My Year With 3J - a journey into fitness

Keep it going brother!

How did you add the labs like that?


I used the code keyword. Use the following around the posted items, without the spaces in it (I had to add them to show you):

[ code ]
all types of stuff you want entered
in as many lines as you want
[/ code ]

It will look like this then:

all types of stuff you want entered
in as many lines as you want

I used the code keyword. Use the following around the posted items, without the spaces in it (I had to add them to show you):

[ code ]
all types of stuff you want entered
in as many lines as you want
[/ code ]

It will look like this then:

all types of stuff you want entered
in as many lines as you want

You are a computer guy right?  I remember Halfwit eludeding to that

Thats cool !!


You are a computer guy right?  I remember Halfwit eludeding to that

Thats cool !!



LOL You got it.

Yes, I do computer networking - the routing and switching needed to ensure inter-city communications happens. I get to sit on my butt all day and be physically sedentary. Good part is that everything I touch is remote - so I can work from my home PC a lot instead of taking the bus into the office. Great for winters like we just had here in the Mid Atlantic states.

I used to do industrial robotics and before that I ran nuclear power plants in the Navy (I have my degree in Nuclear Engineering). I enjoyed nuclear power, but it is a dead industry in the US.
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OK, at roughly two weeks into the bulk I know any feelings of increased strength, etc., are all mental. I am a big fan of psychosomatic effects and the placebo effect, as I fully believe the mind is so powerful it can cure or ail us simply by our own thoughts. I understand that, at this point, I have yet to actually see the power of the bulking agents - and yet almost all my pushed weight numbers are slowly climbing where they were stagnant before. Most likely I am simply pushing harder, since I believe I can push harder now than before, but whatever the cause, I am happy for it. :)

Anyway, never discount or try to out think the psychosomatic or plecebo effects of the drugs you are taking, they create real psysiological effects which do real things (e.g., Parkinson patients respond better when they are told what a treatment specifically does than if they are just given the treatment without any explanation of it). I, for one, am happy such things exist and readily wish for more! :)
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worked it pretty hard this week - harder than I had in some time. I am a little surprised there was not more improvement, but all good things take time. My legs did get larger (1/2 inch on both thighs and calves), and they LOOK larger to me too (the wife agrees) that is great! Spent most of my life with chicken legs - to finally have legs I will enjoy showing off in shorts this summer is worth the price of admission alone. :)

I just got the Forma Stanzol in I am to log about, so I am going to get another blood work done to see where I am - always good to get that done anyway.

Onwards and Upwards!

*Weight: 175
*Neck: 16.25
*Chest: 39.75
*Stomach: 34
*Waist Line: 34.5
*Biceps: L: 12.25 R: 12.25
*Thighs: L: 22.75 R: 22.75
*Calves: L: 14.75 R: 14.75
*Forearms: L: 11.25 R: 11.25

EDIT: After watching a few Ben Pakulski videos on arms, I have changed the way I do them and feel like a weakling all over again. :) I expect my arms to start growing soon if I keep doing them this way (and I am) because I they have not burned this much in a very long time.
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Not sure how good of a chest day I am going to get today - I started a maintenance window at 10PM, was to end at 1AM but I am still working it now at 5AM...and have to start my regular work day at 7AM...

But at least I am paid hourly!

EDIT: Lucky for me I brought my two lunch meals with me to drop off at the office - I am still here and just finished the second one. Only 13 hours so far...the failed maintenance that never ends...
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I just started a log for my use of the new Forma Stanzol, sponsored by Mr. Supps. You can find it HERE.

As a recap, I am taking 600mg of test-cyp, 400mg of deca, and 500IU of HCG per week, divided into two 3.5day apart shots. Prior to the bulk my E2 level was 45 on the non-sensitive test with the top of the range being 42.6 and no AI being used. Since then, I have been using 0.25 of Letro every 3.5 days. I just did blood work this morning, prior to taking the Forma Stanzol to see where the Letro put me. I will be doing regular blood works from here on out, every 2 or 4 weeks and will post them here as well as in the Forma log.
I just started a log for my use of the new Forma Stanzol, sponsored by Mr. Supps. You can find it HERE.

As a recap, I am taking 600mg of test-cyp, 400mg of deca, and 500IU of HCG per week, divided into two 3.5day apart shots. Prior to the bulk my E2 level was 45 on the non-sensitive test with the top of the range being 42.6 and no AI being used. Since then, I have been using 0.25 of Letro every 3.5 days. I just did blood work this morning, prior to taking the Forma Stanzol to see where the Letro put me. I will be doing regular blood works from here on out, every 2 or 4 weeks and will post them here as well as in the Forma log.

