my testosterone cypionate.. got fucked .. help plz


New member
hi .. i tried to brew my first testo cypionate.. heated up my cotton seed oil to 120 .. .. then whaited untill it got down to around 103 degrees.. pured in the powder sloly and mixed and mixed.. .. until the powder desoleved .. kept in around 100 degree for about 45 mint.. then let it coll down to about.. 45.. 50 degree, pured in 15%bb 4%ba .. and it turned to hard butter with in 4 ..5 mint..!!
am going to heat it up a bit again to see what hapens..
any one knows what i have done wrong.. or how to try to fix it .. or a better whay to di it ..
why the hell would you keep it on the heat for so long? Not sure that is what ruined it, or even if its ruined, but you kept it heated for and hour or more. You don't need all that.

1. Add powder and solvents to beaker. Heat on med-high until disolved. Should be less than 10mins

2. Add carrier (oil, EO, mix, whatever). Heat til clear with no swirls. Again, should be max 15 minutes.

3. Filter once it cools a bit.

thats it. Btw, what concentration did you make it. IMO, anything over 333mg/ml with Test Cyp is too high and will crash.
thank you RJ

so what you mean is that i should mix and heat the powder and the bb together first!! and then add oil to it after melting..
am not going over 250g/ml

i noticed that when i add ba to hot oil it smokes a bit.. so i started to add the bb first,, wait until it cools down a bit then add

Yes definitely don't need to heat that long and 300mg/ml is all I'd go with TCyp. Shit with boldenone cyp you can't even get that concentration without getting creative. I avoid that ester if enanthate is avail.