Names of Mexican Manuf. in Steroid Bust


New member
Dec. 17, 2005, 12:30AM
Steroid bust gratifies victim's dad
Son's death tied to vial from Mexico; Houston among cites where users are tracked

Copyright 2005 Houston Chronicle

It was gratifying, Don Hooton of Plano said Friday, to watch as the Mexico City veterinarian accused of being the world's largest maker of illegal anabolic steroids was brought in chains into a federal courtroom in San Diego.

The death of Hooton's 17-year-old son, high school baseball pitcher Taylor Hooton, in 2003 was linked to a vial of steroids found in his room in the Dallas suburb. DEA agents later traced the vial to one of three Mexican manufacturers owned by the animal doctor, Alberto Saltiel-Cohen, according to Hooton.

"There is some level of big satisfaction," Hooton said, about finally seeing an arrest in connection with his son's suicide, which he said was induced by steroid use.

DEA agents invited Hooton, 55, a relative of former Houston Astros pitching coach Burt Hooton, to San Diego for the news conference announcing what agents called the largest steroid bust in history.

A 21-month investigation targeted steroid traffickers in the United States and eight major Mexican suppliers, who are accused of selling the drugs on the Internet under the cover of makers of veterinary medicines.

The DEA said indictments and arrests have choked most of the flow of illegal steroids across the Mexico-U.S. border by mail and private air and road shipments.

From teenagers trying to bulk up to professional athletes trying to enhance their performance, many people using illegal steroids across the United States have encountered illness and scandal.

"As important that it is that they have taken this stuff off the street, another message I hope gets driven home is that to possess a steroid without a prescription is a felony," said Hooton, who has testified to Congress and established a foundation in his son's name to fight steroid abuse.

DEA agents continued Friday to track down more than two dozen Houston clients of the manufacturers shut down in a series of arrests this week, DEA spokesman Misha Piastor said.

No arrests have been made in Houston, Piastor said from the DEA field office in San Diego, but some may follow.

Agents in Houston carried no arrest warrants, Piastor said, and instead warned steroid purchasers about the perils of steroid use. They also sought information on traffickers.

Piastor said an unspecified number of arrests were made in other states as agents interviewed hundreds of the best customers among more than 2,000 U.S. residents who bought steroids from the indicted businesses.

"We were pretty much able to document sales in every state of the country," he said.

Saltiel Cohen is accused of owning three of the six targeted steroid manufacturers: Quality Vet, Denkall and Animal Power. Merle Schneidewind, a San Diego lawyer identified as Saltiel Cohen's attorney, did not return phone calls Friday.

The targeted suppliers accounted for $56 million in steroid sales per year, more than half of all steroids moved from Mexico into the United States, officials said.

Many of the Web sites implicated in the crackdown vanished Friday. Yet Internet sites for four companies were still available Friday, touting powerful performance enhancers as supplements for horses, dogs, chickens and other animals.

Authorities have not tried to close the Web sites because the site's creators could easily find another online host to advertise their products, Piastro said.

A site for an alleged supplier in Mexico City, Pets Pharma, became unavailable Friday afternoon, replaced by a white screen with the words, "En Construccion" (Spanish for "Under Construction"). The site gave no further explanation.

The site for Loeffler, S.A., an accused Mexico City provider, bills its products as useful for animals and children.

Federal prosecutor Tim Coughlin said U.S. officials will work with the Mexican government to find and extradite suspects who remain at large. Throughout the investigation, he said, U.S. leaders provided updates to Mexican authorities, who could not be reached for comment Friday.

Thursday's DEA announcement also sent a shock through online steroid chat rooms, where members bemoaned what many considered an unfair crackdown. At a forum for purported steroid users, some members suggested hoarding large quantities of the substances before the supply becomes scarce or buying instead from European suppliers.

"This is definitely not good," a member wrote. "They went straight to the manufacturer. 'Nip it at the bud,' so to speak. I have a bad feeling this is just the beginning
krembles said:
The death of Hooton's 17-year-old son, high school baseball pitcher Taylor Hooton, in 2003 was linked to a vial of steroids found in his room in the Dallas suburb.

Fuck Taylor Hooton. Fuck Taylor Hooton's dad.

I do agree that dids shouldn't use gear. So the kids and their parents should take responsibility not to use gear. Stop blaming others for your fuckups. If a kid wants to hurt themselves, then there is always be ample opportunity. Blamming that kids death on gear is just total bs.
mranak said:

Fuck Taylor Hooton. Fuck Taylor Hooton's dad.

I do agree that dids shouldn't use gear. So the kids and their parents should take responsibility not to use gear. Stop blaming others for your fuckups. If a kid wants to hurt themselves, then there is always be ample opportunity. Blamming that kids death on gear is just total bs.

Well Said! Thank You!

