Nandrolone with very low dose Test Cycle Opinions...

How did you find recovery on it? What were you bloods like? Any negatives?

Hey gg.. If you do decide your gonna run deca, but you plan on doing a shorter cycle with test prop, then u need to run NPP ( fast acting deca) NOT nandrolone deca,, standard deca needs ran 12+ weeks.. U can do test prop and npp 8 weeks
Hey gg.. If you do decide your gonna run deca, but you plan on doing a shorter cycle with test prop, then u need to run NPP ( fast acting deca) NOT nandrolone deca,, standard deca needs ran 12+ weeks.. U can do test prop and npp 8 weeks

Yeah cheers mate I had that one covered :) But wont be running unless I get a lot more info on it, test is only is much more documented as a first cycle.
Yeah cheers mate I had that one covered :) But wont be running unless I get a lot more info on it, test is only is much more documented as a first cycle.

ok good. your one of the guys that actually listens to advice and takes your time to make and educated decision. most guys get on here and are determined to do what they said they were gonna do no matter what advice was given,, so yeah I was just saying if your were gonna do deca with a first cycle no matter what we all advices you, that npp is a better choice for a short cycle