RUI Letro? Looking forward to see where that put you
RUI Letro? Looking forward to see where that put you

Yes, using a different oral syringe to get such a low dose. You can easily crush your E2 with Letro, so a better oral syringe is a must if you are a cheap bastard like me and want to use it for that reason. ;) I am more than willing to spend lots of money on things, but if I can do the same thing for less money, I will usually take that route.
Does the feeling that someone is taking a garden hand tiller to my muscles after I am done working out ever stop? My goodness I hurt after working out, especially my legs. I also figured today was a good day to type in my current numbers, to compare them to the ones from the 9th. I also noticed I did not include any arm exercises so I am adding one type. Almost everything increased by either 10 or 20 pounds except for the Side Lateral Raises, which I greatly improved my form instead (slower rise and fall). The dumbbell bicep curls will increase slowly, if at all, for a while as I planning on improving my form instead of adding more weight.

Flat Bench Press (15, 4, 6, 8, 20): 130, 190, 150, 130, 90
Dead Lifts (15, 4, 6, 8): 120, 190, 160, 150
Side Lateral Raises (15, 4, 8, 8, 20): 25, 35, 30, 25, 20
Squats (15, 4, 6, 8): 130, 220, 200, 190
Dumbbell Bicep Curls (15, 4, 6, 8): 30, 45, 40, 35
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New bloodwork is in! My ALT and AST are both high, but barely so. Time to add some TUDCA along with the NAC I have been taking (1200mg twice a day - will up to 1800mg twice a day). Taking Letro at 0-.25mg E3D put my E2 level in a nice spot. I have now shifted to using Forma Stanzol, so we will see what happens with that (2 pumps a day). Test level is >1500. :) I might look into the other blood test group to see what the level really is.

My Glucose level is back over 100. I have no idea why, I fasted for 11 hours prior to the blood being drawn. As long as it does not continue to climb, I am fine with it. I must really be sensitive to sweets - I did eat a few handfuls (most likely 4) of M&Ms about 18 hours prior to the blood being drawn. They were calling to me, I could not help it. Still...such a small amount of sweets for such a huge jump from before...

COLLECTED: 2015/03/19 09:07
RECEIVED: 2015/03/19 13:51
REPORTED: 2015/03/20 07:14	AGE: 45
[B]Test Name				Result	Flag	Reference Range[/B]
WBC					8.9		3.4-10.8 x10E3/uL
RBC					5.13		4.14-5.80 x10E6/uL
Hemoglobin				15.9		12.6-17.7 g/dL
Hematocrit				46.2		37.5-51.0 %
MCV					90		79-97 fL
MCH					31.0		26.6-33.0 pg
MCHC					34.4		31.5-35.7 g/dL
RDW					14.3		12.3-15.4 %
Platelets				243		150-379 x10E3/uL
Neutrophils				65		 %
Lymphs					23		 %
Monocytes				9		 %
Eos					3		 %
Basos					0		 %
Neutrophils (Absolute)			5.8		1.4-7.0 x10E3/uL
Lymphs (Absolute)			2.0		0.7-3.1 x10E3/uL
Monocytes(Absolute)			0.8		0.1-0.9 x10E3/uL
Eos (Absolute)				0.2		0.0-0.4 x10E3/uL
Baso (Absolute)				0.0		0.0-0.2 x10E3/uL
Immature Granulocytes			0		 %
Immature Grans (Abs)			0.0		0.0-0.1 x10E3/uL
[COLOR="#FF0000"]Glucose, Serum				107	HIGH	65-99 mg/dL[/COLOR]
BUN					18		6-24 mg/dL
Creatinine, Serum			1.14		0.76-1.27 mg/dL
eGFR If NonAfricn Am			77		>59 mL/min/1.73
eGFR If Africn Am			89		>59 mL/min/1.73
BUN/Creatinine Ratio			16		9-20
Sodium, Serum				143		134-144 mmol/L
Potassium, Serum			4.3		3.5-5.2 mmol/L
Chloride, Serum				103		97-108 mmol/L
Carbon Dioxide, Total			27		18-29 mmol/L
Calcium, Serum				9.4		8.7-10.2 mg/dL
Protein, Total, Serum			7.0		6.0-8.5 g/dL
Albumin, Serum				4.6		3.5-5.5 g/dL
Globulin, Total				2.4		1.5-4.5 g/dL
A/G Ratio				1.9		1.1-2.5 
Bilirubin, Total			0.5		0.0-1.2 mg/dL
Alkaline Phosphatase, S			96		39-117 IU/L
[COLOR="#FF0000"]AST (SGOT)				47	HIGH	0-40 IU/L
ALT (SGPT)				48	HIGH	0-44 IU/L[/COLOR]
[COLOR="#FF0000"]Testosterone, Serum			>1500	HIGH	348-1197 ng/dL[/COLOR]
[COLOR="#0000FF"]LH					0.1	LOW	1.7-8.6 mIU/mL
FSH					<0.2	LOW	1.5-12.4 mIU/mL[/COLOR]
Estradiol				28.4		7.6-42.6 pg/mL
Roche ECLIA methodology
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Turns out that I thought fasting was 10 hours - and usually tried to do 11 hours, but it is actually 12 hours of fasting. Not sure if that extra hour would make any real difference, but it is something I will keep in mind for the next set of blood work I do in a few weeks. One nice thing about having disposable income is I can get blood work a lot without feeling like I am wasting money. Yes, it is NEVER a waste to know exactly what is going on in your body, but I mean I can get them frequently without any real thought of the cost. I am now on a friendly basis with the collection guy, I wonder when he is going to ask why I am doing so much blood work. He knows it is for hormone panels, so he probably already pieced it together. Plus he has seen me lean out and now start to bulk up. :)

