My Test E and Equipoise Cycle (pre pics)

Going into fourth week. Feel good, I think the test is really starting to kick in. Felt great in the gym the past few days. Steady strength gains still coming along nicely and overall just feeling a good sense of well being.
585x1 on dead lift yesterday. Pretty Easy. Will go for 600+ next back day.

I am having a hard time deciding on whether or not I want to get my squat back up to what it use to be. I was always having hip pain when my squat was its strongest. I have zero hip pain now, but I also haven't gone above 405 for a while. I also prefer lower reps, so 405x10 for sets gets kinda old. I may go with an adjusted 5x3 routine and hope for no hip pain. Any thoughts?
Middle of week four. Still feeling good and strong, although I really haven't experienced any sides to the test yet. I am getting quite vascular. Hopefully, I will post another progress pic up tonight or in the AM. I am up about 8lbs.
Mid-Week 4




Thanks man, sorry my log isn't very detailed. I will post up a pic every week or so to show progress.

If anyone wants more specifics on something, let me know and I would be happy to post about it.
Couple Questions.

Would it be a good idea to end my last two weeks of Test with test P instead of test E so I can begin post cycle therapy (pct) a few days after instead of a few weeks?

Also, does anyone think it is a good idea to run dbol the last 4 weeks of my cycle?
Clomid is ok, id wait for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) until post cycle therapy (pct), you dont need it now, actually you should be ok without the clomid as long as you have Air handy for gyno issues, unless you want to prevent water retention.

I would cut your training to 5 days but make it on a 3 day roatating schedule. Day 1 Legs, day 2 chest, bi, shoulders Day 3 tris, back, abs. Im not a big fan of waiting 1 week to train a muscle group as they are not much stimulated personal preferance- and I love the fact that I can work chest 2x per week if I want etc... You can even do it on a 6 day schedule if you want the extra day, but 2 days off is essential in my books.

What supplements are u taking? Also, just a preference also, I always like to add an oral and you have the body for it, i would go for anadrol or dbol while taking aromasin.

looking forward to following this, your shoulders are wide as fuck btw :P

Started my cycle a few days ago. I will be pinning 200mgEQ/250mgTest every E3D. So that should up my doses a little. Pinned my glute for the first one and there is not really any pain around the injection site (a little, but nothing to bad).

Also, haven't really had anyone chime in about taking either Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) or Clomid during my cycle. Any suggestions?

My diet is pretty solid, I could def be eating more though. I roughly take in about 400g of carbs (85% Complex, 15% simple) and at least try to get in my body weight in grams of protein. Eat a lot of fish, 1lb 80/20 hamburger and eggs ED.

My workout split is a little unconventional but I have had some pretty good success with it. I use a push/pull routine.

Monday - Chest / Bi's

Tuesday - Lats / Traps

Wednesday - Powerlifts

Thursday - Back / Triceps

Friday - Shoulders

Saturday - Legs

Any input is appreciated. If someone would like me to be more specific with my training/diet regimen let me know.
run dbol whole cycle... make the best of this, id even go anadrol...

id end your cycle with test 400 if you could.

Couple Questions.

Would it be a good idea to end my last two weeks of Test with test P instead of test E so I can begin post cycle therapy (pct) a few days after instead of a few weeks?

Also, does anyone think it is a good idea to run dbol the last 4 weeks of my cycle?
My appetite is actually bigger than it ever has been. So far I really like the EQ. Its not a struggle to get down a meal every 1.5 to 2 hours.
Been lazy with this and I apologize. I came off the anavar this last week and am still feeling good. Strength gains are through the roof and recovery ability is amazing right now. I haven't gained much weight but my diet has been around maintenance calories. I am really liking the trimming of the fat and maintaining the muscle mass. I will update with some pics in a couple hours. I am starting week 8 today.

Any questions, let me know.