

New member
Sorry I didn't mean to get a late start on this, but literally the day I started, my monitor stopped working and wouldn't turn on, and I wasn't about to start this log via my iTouch.

Starting date 03/06/10
Weight;190-195 aprox 12-14% bf
Currently on; 500mg Test E ambro. And just finished a bottle of PP 1ttren LV.
Goals; increase all compound lifts, train like a fucking beast, moderate cardio 4-5 days a week, and most importantly increase LBM while dropping my bf 1-3%.
Diet; has a mainly bulking mentality, I've decreased my carbs for lunch and other carb meals of the day to increase fat loss. But I've got the carbs where they count.

I will be taking 1 pill AM with breakfest, 1 pill Pre workout with protein, 1 pill PWO with protein, and 1 pill Right before bed. I'm really excited to give this product a run through. I will begin logging my routines starting tomorrow for ya'll to follow aswell.
Noticed today that the veins on my biceps are much more noticible, and look like I just finished a warm up set, got several comments today on my arms, and how I was looking bigger. Could of just been cause people hadn't mentioned it in awile, but the mentions of my arms I think are definatly correlated to the N2slin and the newly aquired veinage. Did a shoulder workout today, and I hit it with some serious fucking furry. There were multiple instances where I had to take longer than normal breaks because my shoulder were so pumped up, it hurt to hold my back and shoulders in a normal posistion lol. I think some of ya'll will be able to relate to that, I was so pumped up at the end of my workout that I could reach my hands far back enough to wash my neck in the shower and it was still hurting to just hold my shoulders/arm in a normal position. Most notably, I noticed that even in my warm up set, once I was finished, I could feel the muscles in my shoulders getting turned the fuck on, and pumped up and ready to work. Does that make any sense?

Standing BB press;95x8,110x8,115x6,125x4,95x11
Front delt raise;30x18,35x16,35x16
Upright BB wide grip row;95x10,115x8,125x6,125x6,95x12
Arnold press;45x6(tried starting this without enough rest) 45x10,50x8,50x8,55x3
Side Laterals;20x10,25x10,25x10

Flat BB bench;135x8(warm-up),170x5,180x5,195x5,205x5,215x5(2 reps with assistence)
BB incline;135x6,145x6,150x7(definatly noticed an increase in strength for that extra rep),155x5(2 with assistence),165x5(2 with assistence)
One arm seated tricep extension(alternating arms);25x10,25x10,25x10,30x6
Close grip BB bench;135x8,135x7,135x6
Have noticed an increase in recovery time. I'll wake up the next morning, after grueling workout sessions, that I previously would of been extremely sore from; for several days, feeling rested, and not NEARLY as sore as I had expected. For the last two chest days, I've done the exercises with DB's instead of BB, and my ending weight has jumped by aprox. 10-15lbs from where it was previously. I've been taking all doses of N2slin with carbs, aprox 60 in the AM, 20-30Pre workout, 40-60 PWO, the only serving lacking carbs is my nightime shake that I drink right before bed. Like I stated earlier, my recovery time seems to of quickened within the last several days, rather than being extremly sore like expected, I'll wake up the next morning feeling half or less than half of the soreness I had anticipated. I have also noticed a slight increase in my fat loss, my muscles seem to be looking harder and fuller. I'm slowly but surely starting to see abs. So far, I'm liking this. Anyone out there haha?
BB curl;65x8,75x8,80x6,80x6(2 with assistence),55x10
Db curl;40x12,40x8,30x16,30x14
DB tricep extension(very strict form, slow and deep);55x15,55x15,70x10

I very rarely do arms, but today, everything was a little bit too sore to have a full throttle day. I wasn't able to do very many exercises because I had an INSANE arm pump by time I was in my second set of my first lift. Recovery time seems to be quickening, I don't know if this is related to the test, or the N2slin, but my appetite and irregular parts of the day have been rather high, and I have to go scavenging and pestering people for food or snacks. This exercise took me roughly 30-35min.

