N2Guard dosage for Helladrol


New member
I am starting my Helladrol cycle tomorrow and was wondering about N2Guard, I'll be taking the suggested dose 7 pills a day split 4 hours from Helladrol. Was wondering though would I take 4 caps at 8 AM then my Helladrol at 12 PM or vice verse? Basically which do I take first Hella or N2?
I don't think it'd make a huge difference as long as you just take it! I take 5 caps N2-Guard with my Epi at 50mg, for something like superdrol i'd probably dose the full 7. You can split up the dosage any way that you would like, keeping the Hella and N2-Guard apart would be a good idea in my opinion. I just did it as a pre-caution and to achieve the best absorption of the hormone as possible! I wouldn't sweat the small stuff with it, just take the hella in the morning then maybe take the N2-Guard before bed all at once (worked well for me) Hope this helps!
dose the n2g at night. the liver detox stuff with fuck with the ph. it wont work as well. last thing before bed take 5-6. maybe some liver52 also if you wana be extra safe.

take a big hella dose in the am as it has a 16hr halflife so thats when you will need the most. later in the day i would take 1-2 more. but 2 1st thing am for sure.