Now that I have started to do the arm exercises properly I am starting to see some gains. With my Test level so high, I had hoped I would! :)
I feel a little fatter, probably because I am, but I expected that during a bulk so all is good. Onward to my new measurements:

*Weight: 178
*Neck: 16.5
*Chest: 40
*Stomach: 34.5
*Waist Line: 34.5
*Biceps: L: 12.55 R: 12.5
*Thighs: L: 23 R: 23
*Calves: L: 14.75 R: 14.75
*Forearms: L: 11.25 R: 11.25
My best friend has decided to join me in the gym. He is very out of shape, has type 2 diabetes, and is quickly approaching type 1 levels. He is the type of person who understand the difference between not being able to do one more rep due to not wanting to push harder (most people fall into this category without even knowing it) and not being able to do one more rep because the real limit has been reached. He learned it in boot camp in the Army.

Anyway, he is doing the same routine I am doing, but adding in some light cardio. His numbers are much lower than mine, but that is neither here nor there. What matters is that he has decided to change his lifestyle. He knows diet is the key (I have been harping that to everyone who asks me how I changed so much so quickly) and is changing that as well...slowly but surely.

The big thing I found out is having him there is forcing me to work harder! That last set of 20 is something I just found out I have been skimping on. Not sure how it happened or why, but it did. When I told him the purpose of it and had him do it, I realized I had all but stopped doing it myself! Now I have no choice but to do them. I fessed up on it to him too (we are best friends, after all) and he smacked me in the head and told me about all the muscle I could have put pissed away. Gotta love friends like that. :)

At one point in his life, many decades ago, he was a big bruiser kind of guy. The stereotypical army grunt type of guy. Eventually he will be that way again, just going to take time. His joints are failing slowly due to his weight, etc. But the hardest and most important step is to start - and he has. :)

I am just happy to see that the changes in my have caused others to want to make changes in themselves instead of causing jealousy. It is a good feeling. Today is leg day - his first leg day - going to be fun. Not sure if he can do squats yet. He is in touch with his own body, so if something starts to cause pain in anywhere but the muscle, he is going to stop.

Moving along nicely, imo. Slow gains, but gains nonetheless. My best friend is keeping me honest and working hard, which is a great thing. He literally threw a box of tissues at me the other day and mentioned something about "mamby pamby land". :D

Hurt my wrist, not too badly I think, but going to the doctor to be sure. I am wearing a compression garment to great effect until then. No issues using the Forma Stanzol V3 either.

*Weight: 182
*Neck: 16.25
*Chest: 40
*Stomach: 34.75
*Waist Line: 35
*Biceps: L: 12.75 R: 12.75
*Thighs: L: 23.5 R: 23.5
*Calves: L: 15 R: 15
*Forearms: L: 11.5 R: 11.5

I bruised the two tendons connecting the thumb to the wrist. I have an epic looking thumb immobilizer I wear. Doctor (hottest doctor I have ever seen - just wow) said I can work out and do anything I like as long as I promised her I would immediately stop whatever I was doing if I felt any pain. She then gave me some drugs to help with swelling and sent me on my way. I almost asked if she had time to give me my routine physical. :)

Anyway, onto the stats. Not much change, but slow and steady wins the race. Doing the form properly and slowly on arm exercises is now showing results! I just had blood drawn on Friday, but the holiday weekend has slowed getting my results. I am going to do it again in two weeks using the company that gives total test level, just to see where I stand on that.