Ham Curl(one 45lb plate, and one 25lb plate);12,12,12,12 (by time I was finished with this exercises I could barely knock out my last couple reps my ham were so pumped and torn up)
Calf extensions(alternating legs);120x15,140x15,160x20
Quad Extensions;110x10,115x10,120x10

20 min moderate cardio

Workout went well, quads got a great pump, and while doing my quad extensions, I could see some serration, and my quads rippling up and down with my slow and controlled reps. Felt great.
BB flat bench;145x8,165x5,175x5,190x5,205x5(2 with a minimal assistence),215x4(2 with minimal assistence),145x7
Dips(failure, BW);15,13,13
Decline Hammer press(4 plates total, 2 on each side);8,8,8,8
One arm tricep extension behind head(alternating arms);25x10,25x10,25x10
Under hand decline fly with cables;12.5x12,12.5x12,12.5x12
Decline Bench;135x8,155x6,165x6,165x6
Machine incline(failure)(was only available chest related machine);140x16,140x10,140x11

With the implemented cardio, I'm noticing slow reduction in BF. Noticing ALOT of seperation and serration in my quads, and more of the same in my arms, especially my shoulders. Abs seem to be coming along slowly. I really just wasn't running out to steam today, and towards my last sets, I was feeling great, and my muscles still had plenty left. I attribute this to the N2slin, liking this product thus far.
Ok perfect man. SOrry I did not see this log before. Now that I know its here i will be checking in a lot more. You a a pretty big boy so I think the 4 caps a day is ideal for you. Most others would do fine with just 3 caps a day
OFF-30min moderate cardio

I had planned on doing back today, but I hit chest so hard yesterday that my bi's are a little sore! I attribute that to the two exercices I had to failure, especially the last one. No big deal, I got in a good cardio session, and I'm sure I'll be tip top tomorrow to get in a great back routine.
OFF-30min moderate cardio

I had planned on doing back today, but I hit chest so hard yesterday that my bi's are a little sore! I attribute that to the two exercices I had to failure, especially the last one. No big deal, I got in a good cardio session, and I'm sure I'll be tip top tomorrow to get in a great back routine.


So after watching some Dennis Wolf training videos last night, I decided that I needed to decrease the amount of rest in between my sets; to better "exhaust" my muscles, in order to promote more growth. So I decreased my downtime from 90 seconds to 60 seconds, and let me tell ya'll WOAH. That 30 seconds made a big difference. I tried the best I could to follow the same repping/set schemes I normally do, but being so exhausted that became very hard to do. So here it goes;

Db row;75x8,80x8,85x8,85x6
Machine cable row(with V-bar);140x8,150x8,160x8,170x8,180x6,140x8
Assisted pullups(laugh away, I felt like a total bitch, but my arms just wouldn't pull me);6,6,6
Lat pulldown;140x8,140x8,150x8,150x8,120x12
Cable row(alternating arms);100x20,110x20,100x20,100x20
V-bar pull down;110x8,110x8,110x8

Now to be totally honest, I really wasn't very happy with my #'s. Most of my lifts after my first exercises were literally down by anywhere ranging from 20-60lbs! varying on what set I would of been on; had I not decreased my resting time. But I would definatly say I got in a great workout and my pump was awesome, and my back and arms were really pushing to meet new demands. Even while I was taking my shower afterwards, I was still pumped up. I also noticed some pretty serious forearm veinage. We'll see how sore I am tomorrow, I know I hope I'm gonna be!

Did a chest routine today, made just about all my reps, felt good about my workout. Nothing new to report about the n2slin
Nothing new to report. I've been taking one AM with breakfest, on workout day one 30min before, one immediatly after, and one right before bed, on non workout, same with breakfest, one mid afternoon, then one with dinner, then right before bed. Should I change up my dosages/times? Weights are staying the same...would like some input from some of ya'll NTBM guys
I have no idea if this has anything to do with anything, just throwing it out there. But I feel like whenever I have some caffeine whether it be coffee or green tea I see better effects.

Maybe its in my head?