Nandrolone with very low dose Test Cycle Opinions...

Your talking about the pic proof of the "no sides" part of my post right ;) ?

Not the nympho wife and multiple threesomes thing... Just a guess

Nope! Want to see the nympho wife and multiple threezomes lol. Not really... Ok maybe a little

Part of me fantasizes about that but it would really suk to lose my wife to another woman. Plus, what might happen if the other woman was more orgasmic than my wife. Don't need my wife being jealous lol. Just a whole bag of worms that once it's opened
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Look on the bright side.. A few years down the road when your bald anyways, you can run whatever cycles you want without worrying about it, heck you can even through some DHTs in there like mast and primo

Lol yeah that is true but I would of prefered these gains a bit sooner than that as I've not got much interest in going beyond natural potential.
No worries. If you find your skin drying out and dandruff or itchiness appearing, it's due to the alcohol solution it comes in. You can squirt the 1ml onto a plate or bowl or something and leave it out in the open air for 20-30mins to evaporate the alcohol. Won't affect the compound at all.

Note, most people don't get this with the scalp. I do a bit, but I have sensitive skin. When I was applying it to my face this was an absolute must lol.

Yeah I've read about minoxidil's strange effects like this, it seems to work on a different principle than it was designed to.

I am intriqued by your good manners and lack of cursing. Where do you hail from ? I won t ask your name obviously ( but I m a bit of a nameologist lol ) I am an American citizen by birth (with German genes , yeah it s all my f k n fault righto --got it-- )and baggy jeans and Italian Shoes I got in Amsterdam but..your lack of cursing, use of slang and or refusal to get riled...

R u a bloody Royal for fuck s sake ? As that would be the shit it would right there...

Or an edu ma cated continental----it s frikken killing me.

Lmao! I currently live in London the past year or so but I am 100% irish... So just an edu-ma-cated irish guy If that satisfies your curiosity lol
Anyhow as the nandrolone idea was shot down as a first cycle, would there be any objection to test prop first cycle? Just could keep it shorter and get off it quicker if I didn't like the sides? I know the eod injection would be a bit more painful but I can deal with that I'm sure
Anyhow as the nandrolone idea was shot down as a first cycle, would there be any objection to test prop first cycle? Just could keep it shorter and get off it quicker if I didn't like the sides? I know the eod injection would be a bit more painful but I can deal with that I'm sure

Test only is perfect. The ester is up to you... if you can handle pinning eod then go for it bro. Just make sure you've got plenty of injection sites planned out. We normally recommend test e so people only need four sites and can get used to pinning, but up to you.

I'm pinning ED atm for my whole 12 week cycle, but it doesn't bother me at all. I rotate glutes, delts, ventroglutes & pecs mainly.

Never pin the same site more than once every 7 days.
Cool, I have someone qualified to help with the pinning until I get used to it so should be ok. This seems like the way to go for me then if I decide to get on it. I'd least I can cut the cycle short easier if I had to and the gear would be out of my system quicker. I'll look into this option some more. Have any of you had bad aggression on test alone?
Nope! Want to see the nympho wife and multiple threezomes lol. Not really... Ok maybe a little

Part of me fantasizes about that but it would really suk to lose my wife to another woman. Plus, what might happen if the other woman was more orgasmic than my wife. Don't need my wife being jealous lol. Just a whole bag of worms that once it's opened

Nympho wife
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Nympho wife with girlfriend on top just before I join in
View attachment 560574

I definitely choose libido over hair loss guys ! I got no choice :)
Roush winning the game of life. I crown you King of the day! Maybe I'm selfish, but I'd rather have girls on the side. Just seems less messy if things go wrong. Definitely jealous of guys that can make it work though!
Roush winning the game of life. I crown you King of the day! Maybe I'm selfish, but I'd rather have girls on the side. Just seems less messy if things go wrong. Definitely jealous of guys that can make it work though!

I got caught with a 20 year old girl I was seeing on the side (a couple years ago).. the wifey found out and instead of getting mad she told me it turned her on and that I could pick up as many chicks on the side as I wanted as long as I shared with her.. not the reaction I was expecting. But I'm good with that!
But now we prefer to just pick up chicks together. always a friendly competition between the two of us to see who can get the girl to come back to the hotel with us first.

OP - sorry, I totally distracted your thread - now where were we? What have you decided on for your first cycle.. btw, what are your goals for your first cycle anyhow??
Lol no prob... It was an interesting distraction to say the least...

If I do a cycle I think it will be test prop for 8 weeks. My goals would be increased muscle mass without adding fat. I'm not looking to get huge or competition lean ever, I'd rather just reach my natural limit faster and remain athletic and hopefully be able to keep them gains naturally. I wouldn't intend on cycling long term... Having accepted the fact that hair loss is a great risk, test still seems the safest way to go. Secondary concerns would be aggression and then depression in pct... anyone have any bad ezexperience of this with test alone?
Haha, oh the posts. Yea, I'm with a few of these guys. I know a lot of people are excited about 'roids' and think they're gunna be some miracle pin. It does help, but doesn't do much of the hard work.

If you haven't pinned a cycle yet, I'd honestly just get a T-400. 400mg/ml stuff that's a nice mix. Pin 1 ML (400mg) every 7 days. Do that for 12-16 weeks. Let your body complain and bitch at you for the decent amount of pain you'll be putting it through.

A straight Test first cycle is your best bet... I have done a T only cycle and it really takes you into the world and shows you what needs to be done. I'll tell you tho, if this is your first pin... Have fun with T-400, it lets you know you're alive. Do it in the buttocks and make sure you warm the vile up first... maybe ice where you're going to pin. I DON'T SUGGEST IN THE THIGH! Seriously, it was my first pin, I did T-400 into the thigh.. I could barely walk for 2 days. haha.

Have fun. Final verdict, a T-400 1ml/week.

If you can find this stuff... it's a win.

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Why does the post above feel like a sales pitch?

Btw, NEVER ice an injection spot. You'll crash the hormone out of suspension, causing more pain. ;)
Why does the post above feel like a sales pitch?

Btw, NEVER ice an injection spot. You'll crash the hormone out of suspension, causing more pain. ;)

Totally agree. Warm the oil or the injection site after but never ice it. OP your going to have to decide between every day pins or twice a week. Even with a long ester I still prefer twice a week. Starting out 2 times a week is not bad. I know you said you have qualified help for the pins. But learn to do it yourself. When you get a little more practice you will see why. Only you can feel how the pin is going. Eventually you will be able to feel when you have it in a bad spot. You will get so good at it eventually you only feel the initial prick on the skin. Perfect pins means little to no PIP. reduced risk of infection. and less build up of scar tissue.

If I were you I would just run Test C or E twice a week and be done with it. Learn how you respond to test. Learn how to control your E properly which takes time and patience. Then maybe do a test/deca cycle with dbol up front. Remember to eat all the test in the world won't make you grow if you don't eat:)