My thoughts on Nolva vs Clomid for post cycle recovery.


New member
I wanted to try nolva post cycle this time because the clomid side effects got to me bad last cycle. I am in the middle of week 2 of therapy and notice less restoration of HTPA than i did this same period of clomid.....granted this is not a scientific certainty, and when you also consider that i incoporated 4 gs of tren last cycle...I was severly shut down, Mabey im not to bad off after all.

The lack of noticable side effects is great, the only major one being that if i take 2 doses too close together I get a mild headache. While it does generally cost almost twice as much as clomid therapy, the loss of side makes it well worth it. In my opinion, Nolva is much more superior than clomid post least for me.
The dosages I am running are:

Wk1-2 40mg/day
wk3-4 20mg /day
wk5-as desired 10mg/day

In conclusion, Clomid seems to be slightly more efficient than Nolva and slightly cheaper, But damn you cant beat the loss of side effects from the changeover.....Winner: Nolvadex
nekrawulf said:
I wanted to try nolva post cycle this time because the clomid side effects got to me bad last cycle. I am in the middle of week 2 of therapy and notice less restoration of HTPA than i did this same period of clomid.....granted this is not a scientific certainty, and when you also consider that i incoporated 4 gs of tren last cycle...I was severly shut down, Mabey im not to bad off after all.

The lack of noticable side effects is great, the only major one being that if i take 2 doses too close together I get a mild headache. While it does generally cost almost twice as much as clomid therapy, the loss of side makes it well worth it. In my opinion, Nolva is much more superior than clomid post least for me.
The dosages I am running are:

Wk1-2 40mg/day
wk3-4 20mg /day
wk5-as desired 10mg/day

In conclusion, Clomid seems to be slightly more efficient than Nolva and slightly cheaper, But damn you cant beat the loss of side effects from the changeover.....Winner: Nolvadex

Thanks for the info. Another less Clomid (1/2) and compensate with Nolva.

That's what I did last time and I recovered just fine.
As day 11 of the nolva only post cycle therapy comes to an end....I cant help but wonder why there seems to be a hold up on recovery.....up until the past 2 days, testicular recovery has been slow, but in the past 2 days it seems to have slowed even more...mabey even stopped...yet all othernoticable aspects of HTPA have been increasing...i.e sex drive, muscle recovery, and general mood.

I think I will continue to wait it out until I lower my dosages of Nolva to 20 mg a day...if i dont notice any change in she regrowth rate...I will add 50 mg clomid per day for 10 cycle I will definately be adding hcg.......esp If i use tren again
My layman opinon.

Nolva works primarily based on neg-feed back loop. Clomid has some of this as well, but also seems to have a direct pituary stimulation. Nolva will take longer, as neg-feed back isnt as fast as a direct stimulation.

Now also, I think the pituary stimulation is partly responsible of what people call Clomids sides.

Problem I see as you stated, is that the feed-back loop does slow down. Your body surges to get the estrogen back up, but when it doesnt work it slows down the effort and finaly stops (I believe at 157% production BTW).

For those having trouble with Clomid, Dr Veejay had a good idea. Try a low dose along with Nolva.

JMO, take it as you will.
I was planning on taking 20mg's ed of Nolva post-cycle along with the standard 300/100/50 clomid formula. Has anyone done both post-cycle? If so, did it speed up your T-level recovery?
The best post cycle recovery I'v ever had is when I ran Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) at 500iu per day for the first 10 days of clomid, the boys were back waaaay quicker
needsize said:
The best post cycle recovery I'v ever had is when I ran Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) at 500iu per day for the first 10 days of clomid, the boys were back waaaay quicker

Yeah, well it looks like my Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) got lost in the mail coming from Canada or seized so that's not an option. I wish it was.
I like clomid better, but most that bash Nolva and say clomid is the only way to go, is people who have never tried it. I personally crashed off nolva, to each his own. Some people dont react well to dbol (me) and do to drol (me). Trial and error is the way to go.
Ive used about every combo there is. Nolva, Clomid, Arimidex, Aromasin, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) + Nolva, and various combos. They all work, just some better than others.

HCG followed by Clomid + Nolva is what works best for myself.