wanna throw that out there...make sure you know what you are doing. Anyways...1 cc eod would be a better dosage which would end up being 350mg/wk. Make sure you have some caber/prami just in case you start seeing prolactin related sides.

Wat u mean prolactin related sides?
I would do the tren a eod 100mg. Pin your glutes as well and delts to keep a good rotation.Also I would get the caber instead of prami in capsule form. Has a longer shelf life and prami could make you sick.
Go with caber.....1st time tren user stay at a low dose....sides get out of hand VERY fast.... I would have run 750 mgs Test E 12 weeks.....tren ace 75mgs EOD. Caber at 1.5 mgs/week. Exemestane 12.5mgs / day or EOD