Also as my little footnote:

PS. FUCK the United States Government in general! Go after steroid users while they are too scared shitless to go after the coke, heroin and Meth lab dealers, producers and organizations! Cops know that 99% of steroid dealers and sellers do not carry AK-47's {{YET}} like the others mentioned above... so they don't have to worry about getting hurt. Especially a big FUCK YOU to the DEA and ATF (Modern day Gestapo Facist C'suckers!) Hell F the FBI too, they knew 9/11 was coming and did nothing! guess they were too busy preparing for the BIG GEAR crackdowns!
Trucker111 said:
So is this QV or what?
No. They seems have have busted American dealers (that used PUBLIC websites) that sold gear which ultimitely came from Mexico. Very dumb. IMHO, they had it coming.
Really depressing to know that the government spent 21 months to busting some ug labs in mexico. Glad they did this, would have been the end of the world if this would have continued (sarcasm). If they would have spent this much time busting meth labs and other narcotics on the street they might have done some good. I can't believe they made the comment that these companies were trying to lure young kids into using their products with claims of increased physical performance. Give me a break!
Look I love this country and don't care to live anywhere else, but this is embarassing that the DEA is focussing on steroids more than narcotics!!!! There is just so much ignorance in this country about steroids. I wish there were some high profile people that know something about steroids would stand up and say something about it. You know I heard there was a shoot out and a bunch of drive byes in California this week cause there were some arguments over dealers selling steroids on other dealers corners!!! (more sarcasm)
pockethercules said:
Really depressing to know that the government spent 21 months to busting some ug labs in mexico. Glad they did this, would have been the end of the world if this would have continued (sarcasm). If they would have spent this much time busting meth labs and other narcotics on the street they might have done some good. I can't believe they made the comment that these companies were trying to lure young kids into using their products with claims of increased physical performance. Give me a break!
Look I love this country and don't care to live anywhere else, but this is embarassing that the DEA is focussing on steroids more than narcotics!!!! There is just so much ignorance in this country about steroids. I wish there were some high profile people that know something about steroids would stand up and say something about it. You know I heard there was a shoot out and a bunch of drive byes in California this week cause there were some arguments over dealers selling steroids on other dealers corners!!! (more sarcasm)


Correct... and this is our (YOUR) tax dollars at work!
I think that might have been the best post I've ever read of yours Mranak!
That was the first thing that hit me when I saw that article. That man has done more than half of congress to put a bad name of steroids. All because his kid fucked up, used to young, and was emotionally unstable to begin with. He testified before congress numerous times, him and one other family have fueled the entire argument that Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) hurt "kids". Two damn kids commited suicide somewhere around a cycle and they expect us to believe this was the sole cause. And started an anti-steroid (and now anti-supplement) organization to put out more propaganda. It's nothing more than a grieving parent who doesn't know where to lash out, but godamnit, someone's gonna pay!
Yeah, that guy is a total fuckass. He just can't face the facts that his kid was fucked up, so he wants to find something to blame.

This country really pisses me off sometimes. Personal freedoms my ass.
Didn't congress drag a bunch of heavy metal bands in front of them to testify back in the 80's?(lyrics drove kids to suicide) Has congress done anything worth a shit in the last 20 years?
I think the parents should be charged with neglagent homicide or manslaughter, when is this country going to start punishing parents for their kids actions. It could of easly been avoided if this kids parents took anytime to know what was going on in this kids life. Since when can you charge someone in connection with suiccide anyways I guess we can't believe that someone would want to kill them selves all by themsleves especially kids. Maybe if we'd educate people on the use of it just like we should on all drugs including alcohol on how to properly manage the use of it, it would reduce a lot of problems. But we'd rather turn our heads and then blame someone else for our mistakes. Just my .02
gator_mclusky said:
All those products sucked dog piss anyway!!

It's still showing the NEW priority of the U.S. Govt! What ever happened to spending time and resources on ALL the other above mentioned drugs and other items. This money and time could be better used finding those who will blow-up the next big building with airplanes or truck bombs; i.e. real terrorist. What about internet child porn? Where is the major news headlines or Govt. raids on this MASSIVE level? Steroids & Internet Vs. Child porn and Internet... you pick which is worse! Next they will go after those who buy Viagra or Propecia over the internet... then Antibiotics... and so on.

With Terrorism on the rise and always a threat... The United States has a warped since of values, time, funding and use of Tax Dollars.
mranak said:

Fuck Taylor Hooton. Fuck Taylor Hooton's dad.

I do agree that dids shouldn't use gear. So the kids and their parents should take responsibility not to use gear. Stop blaming others for your fuckups. If a kid wants to hurt themselves, then there is always be ample opportunity. Blamming that kids death on gear is just total bs.

thats 1 kid who in a round about sort of way dies from steroids?? even if i believe steroids caused his death (whic i dont) what about the hundreds or maybe even more who die from X and all that other shit...

Even more importantly where are the fucking parents??????????? dont you see your kid talk to him? notice mood if i stepped out of line with a wisecrack or got snotty with my folks my father woud whack the shit outta me..

Fess up and be a parent and take some responsiblity-yes its horrible that a young kid has passed but dont blame "drugs" take th responibility for yourself for not being a parent
the kid could have died from how he shot the gear.. not so much from the gear.. an 3cc's of air will kill you within minutes... and small amounts of air injection can build up, i've seen it have to be drained...

I do not think kids should use gear.. it's one thing to be on juice, it's another thing to know how to correctly administer it.