My Test E and Equipoise Cycle (pre pics)


Job Title: Bad Ass
Haven't cycled for about 4 years now, I have still been with the iron game though. This will be my third cycle (although my first probably doesn't count, stupid, idiot teen years). I am also not sure on the dosage of my current UGL stuff.

Winstrol (from Balkan, heard they are shit) - switched to Pinnacle Anavar
test E (From Cyclus Pharma and Kalpa Pharma)
EQ (From Revolution Pharma)

I was able to get my hands on some Pinnacle gear and will be using it in the future.

I am 28, 5'11" 230lbs, around 13% BF. I threw in some gay bathroom mirror pics and by no means am I a flexing expert. I keep my body built for athletics, I don't compete in bodybuilding.

20 week cycle.

Weeks 1-4
Winstrol 75mg ED - switched to Pinnacle Anavar in the 2nd week.
EQ 200mg E3D
test E 250mg E3D
igf-1 LR3 40mcg (sub-q or IM)

Weeks 5-8
EQ 200mg E3D
test E 250mg E3D
igf-1 LR3 40mcg (sub-q or IM)

Weeks 9-20
EQ 200mg E3D
test E 250mg E3D

Arimidex on hand.

Another 8 week cycle of igf-1LR3

How does everyone feel about using Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) or Clomid during the cycle as well?



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Your in pretty good over all shape. Only thing i would change is upping the EQ dosage some more,rest looks good to me.
Started my cycle a few days ago. I will be pinning 200mgEQ/250mgTest every E3D. So that should up my doses a little. Pinned my glute for the first one and there is not really any pain around the injection site (a little, but nothing to bad).

Also, haven't really had anyone chime in about taking either HCG or Clomid during my cycle. Any suggestions?

My diet is pretty solid, I could def be eating more though. I roughly take in about 400g of carbs (85% Complex, 15% simple) and at least try to get in my body weight in grams of protein. Eat a lot of fish, 1lb 80/20 hamburger and eggs ED.

My workout split is a little unconventional but I have had some pretty good success with it. I use a push/pull routine.

Monday - Chest / Bi's

Tuesday - Lats / Traps

Wednesday - Powerlifts

Thursday - Back / Triceps

Friday - Shoulders

Saturday - Legs

Any input is appreciated. If someone would like me to be more specific with my training/diet regimen let me know.
you can just use some hcg on cycle... most do 500iu 2x/wk

some choose to use clomid in lieu of hcg. your choice. I'm doing 400iu EOD but its POST shrinkage so you can use the 500x2 proactively to prevent.
I think I am going to take clomid during my cycle.

I do have another question. Each time I pin, I am pinning 2ml. I have a helluva time pinning my glut (I guess I am not flexible) and isn't 2ml on the higher end to pin in the quad or delt? Any suggestions? Should I pin 1ml in each delt and then 1ml in each quad on the next injection day?
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cycle looks solid man.. back looks pretty wide too. in to see results. I had a hard time pinning glute too so i either had my brother do it lol or pinned in my quads
Thanks man, I work my back (and legs) like crazy.

I think I will pin my quads and if the wife is available have her help me pin my buttocks.
Pinned my quad last night. I much prefer it over my glute.

Yesterdays diet was good and clean. I still think I need more calories though. My workout was good. 8 sets power cleans (got 315 for 2 on my last set), 5 sets of 40lbs dumbbell throws and finished off with some good core work. Nothing more to report.

My pinnacle gear should be here in a few days, should I switch to it when the bottles I am using now run out?
I'd switch as soon as you can if the other gear is determined to be of lower quality AND if you have ordered enough to complete your cycle with pinn only. Why not, we know its legit good gear...

Have your wife pin the glut and you pin the quads... you got it down man don't need us ;)
2 weeks in. I did switch from winstrol to Pinnacle Labs Anavar. Everything else is going as planned.

