My TEST C Cardio log


Cardio is the Key
:rockband: I want to document my Cardio journey while runing 250mg of test C every 5 days.
I will be doing alot of diff cardio so stay tuned for my review on swiming, treadmill, oliptical, versa climber,
3 hours of jiu jitsu 4 days a week, with light to moderate weight training. I will also be giving a review on the sciroxx brand im runing (no disrespect to aml or pinn, you guys are solid also, just always wanted to try sciroxx)

I can say im 3 shots down and absolutly no pip. I will update my log or try every day.:druggie:
4th shot this morning, training is the same except I didnt get above 6 miles on the treadmill. jiu jitsu tonight, aaahhh its not easy rolling with these young men lol. shoulder felt a little tight doing chest so I went easy to save energy for jiu jitsu...the gear is kicking in, libido is up and sense of well being is starting to come around. at my best I was runing 10 miles in 1 hour flat, lets see if I can beat that :^)
Looking forward to this log!
Your goals are similar to mine.
My jiu jitsu I only twice a week but everything else is close. Best of luck to you!
I am feeling this test bro's. i feel like a BEAST on the grappling matt, in the gym, and in the bedroom. After rolling with these guys my forearms look like moast peoples calfs lol. I have a sense of well being right now and its great. The versa climber takes it outa you by the way lol, very solid piece of equipment. I looked in the mirror this morning and was spooked that the guy in the reflection was going to jump out at me LOL J/K