*Weight: 183
*Neck: 16
*Chest: 40
*Stomach: 34.75
*Waist Line: 34.5
*Biceps: L: 13 R: 13
*Thighs: L: 23.5 R: 23.5
*Calves: L: 15 R: 15
*Forearms: L: 11.75 R: 11.75
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Man i got a physical about 6 months ago. I was sitting in there and this young and rediculously model gorgeous woman walked in. I assumed she was the nurse ad she begin taking my vitals and such. And then she said so I'll be examining you today, you can lay back on the bed or do you want to drop your pants first. You could have heard crickets for miles as i stuttered what ever you want. As i pulled my pants down i was terrified i was going to stab this hot bitch with a sweaty 200° rock hard erection.
Newest blood test results. WBC, Neutrophils, Lymphs, and Monocytes are all high due to a drug I am taking because I bruised both tendons connecting my thumb to my wrist (as well as also being caused by the damage itself). BUN/Creatine Ratio is high due to a high protein diet. Test is high due to a bulking cycle using AAS. LH, FSH are low and always will be due to being on TRT. The problem is the next line, E2 level. Apparently, Forma Stanzol is not keeping up with the high test and deca doses I am taking, E2 is 248! I am aborting it and shifting to Letro to get it back under control. Going to take 0.5mg twice a week for a week, then back to 0.25mg twice a week for a week, and then get another blood test done to see where I stand.

For a normal TRT dose, it might be a good fit, but definitely not on a high test creating cycle.

COLLECTED: 2015/04/03 09:29
AGE: 45
Private MD Labs

[B][COLOR="#FF0000"]WBC                         12.5    HIGH    3.4-10.8 x10E3/uL[/COLOR][/B]
RBC                         4.91             4.14-5.80 x10E6/uL
Hemoglobin                  15.2             12.6-17.7 g/dL
Hematocrit                  44.6             37.5-51.0 %
MCV                         91               79-97 fL
MCH                         31.0             26.6-33.0 pg
MCHC                        34.1             31.5-35.7 g/dL
RDW                         13.4             12.3-15.4 %
Platelets                   243              150-379 x10E3/uL
Neutrophils                 61 %
Lymphs                      29 %
Monocytes                   9 %
Eos                         1 %
Basos                       0 %
[B][COLOR="#FF0000"]Neutrophils (Absolute)      7.6       HIGH    1.4-7.0 x10E3/uL
Lymphs (Absolute)           3.6       HIGH     0.7-3.1 x10E3/uL
Monocytes(Absolute)         1.1       HIGH    0.1-0.9 x10E3/uL[/COLOR][/B]
Eos (Absolute)              0.1                   0.0-0.4 x10E3/uL
Baso (Absolute)             0.0                   0.0-0.2 x10E3/uL
Immature Granulocytes       0 %
Immature Grans (Abs)        0.0                   0.0-0.1 x10E3/uL
Glucose, Serum              88                    65-99 mg/dL
BUN                         21                    6-24 mg/dL
Creatinine, Serum           0.95                 0.76-1.27 mg/dL
eGFR If NonAfricn Am        96                  >59 mL/min/1.73
[B][COLOR="#FF0000"]BUN/Creatinine Ratio        22        HIGH     9-20[/COLOR][/B]
Sodium, Serum               140                   134-144 mmol/L
Potassium, Serum            4.2                    3.5-5.2 mmol/L
Chloride, Serum             101                    97-108 mmol/L
Carbon Dioxide, Total       22                    18-29 mmol/L
Calcium, Serum              9.0                    8.7-10.2 mg/dL
Protein, Total, Serum       6.8                    6.0-8.5 g/dL
Albumin, Serum              4.3                     3.5-5.5 g/dL
Globulin, Total             2.5                     1.5-4.5 g/dL
A/G Ratio                   1.7                     1.1-2.5
Bilirubin, Total            0.4                     0.0-1.2 mg/dL
Alkaline Phosphatase        87                     39-117 IU/L
AST (SGOT)                  33                      0-40 IU/L
ALT (SGPT)                  40                      0-44 IU/L
[B][COLOR="#FF0000"]Testosterone, Serum        >1500      HIGH     348-1197 ng/dL[/COLOR][/B]
[B][COLOR="#0000FF"]LH                          0.1       LOW       1.7-8.6 mIU/mL
FSH                         <0.2      LOW      1.5-12.4 mIU/mL[/COLOR][/B]
[B][COLOR="#FF0000"]Estradiol                   248.4     HIGH     7.6-42.6 pg/mL[/COLOR][/B]
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