If I were you I gradually step my carbs down 50g/week until your at 150g. Re-feed yourself sundays(have a 500g day). Try to up your protein as much as possible.( include a shake or 2) I say this because you have a solid foundation, running winnie or Anavar (var) will help with lean muscle and strength gains. I think you'll see a change for the better if you lost 5% of your bodyfat and kept the muscle your going to be building. It'll be more dramatic than bulking with your current condition imao.

You can run Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), and with your cycle I would. Save clomid for your pct, it's more benificial after your cycle than it is during. Run aromasin or adex instead during for your Aromatase inhibitor (AI). Have at it.
If I were you I gradually step my carbs down 50g/week until your at 150g. Re-feed yourself sundays(have a 500g day). Try to up your protein as much as possible.( include a shake or 2) I say this because you have a solid foundation, running winnie or Anavar (var) will help with lean muscle and strength gains. I think you'll see a change for the better if you lost 5% of your bodyfat and kept the muscle your going to be building. It'll be more dramatic than bulking with your current condition imao.

You can run Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), and with your cycle I would. Save clomid for your pct, it's more benificial after your cycle than it is during. Run aromasin or adex instead during for your Aromatase inhibitor (AI). Have at it.

Alright. I was just reading something Zeek was writing about Clomid being as good, if not better to run during your cycle (and after).

Also, I participate in a lot of athletics, so I am not sure I only want to take in 150g of carbs per day. I do want to lose some body fat though.
In my third week. Not really noticing any signs of the Test and EQ yet, but I do like the Anavar. Also, pinned Pinnacle for the first time last pin and the PIP wasn't as bad as my other gear.

I am up about 4 lbs total and a little bit of strength gain. I was kind of stuck on a plateau as far as strength is concerned so it may take a little bit to work through it.

Today is chest and bi's. I will tell you, I look more forward to working out then I have in a long time.

Also, will start taking Clomid at 25mg EOD this Thursday.
Just Got my tren a 100 and some dianabol and deca from pinn. Will start today with some tren and enanthate will keep u guys posted
I'd follow b/c my next cycle will be Test/EQ/VAR, I just wish the gear was Pinnacle. I do wish you well bro!
Only in my 3rd week, but still can't really feel the test in my system. Not getting worried or anything, but would like to get some oily skin or something, haha.

On a sidenote:

I have been taking 75mg ED of Anavar and have liked it. No insane pumps or anything, but I have muscle endurance for days.

I am bored, so I will give a snapshot of Mondays diet and training.

Incline Bench Press - 5 sets 3 - 365lbs (stalled out on my last set, will try again next week. If I am successful, 20lbs will be added for the next work out)
Straight Bar Preacher Curls - 5 sets 3 - 145lbs (Got all of em, will increase by 10lbs next week)
Decline Bench Press - 3 sets 8 - 225lbs (pause, explode reps, not to failure)
Standing Hammer Curls - 3 sets 8 - (hammer bar, with a chain connected to two 45lbs plates, explode reps not to failure)
Super Set
Standing Resistance band flies & Standing Curls W/ pulley machine - 2 sets to failure

Monday's Diet
Meal 1- 1 cup of OJ, 1/2 Cup Oatmeal, 2 eggs/2 egg whites, protein scoop, can of tuna
Meal 2- handful of raw wheat thin spaghetti noodles, 15g of protein worth of almonds, tilapia
Meal 3- one sweet potato, 1/3lbs turkey
Meal 4- 2egg whites/1egg, complex carb (can't remember)
Meal 5- 4 egg white, can of tuna (post work out protein)
Meal 6- 1/2 lbs 80/20 hamburger, 1/2 cup Oatmeal
Meal 7- Protein scoop, 2 cups milk

There is also a couple shakes in there. One pre and one post work out shake.
Still in my third week in. I feel leaner, I have put on a few lbs and a little strength. Still not really feeling the Test. Hopefully in my 8th week or so I will be one of the guys that likes EQ and doesn't despise it. BP is still good too.


Week 3
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